
My Super Dimensional President Daily Life in anime world

Minachi Shinya crossed into a two-dimensional world overnight and gained the ultimate peak life system. He had thought he would lead a blissful and fulfilling life, but little did he know that he would still need to strive and work diligently to release those two-dimensional works that had never appeared in this world before. However, this led to various encounters with these two-dimensional characters. Tohsaka Rin: "So, it was that Mapo Tofu Priest who was the true culprit behind the destruction of my family." Saber: "The reason my Great Britain fell was not because of Mordred's rebellion, but because of the insatiable appetite of our Pendragon family!" Golden King of comedian: "You bastard! It's because of you that I, the brilliant king, have been reduced to receiving various nicknames like Golden Pika, Golden King of comedian, King of Streetlights, and Dumb King." Minachi Shinya: "Well, then come and bite me, damn it." Witness how Minachi Shinya stirs up the world in this new dimension, enjoying everything to the fullest... Translator Warning: This is Chinese fanfic novel, don't expect the story line to be too interesting, it's just simple and I'm just translating while reading this novel too, This novel and its characters are entirely fictional. Any resemblance is purely coincidental. Please refrain from imitating.

So_Epic · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Ch 3

Minachi Shinya's identity in this world is actually that of a second-generation wealthy individual. The position of chairman of the large company he currently inherits is the one left to him by his deceased parents. About ten years ago, an unidentified gas explosion occurred in Fuyuki City, which affected and claimed the lives of his parents who were residing in the city at the time. Well, there's no need to think too much about it; it's clear that it was the incident caused by the Fourth Holy Grail War that happened ten years ago.

However, the important thing is that the young Minachi Shinya at the time, who was still in primary school, was unable to manage the operations of such a large company. Some of the employees under him had inappropriate thoughts and tried to deceive the young Minachi Shinya into signing over the ownership of the company, aiming to take control of the Minachi family's business. Fortunately, the Minachi family had their own subsidiary forces due to their long history. Although over time those subsidiary forces had left one after another, only an old butler named Sebastian remained to take care of Minachi Shinya. It was with the help of this loyal butler that Minachi Shinya gradually stabilized the company's situation.

However, during these ten years, the Minachi family's company had never expanded its business externally. The company's profitability did not experience significant growth and only managed to stay afloat. It was only when Minachi Shinya reached the age of 16 and became the legal heir that the company made significant changes recently. Several subsidiary companies specializing in research on network-related matters, research institutes, and branches dedicated to developing the two-dimensional industry were established. However, as they were just starting out, they hadn't achieved substantial profits yet. Many of the old employees doubted whether the new chairman, Minachi Shinya, had the ability to lead the company to success.

But everything has changed now. The current Minachi Shinya is not the same as before. The present Minachi Shinya is a true cheat-code teenager. Making his company profitable is not a difficult task at all, considering he already possesses a system. Following the memories of the route in his mind, Minachi Shinya returned to his villa located in Fuyuki City. The villa was situated by the seaside, an area that had experienced a peculiar incident in the past. It almost made the government at the time think that monsters had resurfaced, and they even wondered if there was a character like Doraemon in this world. But that gigantic monster was eliminated by a strong flash of light and never reappeared. Nevertheless, the residents of Fuyuki City sold off the coastal area, and no one wanted to live there anymore. The government officials of Fuyuki City made great efforts and spent a large sum of money to transform the area into an upscale villa district.

However, the desolate scenery remained unchanged. It was only when Minachi Shinya took an interest in the area and invested in it that the government officials became ecstatic. They directly said that whatever Minachi Shinya wanted to do with the area was fine, as long as it wasn't illegal. Thus, the former Minachi Shinya, with his family's wealth, spent a considerable amount of money to acquire the land and build a large mansion estate. The estate had all kinds of facilities, environments, and landscapes. As it was also close to the seaside, it was equipped with everything needed for a seaside vacation. But when Minachi Shinya actually arrived there, he realized that his imagination had been too limited.

"I never expected that in this world, I would have enjoyed such extravagance. This mansion district is really grand."

"However, it's strange that the previous Minachi Shinya didn't employ any maids. There was only one old butler, Sebastian."

But Minachi Shinya didn't dwell on it and walked straight into the villa. Once inside, he immediately called the butler to prepare dinner. It was already late, and Minachi Shinya's stomach was growling with hunger. On the dining table, Minachi Shinya also took out the materials about advanced computer technology and handed them to the butler, Sebastian. He instructed him to take them to the department responsible for researching such matters within his family's company and quickly turn the contents into tangible results. After all, these matters were crucial for his future development, and there was no room for any carelessness.

Then, he returned to his room and took out the high-tech computer input devices he had obtained through the lottery. He asked, "System, what is the use of these high-tech computer input devices?"

The system replied, "Host, please don't underestimate these devices. They were specially prepared for you, the host. According to my assessment, you certainly don't want to work hard, so I prepared these lazy person's devices. Have you seen that helmet? Just turn on the computer, enter your account and password, and wear the helmet on your head. Then, simply recall all the works I inputted into your mind, and this device will faithfully replicate those thoughts onto the computer. This way, you, as the host, can easily complete the process of uploading your works."

Minachi Shinya was particularly excited because with this device, it was a blessing for a lazy person like him. After all, he was tired of the life of overworking, and now he just wanted to live a good life.

"Well done, System. I will try it right away."

Minachi Shinya immediately put on the helmet and started the computer, opening the official website of his own company. He registered as an author on the website but had it specially marked through the company's backend. Then, he immediately began inputting his only work, "Fatezoer," into the computer in the form of an anime. The process was incredibly fast, with the machine executing his thoughts as soon as Minachi Shinya conceived them. The whole experience was incredibly enjoyable, and Minachi Shinya adopted the author name "Dimension Thief," which had a unique significance. After all, these works weren't originally his, but were taken from others. However, in this world, he might be the first one to present these works, undoubtedly making him the original author.

After sorting everything out, Minachi Shinya entrusted Sebastian, the butler, with some miscellaneous tasks. Then, he gradually fell into a deep sleep because, at this age, he still seemed to be in high school and needed to report to school the next day.

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