
My Super Power is called "Level Up"

Rangga Kent, a 15-year-old boy who has no power in a world filled with Super Powers. One time, in an unexpected tragedy, his superpower awakens, namely the "Leveling System". A power that allows him to "Level Up" like a game character. After he received the power, his life story went crazy as the world around him turned into uncertain chaos. Can Rangga use his power? Can his newfound strength help him become greater? Stay tuned in. " My Superpower is Called "Level Up" "

KJVZeanso · Fantasy
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149 Chs


( Hello guys welcome to My Webnovel ..... )

( First, this story will be focusing on our Main Character's Origin Story enjoy.)

Superpowers …

Is everything in this era….

Ever since the 'Emergence', the earth is not like it used to be anymore …

In that very moment, many people suddenly gained their power both from birth or from various events as in the 'Emergence' humanity has been blessed with the 'Metagene'.

An evolved Genetic Blessing gifted by the Diviners, to enhance humanity's genetic capabilities to overcome many threats.

With the Metagenes' increasing emergence on humanity, .. many people in the world have been receiving Superpowers that make them more powerful than normal humans.

And these people are called …

Metahumans …

As their number grows, the Metahumans now already defeated the number of normal humans as the normal humans are being swept away through time in memorial, and thanks to that, humanity has now forgotten the word normal as they now claimed to be the 'Super Race'.

After humanity declare itself as the 'Super Race', their existence began to attract many things starting from monsters, aliens, and any other things that came from beyond to challenge humanity's advanced evolution.

With that many challenges, many Metahumans then strive to keep the peace for humanity as they were now known as Heroes, brave warriors of justice who will protect the innocent and defend the weak for they believe justice and peace are equally for everybody.

But as soon as the number of Metahuman grows, a new caste system was created where Metahumans are in the top position while ordinary humans are placed in the lowest position as they are all considered as "monkeys" and will always be humiliated.

Just like this boy named Rangga Kent, a nice orphan boy who lives with his grandmother in a small shop. He is a nice and quite smart boy who was one of the middle top students in Ultima Academy that once promised to insure that normal students like him will be treated fairly just like the superpowered student.

( But, in reality ..., )

" Hey Rangga you monkey idiot, why did you spill my coffee!!!!?? " shouts a bully beating Rangga in front of everyone's faces.

As the bully beat him Rangga could only think in his mind while trying to defend himself with his hands. He thinks of himself as his emotions become unstable.

While he was beaten, every student around them only watch and giggle seeing a 'monkey' being slapped by a superhuman as it should be.

" Hahaha look at that 'monkey', it seems he's been slapped for ruining Ardan's meal again. " shouts someone laughing at Rangga.

While the boys teased him, the girls began to make him viral on social media while of course blurring his face.

" Hey, why do you filming him Rika, did that will make a problem for you if someone sues you because of it? " ask a girl scared.

But Rika who was just filming just turned to her and said without guilt, " Of course not, why would anyone sue me for just humiliating a nerd monkey? "

" After all, I can just have my lawyer to cover me up in the court or bribing the money maniac prosecutors, hehehehe," she said with a little laugh.

Everyone there just laughing at him, even the Student Council doesn't even try to stop Ardan the Tier III superpower boy who is also a son of a famous Superhero who's also Rangga's classmate from punching Rangga down.

Rangga there only stood his hand while protecting his face, as he sees the people around him looking at him as some kind of gladiator.

"(Damn you Ardan, why do always keep getting beat up?)" Rangga says in his mind.

"(…and why are you people just watching right there? enjoying this scene like I'm some kind of animal … )" while glancing to the right.

"(.. even the student council president Viora and her administrators who are also the same Tier as Ardan can only stay silent.)" he thinks to himself as he saw the Academy Council President just watching at him and just leaving without giving a damn.

While Rangga keeps defending, Ardan decides to use his superpower called "Energy Burst" where Ardan coats his body with wisps of energy that will increase strength and strength. the destructive power of the attack.

After Rangga was knocked unconscious by Ardan, the crowd surrounded him laugh sarcastically as they saw Rangga a normal human, or they usually called monkey, is now lying on the ground after being battered, and some even took pictures of him.

" Loser monkey, Stupid monkey hahaha hahaha !!!!!!!!! " as everyone shouting him.

Ardan goes to leave but Rangga instinctively pulls his shoes making him trip, everyone was shocked to see that happened even Ardan himself was instantly in rage after experiencing that.

" Why you little monkey, fine then I will destroy you with my beam and bring your ashes to your old rotten grandmother !!!!!!!!!!! " as he tries to increase his beam.

" Everyone hold him up. " Ardan ordered everyone as they hold Rangga so Ardan can easily target him but.

" Ardan what are you doing !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?" shouted an old voice, in a midst of the crowd.

It was Rangga's grandmother who was trying to give Rangga his lunch meal. Granny with her grandma's instinct she instantly hits Ardan with her cane which made Ardan more ridiculed than ever.

" Oh my god turn it off, turn it off !!! " says the girl while turning the recording off because of her fear of Ardan.

As everyone sees the granny, they began to whisper bad things about her while looking at her 'monkey' grandson. Without fear, grandma started to slap Ardan again in his face which makes him more furious.

" Goddammit Rangga's grandma, why are you slapping me !!!!! ? " he asked without a little bit of guilt.

As the chaos erodes, the principal, Lensflare began to come to the scene and mediate the situation. While he asks the students to pick Rangga from the nursery room. The students there just stood shocked while looking at Ardan as he finally responses.

" So what everyone, if you want your grades safe then follow the principal's order ... " he replied with an annoyed face since he maybe can challenge the student council but he still had many years to challenge the principal's authority.

As the students began to pick Rangga to the nursery room .... some of them began to say sorry to him with a slow voice fearing that Ardan's men will hear their sympathize and make them the next target while Rangga replied.

" I hate you, !!!! "

" Why do all of you just stand there ..... while it happened? "Rangga says with a weak voice while starting to close his eyes.


< ... ... .... >

< System Initializing ... the process will take time due to an insufficient trigger. >


[ Initialization: 00.08% ]


[ Scanning ]

[ Hostile Threat Scanned ]

[ Name: Ardan Pulsar ]

[ Age: 15 ]

[ Meta powers: Energy Control ]

[ Power Tier: Tier III (Powerful) ]


Hello KJVZeanso here, I just want to tell you that this is the beginning of Rangga's power development where he will understand the truest extent of the power that is installed within him.


Hi I'm KJVZeanso, this is my webnovel in my second account, I hope you guys enjoyed the crazy story. Thanks.

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