
My Super Power is called "Level Up"

Rangga Kent, a 15-year-old boy who has no power in a world filled with Super Powers. One time, in an unexpected tragedy, his superpower awakens, namely the "Leveling System". A power that allows him to "Level Up" like a game character. After he received the power, his life story went crazy as the world around him turned into uncertain chaos. Can Rangga use his power? Can his newfound strength help him become greater? Stay tuned in. " My Superpower is Called "Level Up" "

KJVZeanso · Fantasy
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149 Chs


For two days Rangga prepares his physique as he still overwhelmed of the intense training tasks that system say that could give him an EXPs.

< Task Completed >

< EXP+25 >

< Task Completed >

< EXP+35 >

< Task Completed >

< EXP+45 >

< Congratulations you got an Achievement. >

< Achievement: " Three Days Tasks " >

< Reward: EXP+45 >

< Congratulations you Leveled Up >

< You are now Level 2 >

< All status +1 >

" Gaaahhhh .... dammit this is only just a tutorial task but it already makes me drained !!!!!!! " said Rangga exhausted.

" Hey system, If just you said that my powers can be increased through pain, then my future task and quest is going to be more painful isn't it? "

< " Of course user Rangga, I will gladly give more painful tasks and quest for you to make you more powerful than ever before. " > said system popping up an evil grin icon.

" Gulp .... !!!!!!!! "

A few minutes passed, Rangga finished all his tasks as his EXP is very close to making him entering Level 3.

< EXP: 420/450 >

" Just a little more, just a little more juice to get Level 3 !!!! " said Rangga while opening the system to find more tasks but.

< Task: Defeat 10 opponents (Locked) >

< Available on LV.3 >

< Quest: Reach Level 5 (Locked) >

< Task: Enhance a weapon (Locked) >

< Available after receiving a class. >

" Come on come on, there should be a task and a quest that is available for level 2," said Rangga searching the Task and Quest Menu.

After a few minutes Rangga stressed out after searching anywhere for Level 2 quest in the menu, he bumps into the bed and decided to call it a day. But before he starts diving into the dream world a bell ringed.


" Hello candidate no. 1342994, this is administrator Sayge who wanted to review your stay in the room !!! "

Hearing the voice, Rangga thought to himself if he should open it but Systems popped up and notifies a danger.


< Hostile Threat Detected >

< Name: Millacra >

< Race: Bloodsucker >

< Race possible affiliation: Vampire >

< Level : 51 >

< Job: Administrator, Torturer >

< LVL : 48 >

< Job: Administrator, Prison Guard >

Seeing the data Rangga began to widened his mouth like, " What hell she again, what do she want this time? "

Can't withstand the bell anymore Rangga opened the door and saw that Sayge was tied up in front of him and from outside the door, Millacra leaps in and smashes Rangga to the nearest wall.

"( What the .... what is she doing to .. ? )"

" Hello my naughty brat do you missed me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " said Millacra as she laughed hysterically.

Rangga frees himself from her grasp and he puts a fight stance. Millacra smiled seeing Rangga prepared himself to fight her, so she emerges her sharp claws and tried to strike Rangga with them.

" SSSLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSHHHHHHH !!! " She said as she slashed the furnitures.

Rangga dodges her attacks as fast as he could but his body wasn't agile enough since his AGI( Agility Point) is still 11.

"( Oh no if continue to dodge her like this my body could get a cramp. )" thought Rangga as he holds the feeling of pain.

Sayge began to tries to free himself from the tie that Millacra cast on him with her blood magic using his releasing spell as he cast the words silently.

"(( anemo sanctum mecda anemo sekmo de, Furutegeiroufuru Rilesis Bridy ))"

Meanwhile, Rangga flees himself from Millacra's reach as he thought that facing her in the front is very suicide due to level difference, so he decided to flee to the kitchen to find a proper weapon.

"( Hmm ... I hope the kitchen has a sharp cooking kit that can at least be used to hurt people .... )" while looking at the kitchen surroundings.

"( Aha there it is lucky me .. !!!! )"

< You found a usable item >

< Item: Dorm Kitchen Knife (Common) >

< Item Location: Dorm Kitchen >

< STAT: ATK+12 >

< Item: Dorm Frying Pan (Common) >

< Item Location: Dorm Kitchen >

< STAT: DEF+10 >

< Congratulations you got an Achievement >

< Achievement: Environment Weapon >

< Reward: EXP+35 >

< You are now Level 3 >

< All status +1 >

" Come here you bloody bloodsucker leech !!!!! " Rangga shouted while raising his pan like a shield.

Seeing the pan and knife, Millacra laughs as she can't get the logic about her getting hurt from a feeble weapon like a kitchen knife or her attacks can be blocked by a frying pan.

" Muahahahahahha .... oh boy what are you going to do, are you going to harm me using that dull knife and soft pan !!!!!!!!!!! " Millacra said while raising her claws.

Seeing her claws raised, Rangga throws the pan at her face to blind her after that he slicked her mouth with his knife. After the strike landed, Millacra touches her skin and feels the cut as her vampire's teeth are now being cut by the kitchen knife.

" Why why you !!!!!!!!!!? "

" What did you do to my beautiful vampire teeth !!!!? " Millacra said while looking at the nearby mirror.

Seeing the damage from the mirror, Millacra began to attack Rangga again but was stunned by Sayge using his spell.

" Ahhh got you my impatient bloodsucking mate !!!!!!!!!! " said Sayge while casting his spell.

" Oh hello kid, good to have you still survived from her feeding time ... !!!! " said Sayge to Rangga.

" Feeding time ?? "

" Yes, after you tried to escape her from your cell, she became furious as it's her duty to feast upon the disobedient candidates," he said while trying to hold Millacra down.

" Besides since tomorrow it's you're last day here, she asked me to at least to say goodbye to you as she wanted your blood so lately. "

Hearing the explanation Rangga shook his head as he refuses his blood to be sucked by an unknown vampire woman. Millacra grunts herself from Sayge spell as she wanted Rangga's tasty blood.

" Blood oh blood oh blood ........ " she said while looking to Rangga.

Rangga just stood by as he replies, " Uh you want my blood, well .... no thanks I still needed it when entering the pit !!! "

" Oh yeah by the way administrator (Sayge), what is it again that should I prepare before entering the Pit ? " ask Rangga to Sayge.

" Oh yeah about the preparation, here I already write it all on this note. "

< Note: >

< Candidate's Preparation H-1 before entering the Pit. >

< 1) Accept the assigned floor ritual. >

< 2) Create a will as a memoir so the administrators can send it to their relatives. >

" So basically tomorrow's my releasing day from the dorm huh administrator? " Rangga asks while thinking something.

" Yeah, kid, starting this evening you should prepare yourself for upcoming events so I'm here to give you the tutorial note to speed your progress since explaining will take a long time.

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