

It a story revealing how a supervillain killed thousand for power but in the face of civilian is a superhero.watch how his mate gets an hint on his huge secret but when it was to late he took over the world that made a new hero arrive and how he reveals the secret of the ultimate stone.

Lawanson · Others
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6 Chs

2 De-seal of a fake hero

(150 Years later)

After the great downfall of tarib,the citizen rebuilt a new tarib as a well technologized city, though people still worshipped cristopher statue but no man ever found him.

Then one day four citizens went to the tarib palace to get answers to their questions.As they traveled throw the cave they saw ancient writing but pass by as they sighted the crystal diamond one of them took it but the evil society got their with weapons,as they were about to collect the diamond,the four citizens recited the writing as smoke filled everywhere and suddenly a huge man appeared they shot him,but he was faster than the bullets as he killed all the army,he was shot with migranium that made him lying on the ground the citizens took him to their hideout as they treat him.whenhe woke up he it was strange to him to see a new tarib,the citizen explained everything to him as they introduce themselves,they tried to convince him into helping them but he wasn't in a good mood,as he stepped out he saw his poster as wanted as he understands the rules of the new world,so he took shelter in the hideout but without a pure mind.