
My Super Gift (Fantasy)

Ezeakolam_Nneoma · Fantasy
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6 Chs

3: What Am I?

(Back To School)

Bianca: Hey girl! I waited for your call but didn't receive any

Rihanna: Sorry dear, i was so preoccupied that i forgot.

Bianca: It's okay Girl, I understand.

( In class Rihanna saw that her sit has been messed up and she turned to Hillary who gave her a wicked smile).

Rihanna: Excuse Me Mrs Wise

Mrs Wise: Yes how can i help you Rihanna?

Rihanna: Hillary messed up my sit.

Mrs Wise: Hillary is that true

Hillary: No Ma´am, I am to descent to do such an act.

Mrs Wise: Hillary I know you and what you are capable of doing, so me asking you is just like beating a dead rat. Leave My class now and before you leave clean up Rihanna's sit.

( Hillary Sighed and rolled her eyes, cleaned Rihanna's sit and went out of the class)

(Lunch Time)

( Rihanna and Bianca seats out on an open Field to eat, Hillary and her two friends Valerie and Stephanie showed up)

Hillary: You think I will let you go away just like that after making me to be sent out of the class?

Valerie: Hell No Girl! You most pay

Stephanie: And this is pay back time.

( Hillary took Rihanna's drink and poured it on her, kicked Rihanna's food to the ground, Hillary and her friends walks away laughing)

Bianca: Would you just let her walk away just like that?

(Rihanna was Silent)

Bianca: okay, just let me have her.

( Bianca stood up angrily ready to attack Hillary and her friends, but Rihanna holds her hand)

Rihanna: Just let it be Bianca, am used to her bullying me.

Bianca: oh really? Well not on my watch will she go free.

( Bianca attempts to follow Hillary, Rihanna in a very angry mood crosses her hands in front of Bianca to stop her, but surprisingly the Dustin bin that was facing Rihanna's view went flying a very far distance. The Two girls stood in surprise).

Bianca: What did you just do?

Rihanna: i am as surprised and confused as you are now.

Bianca: Woah! is it what am thinking? Rihanna please do what you just did, but this time aim it at Hillary.

( Rihanna then sited a dust bin by Hillary's Side, she then raised her hands up a little and stretched her hands towards Hillary and the dust bin fell on Hillary)

Bianca: Wow! Wow!

(After School)

Bianca: uhhh... Rihanna your tyres are punctured.

Rihanna: oh no! how can i go home now? ( as she burst into tears)

Bianca: calm down..... I have an idea

Rihanna: Which is?

Bianca: Try to do what you did this afternoon but this time around try to do it slowly and see if you can put air into your tyres.

( Rihanna did as Bianca said and to her shock it really worked the tyres were blowing up, Bianca then took a rubber out of her bag, placed it on the floor and kept her hand on top of it. And to Rihanna's Surprise the rubber started melting, Bianca then used the melted rubber to cover the hole of the tyres).

Rihanna: What did you just do?

Bianca: It's a long story.

Rihanna: What am i? Infact what are we?

Bianca: Time to go home before our parents beings the school down(as she chuckles)

Rihanna: But.....But....

Bianca: You have my number call me when you get home and I will answer all your questions.

Rihanna: Okay

( And the two girls went their separate ways)

Evil Being: Wow! so they are two? It wasn't even difficult for me to find the second pair(he burst into evil laughter). Now let the fun begin, Their Powers Will Be Ours.

(Evil Being Vanishes)