
My Superior Husband

A man immediately approached the woman who now seemed to be lying weakly on a hospital bed. Slowly the woman began to open her eyes. After blinking for a while to adjust her eyes to the light in the room, now Liora can finally open her eyes perfectly. "Wh-what happened to me, Jeff?" asked Liora when she saw her body was now on a hospital bed with several wounds on her body. "I will be responsible, Liora," said Jeff, said while lowering his head. "Responsible ...." Liora tried to remember and it didn't take long for the woman to immediately remember what had just happened to her and what Jeff's words meant. "Re-really?" A glimmer of hope appeared within the woman, in her heart she felt so happy because finally Jeff wanted to take responsibility for his past actions. A file and ballpoint pen were thrown over Liora's body. Jeff then said simply, "Read it and sign it right away. It's a contractual marriage agreement between us."

Tirtana_Karya · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Run Away

"No, Mom. I don't want to marry him! I want to have my own life choices, I want to live my own life!" Liora kept yelling at a woman who had given birth and cared for her this much.

Myla chuckled, her hands beside her body with sharp eyes looking at her only daughter. "You should feel happy because your future is certain, Liora!"

"No human being wants they life to be controlled by other people, Mom!"

"Shut up, Liora! You should be lucky to have parents like us!" Harry also spoke.

"Dad, Mom, Liora are lucky to have parents as good as you. But, please ... don't always force me to do whatever you want!" Liora said it with cheeks wet with tears.

"Okay, you can get married if it's bad. But it's for your own good, Liora!" Myla said more gently this time.

While Liora shook her head several times still crying. The woman said, "For the past twenty-four years I have followed your requests, do you think I am happy? Do you think I will?!"

A hard slap landed right on Liora's left cheek. This made the woman silent for a moment while holding her cheek. She felt the hot and sore feeling from the place not only on her cheeks, but also in her heart.

"I regret giving birth to you, Liora!!!" Myla snapped accompanying Liora's fast steps to her room.

"I'm also sorry for raising you if you're just being a cultivator like you are now!!!" Harry shouted too.

The door to the room was closed with a loud slam, the sound even echoed throughout the house.

Meanwhile, no one knew that Liora was crying in the room. The woman tried her best to hold back her sadness, but it immediately overflowed when she was already in her room.

Liora's hands gripped the bed cover and immediately pulled it away, causing the pillow that was on the surface of the bed to also just fall onto the floor.

Without thinking further, the suitcase that had been silent for a long time on the top of the cupboard was immediately taken. Liora then put her clothes into the suitcase without tidying it up.

All the things she might need immediately put in the suitcase. Likewise, several files containing her personal identity.

At night around one o'clock in the morning when the house is quiet and dark. A pair of footsteps crept into a room with an unlocked door.

There were two people sleeping on the bed, they looked so soundly asleep that they didn't notice the presence of other people in the room.

Some money and jewelery belonging to Myla and Harry were taken, then Liora immediately left the room.

A woman walked in one cold night, wearing a thick jacket and shoes and carrying a small suitcase filled with clothes, files and some jewelery and money.

The goal this time was to head to the next town. With the money she got from stealing Harry's money, Liora went to a train station and then took her to a city just two hours from her hometown.

The journey started well enough, there were no obstacles whatsoever. Along the way, Liora kept looking for information about cheap lodging in the city.

"Well, this is very good to live in temporarily." Liora said when she saw a fairly simple residence, located near the city center but with a fairly cheap price.

After two hours of travel, the train stopped and now she was in the next town. She immediately turned on the maps on her cell phone to guide her to the home sharing she had chosen.

"Only one person left, I have to get there before anyone else." Liora said with fast steps.

"Hi, Cute Girl."

Liora's steps stopped when a man with a scary look, thick mustache and a lustful smile appeared in front of her.

"Wh-who are you?! D--Don't bother me!" Liora tried to be firm even though she was scared.

"Calm down, Sweet Girl. I'm not bothering you. How could I bother a cute girl like you." He said with a disgusting lustful smile.

Liora shook her head, "Go! Get away from me!!!"

"Hahahaha, it's not that easy, Cute Girl. You should at least come with me first, how about that?" He said, this time his hands started trying to touch Liora's arm.

Luckily Liora immediately dodged so that the disgusting man didn't manage to touch her. Firmly, Liora said, "Don't touch me!"

"Damn you, Bitch!" The man looks angry.

Liora who was scared immediately turned around and ran as fast as she could. Occasionally she would look back, but unfortunately Liora always saw the man chasing her.

"Don't run away! You are mine tonight, Sweet Girl!" He shouted.

Hosh! Hosh! Hosh!

The suitcase is now in the arms of both hands, Liora tries to run as fast and create the distance as far as she can. Occasionally Liora would turn her head to see if she was far enough away from that disgusting man or not.

Beeppp!!! Beeeppppppp!!!

The long horn twice startled Liora, when the woman turned around a bright light from the car dazzled her eyes.

Liora knew that she was very close to the moving car. Instead of avoiding it, the shock made the girl stand on the spot and just cover her face with her arms.

"AAAAAA!!!" Liora shouted along with the car getting closer.


Just as Liora had imagined before. Her body bounced off the top of the car and then just fell to the asphalt surface.

It felt like her whole body had now been crushed, pain was felt all over her body as she lay weakly close to the car tires which were no longer turning.

"What did I say, you better do as I say and don't have to run away, Cute Girl!"

It was silent for a moment, no sound whatsoever. Liora slowly opened her eyes, pain immediately shot up in her head and even made Liora wince in pain this time.

The woman dragged her body out from under the car. Luckily the car stopped though so that no part of its body was crushed by the tires of the car.

"Aw, this hurts so bad. Just getting here is already unlucky!" Liora kicked the car with her remaining strength.

The woman approached the car door, she felt angry because the car owner did not come out after hitting her.

"Hey damn it! If you can't drive a car better stay at home! Now be responsible!!!"

"Shut up! You are so noisy!!!"

The response from the car owner instantly made Liora even more furious. The woman's hand immediately opened the car which apparently was unlocked.