
My Supermodel Wife (For Sale!)

My dream will come true! Soon I will be arriving in Italy and appearing at the Milan Fashion Show! My photos will be published in all fashion magazines around the world! In the end, all my sacrifices and hard work will not be in vain! But why my dream become a nightmare!? Daddy suddenly invited me to meet a young CEO who was really arrogant. He said, for the sake of my family's business, I will become his future wife of the young CEO! I don't want to marry him! I don't even know, and don’t love him, but now I have to sacrifice my dream to become his housewife!? What about my dream? Are my efforts and sacrifices in vain? What does the world's most arrogant CEO want? Does he think money can buy love?

Renata99 · Urban
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1252 Chs

Denied Identity

Mellie just stared at Lilia without saying anything for a few moments. Her eyes were fixed on the model's expression, as if waiting for her to change her mind. But when Lilia looked back at her confidently, Mellie slightly smiled.

The short haired woman raised her coffee cup as she asked, "Why are you so sure that I am a member of the Irwan Family?"

"Intuition." Lilia answered without hesitation.

Hearing that answer, Mellie's laughter suddenly exploded. Her loud laughter made the cafe visitors turn their head towards them. Mellie's sudden movement shook her coffee cup, making her hands splash with hot coffee. The woman hurriedly put her cup back on the table as she wiped her tears.

"Aah, I didn't expect that kind of answer at all. Because your answer is so comforting to me, then I will be honest with you." Mellie's gaze turned serious, "You're right, I was once part of the Irwan Family."

"Once?" Lilia tilted her head when she caught that word.