
My Sunshine “…”

DaJeoung was living in a world full of sorrow everyday was like hell for her. living with a abusive husband with her child. Just when she was about to give up she got a rebirth and vowed to free herself from her woes. This story is fictional.

Blackkoreakid · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 3{Review 3}

Baek hyeon got Down for the car and called out to "da jeoung wake up leg go to the admin office ! Looking her while feeling little annoyed "you I don't know why you are dressed like a boy instead of a girl.

Dajeoung rolled her eyes "please give me a break dad I like my fashion sense, see don't like look cute and lovely in this clothes?"

Baek hyeon looked at her and shook his he mumbling "she just like her mother back then wild and stubborn. Ruffles her hair "okay let get going her royal highness."

Dajeoung nodded and the both walked towards the teachers building. On getting there they walked straight to the admin office and knocked, come in was heard from inside baek hyeon open and enter with Dajeoung behind him he smiled "mr Chen sorry for been late got a little problem while coming."

Mr Chen smiled "there no problem mr baek hyeon how is business going ?"

Baek hyeon nodded and smiled "it great!"

Mr Chen look around "where is your daughter why am I see your son instead of her?"

Baek hyeon smiled a little embarrassed pulling Dajeoung forward " this is my daughter mr Chen she very special he said through gritted teeth"

Dajeoung smiled sweetly she bowed and greeted "good morning mr Chen "

Seeing this mr Chen was pleased and he praised "your daughter is lovely and very well behaved she just a little special mr Baek hyeon "

Baek hyeon smiled a satisfied smile "yes you are right she lovely. Mr Chen please give her the necessary paper,so she can go ahead to class. I will complete the remain paperwork "

Mr Chen nodded and picked up his phone and made a call after the call he opened the drawer, brought out a file and took out two papers and handed it over to DaJeoung " this is the school map and your timetable study hard okay, some one is outside waiting to show you to your class "

DaJeoung collected the papers "Thank you sir " turning to her dad " dad and going now! I will call you after school I love you " walked out of the office hurriedly feeling excited DaJeoung looked around for her tour guide she saw a boy walking over she walked forward and asked"are you my tour guide "

Joon Woo paused then he nodded while replying "I am. What your name ?."

DaJeoung smiled happily and chirpy answered " my name DaJeoung. and what your name?"she looked at the boy opposite her he was a very slim,a little bit taller than her and looked decent he was putting on glass on eyes making him look scholarly. There was no smile on his face just coldness, he eyes where dull she tried to talk to him again but was cut off before she could say anything"

Joon Woo walked forward while saying "let's go " stunned DaJeoung followed Joon Woo.

Joon Woo did his job as a tour guide well. he showed her the cafeteria, library and the lab while they where walking he explained all that was necessary about them to DaJeoung and she was very satisfied with the school she has chosen .

After getting into the junior building he paused and said"since I am your tour guide I will come by later to your class and show around the school for now let go to your class " Joon Woo turned and walked forward

DaJeoung followed while thinking "I couldn't even talk at all he so boring " she frowned a little trying to talk but not know what to say so just sigh and quietly followed him.

After get to DaJeoung class. Joon Woo stopped and said to her "okay this is your class, class A. I will get going now see you later for your tour" after finish speaking Joon Woo wanted to get back class. but before he could leave he was grabbed by a soft but strong pair of hands he turned around to get the hands off him but was meet with a very beautiful smile he froze a little and frowned

DaJeoung smiled and asked " what your name? , I was Hope we can be friends since you are the first student I have seen today?. And before I forget where is your class you are not in the same class me why you look smart to me?."

Joon Woo was a little annoyed by all the questions he was been asked he loosening his hand from the grip and answered while sounding a little rude " well don't just touch people like that my name is Joon Woo and am in class three already. can I go not now?"

DaJeoung didn't notice the rude tone or she chose to ignore she smiled again " okay. See it so easy to answer my questions I don't get why you are so uptight well I will be going to my class now. see you later then!" she enter her class while Joon Woo stood frozen for sometime before turning and leaving.

Joon Woo walked to his class and remembered what that little guy just said "See it so easy to answer my questions I don't get why you are so uptight" he paused and frowned he mumbled "am I uptight" he sigh while thinking "why am I even bothered"he continue walking.

Joon Woo wasn't always like this "he was cheerful and smart he just enter class two when the accident happened. His mother die he survived but was in coma for 2 year. after recovery for about a year he got back to school last year and now he 17 year old and in class three. All his class mate are already in senior high school but that not a problem for him after class 3 he will be skipping two senior class and joining his mates to write college entrance exams and everything will get back on track". Joon Woo relaxed himself once getting to his seat.

Back to DaJeoung , she found a sit in her class and sat down. Looking around the class DaJeoung stood up and said "hi everyone" all eyes turned to her then she smiled brightly " my name is DaJeoung and would like to know you all I hope we can all be friends " then she sat down satisfied with herself.

All the girl and boys of the class was wondering "why is this boy so beautiful " one of the bold boys mocked " you look like a sissy"

DaJeoung wasn't offended she laughed and said "But am a girl can't you see am beautiful" Everyone was eyes widened in shock. The guy that spoke up just now was Suprised he had a blush on his face. he stammered "you are a girl" DaJeoung just grinned and nodded. Before anyone could say anything the teacher enter the class.

The teacher stood in front of the class. The class went quiet and everyone greeted the teacher and the teacher said "since today is your first day in school can you all introduce yourself to each other. The students obediently stand up.

And One by one they all introduced themselves ontill when it got to DaJeoung turn she introduced her self seriously and the Teacher was satisfied she Smiled at them and said "okay everyone let start class ".

Author has something to say: I will be updating every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from next week. don't forget to like, comment, vote and don't forget gifts too 😉😜