
My Super Gift (Fantasy)

Ezeakolam_Nneoma · Fantasy
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6 Chs


(Evil Kingdom)

Bossy: It's high time we let those two little girls know what we are made of.

Jerry: Yes.... they can't be roaming free with such powers

Lilly: let's send one of our able agent to bring them to us.

Weird Friend: They might be little girls, but they have power so we shouldn't underestimate them.

Lilly: We aren't underestimating them, all we are trying to say is that now is the right time to attack them, since they haven't realized the powers they posses.

Bossy: Yes Master! Lilly is right. But the question here is, Who will we send?

Jerry: Well this is where i come in. I gat the perfect girl in mind, Her name is Felicia and she is in the name class with our targets. She just needs to add a little effort by being friends with them and bring them to us.

Weird Friend: But she is just a mare Human.

Jerry: Yes i know, but i have things settled out.

Weird friend: She has no power for such battle. Or is it what i am thinking?

Jerry: Yes Master! I plan of giving some of my powers to her to make her fit for my plans

Weird Friend: Then it is fine with us, Remember we have no time to waste.

Jerry: Leave that to me Boss, i have it all under control.

Jerry: Lucky..... lucky..... are you little one

Felicia: ummmmmm... didn't your Mama teach you how to knock on someone's door before invading their privacy? (As she rolls her eyes and ignores him)

Jerry: Hey! Don't give me attitude. I am here to make your life much more worthy than it is.

Felicia: (Chuckles) Ha! I hear you.

( Jerry gets angry sending Felicia's books and materials flying in the hair and bom! he drops them making her room a mess)

Felicia: Who the Hell are you? ( As she stood up in fear and amazement)

Jerry: I am your Spirit guide.

Felicia: Woah!!! And how can I help you?

Jerry: I want us to make a deal. I will give you Powers in return that you bring Me Rihanna and Bianca.

Felicia: Why do you need them? And besides i am not their friend.

Jerry: They are the Key. So bring them to me, and you can keep the powers i am about to bestow in you.

Felicia: Hmmm..... Okay I am in

( And in Twinkle on an Eye, Jerry gave her powers, and Felicia should feel something great passing through her veins and she smiles wickedly)

Rihanna: Bianca Why do you look like a Walking Dead?

Bianca: Haha! Not Funny.

Rihanna: Okay fine am sorry. Why are you like this?

Bianca: Hurray My Mum is planning on making my life a living Hell!!!!!!!!!

Rihanna: Okay i sense anger. So calm down How is your Mum planning on doing Such? She is your Mum for crying out loud.

Bianca: She is registering My little Sis in a School today.

Rihanna: So be Happy. I don't see anything wrong with that!

Bianca: She is bring her here for goodness sake. And I don't want that, My little sister is like a thorn in the flesh.

Rihanna: Okay you are joking right? Girl lucky you..... you have a little is and I don't have so try to be nice to her and besides she is in Junior level, you won't even get to see her.

Bianca: oh! I totally forgot that. Hurray!!!!!!!

(As the two girls bust into laughter)

Felicia: Hey Girls! Wait up

Bianca: Ummm..... Hello It's Bianca and Rihanna,why are you shouting our names are you going blind?

Felicia: I know... I am not dumb

Bianca: I thought you were cause you look so( in a low tone)

Felicia: I guess you know that i can hear you?

Bianca: And so what! Or do you wanna Fight Me? Bring in on......

( As the two girls Stairs at each other angrily)