
My super auxiliary help system.

[ ding the host has successfully been resurrected] " ahh where am I is this heaven...... hey why am I still alive, didn't I die ?" [ding.... answering the host, the system was bound to the host at his dying moments and resurrected the host] " my golden finger had finally arrived, I was wondering when it will come.... now I have the means to take revenge " [ ding... As host has successfully been resurrected issuing mainline task] Task : host should become the the strongest person in this world.

Novelenthusisat · Urban
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55 Chs

Chapter 35: Martial arts level.

" System explain to me, what is this inheritance?? "

[ ding.... host the inheritance is actually incomplete, it still needs soul refining and mind technique]

" ( ̄‐ ̄) system I really don't understand this stuff, but if you are saying this it may even be true. Well anyway what rank is this martial arts"

[ding... the levels are divided: lower, middle, upper, extreme, mysterious, earth, heaven, and each level have sub levels, Yellow, orange, red, purple and gold. yellow is the lowest and gold is the highest, these martial arts are at the purple heaven rank ]

Ashok just got a free gift, he doesn't need to buy martial arts from the system now. He has saved himself thousands of cultivation points.

Ashok fell in thought,

"If martial arts have this many ranks then there should be many ranks in cultivation as well, how many realms are there in cultivation"

[ ding.... the way of cultivation is actually endless, host is currently in a very low level plane which has the limit of a nascent soul realm, if host is able to break this realm then he will ascend to a higher plane]

" hmmm , according to what you told me before the stages are as qi gathering, foundation building, golden core, nascent soul... and after that I will ascend. System tell me about the realms after nascent soul realm"

[ ding .... this needs to be explored by the host himself]

" I am ready to spend prestige points, just tell me the realm after nascent soul realm"

[ ding..... host don't try to bribe the system, still if you want to spend prestige points then the realm after nascent soul is soul wandering realm]

After answering this system deducted 10,000 prestige points.

"Σ(゚Д゚;), system you are too much, 10,000 points for such low level information. System you pay me back.... no compensate me, give me prestige points for the mental loss"

[ ding.... host the information price is more than reasonable, why do you think no one is able to ascend to a higher realm. It's just because they don't know the realm beyond the nascent soul realm. Now that host knows the realm, it has become easier for host to ascend. According to the system this is giving free stuff]

"‼, ohh is that so.... system you are the best. "

System was silent it didn't want to respond to the shameless host.

Ashok was silent for a minute then asked " System who is the elephant dragon martial sovereign"

[ding....The elephant dragon martial sovereign had the elephant dragon bloodline. he way a high level cultivator. but he fell in the great calamity when the way of heaven way was being destroyed. Whenever a high level cultivator dies, the cultivators life work as his inheritance is left, the pendent is also part of the inheritance as it converts normal qi into dragon qi]

" Since when did qi also had types"

[ ding.... since always] replied system.

" ( ̄‐ ̄)"

Ashok had already reached the limit of information he could take in. Even though he had a high level intelligence but he still didn't want to learn everything.

... It's not that he didn't want to know, he just forgot that the beginner privilege had been taken away and all the questions asked by Ashok cost his thousands of prestige points. He had asked system a lot of questions which cost him more than 34 thousand points. he didn't want to lose more so he stopped asking questions.

" System I want to practice these martial arts, what do I do"

[ ding... just hold them ]

Ashok held the martial arts books in his hand. As he held them a screen popped in front of him asking if he wanted to learn the martial arts.

Ashok clicked on yes. The books turned into light and entered his forehead.

He was dumb founded. Ashok checked his status



System level : 3

Host: Ashok Anand.

Life span: 200 years.

Realm: qi gathering third stage ( 100/300)

Bloodline: none.

Physique: none.

Talent : Tier 4 ( 0/400)

Spiritual roots: Heavenly root of all attributes.

martial arts:

Elephant dragon qi gong- not practiced yet( 0/10)

Elephant dragon body art- not practiced yet( 0/10)

Elephant dragon sword art- not practiced yet( 0/10)

Elephant dragon fist technique-not practiced yet( 0/10)

Elephant dragon heavy steps- not practiced yet( 0/10)

rest -(hidden)

Ability: ( hidden)

skills: (hidden)

combat evaluation: 25,000

cultivation points: 198(automatically generates according to talent, currently generating 6 per hour)

prestige points: 302,538

Lottery chance: 1


Ashok quickly added 10 points to every martial arts. his status changed to...



System level : 3

Host: Ashok Anand.

Life span: 200 years.

Realm: qi gathering third stage ( 100/300)

Bloodline: none.

Physique: none.

Talent : Tier 4 ( 0/400)

Spiritual roots: Heavenly root of all attributes

martial arts:

Elephant dragon qi gong- just started ( 0/100)

Elephant dragon body art- just started ( 0/100)

Elephant dragon sword art- just started ( 0/100)

Elephant dragon fist technique-just started ( 0/100)

Elephant dragon heavy steps- just started ( 0/100)

rest -(hidden)

Ability: ( hidden)

skills: (hidden)

combat evaluation: 30,000

cultivation points: 148(automatically generates according to talent, currently generating 6 per hour)

prestige points: 287,538

Lottery chance: 1


" System, what's with the martial arts, it has different levels, explain them"

System deducted 1000 points then answered

[ ding... the levels are as follows, just started, little success, proficient, mastered, enlightenment]

Ashok was disgusted by the system's deduction of points, it just made him not want to ask anything to system.