
my succibus system in the apocalypse

*WARNING ADULT CONTENT* [no NTR] [no rape (by the mc)] Diring an attemp to run from a hord of zombies, Adam and his childhood friend Elina got abandoned by thier team. stuck with no way out of his situation, Adam decided to sacrifice himself for Elina as he slowly dies in the arms of the only friend he ever had. Adam gets shocked by the revelation that the girl he thought to be way out of his league was actually in love with him for a long time. regretting all of his life choices, and cursing at his weak character Adam dies... or so he thinks Adam wakes up in his bedroom 3week before the apocalypse. armed with the knowledge of his previous life and a new found conference. Adam takes a solemn oath to protect his love and to survive the apocalypse

the_curious_lich · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

the mission

It was around midnight when a group of 15 survivors started preparing for their plan. Some of them were sharpening their weapons, or doing light exercises to warm up. others were simply resting, trying to conserve their energy. 

They were all gathered on the second floor of an abandoned school, where they stayed for the past month ever since the apocalypse started.Today, they were going to go on a search for supplies as the last scraps of food ended a few hours ago.

Among those survivors was a boy named Adam. although, if one was to meet him they wouldn't call him a "boy" per say. For despite being no older than 19 years old, Adam looked like he was thirty.

He had dark bags under his eyes. his hair extended down to his shoulder, it was oily and chaotic with gray lines randomly spread all over it. His face was shriveled and deflated, covered with a thin sickly beard. his lips were dry and shapped.

He looked as if he hadn't eaten anything his whole life.

He was sitting in a corner with his head buried behind his knees, enjoying what little peace he had. Adam raised his head and looked at the outside from a window to his right. it was quiet and dark, he didn't like that one bit.

Then Adam moved his eyes toward the team, especially a group of people chatting among themselves in a corner. They were all in good shape, all of them were well fed and wearing clean clothes.

They were the most powerful people in the group, and the hosts of the strongest systems among the school survivors so naturally they became the leaders.

thier group was made up of five people. There was Alex, a strong and burly guy, also the leader of the group and the most powerful person there. He has a system ability that allows him to double all of his stats tenfolds.

Then there was the girl next to him, wrapping herself around his arms. Her name was Jessica, and she had an archery ability that she couldn't shut up about.

The other three guys are just henchmen and boot lickers of Alex.

When Adam looked at them, he couldn't help but look at the weapons strapped to their backs and hips. all of them were high grade weapons worth hundreds of cores each.

Adam took a quick glance at those weapons then he looked down at his own. It was a metal rod with a sharpened tip, a disgustingly simple weapon that Adam made out of a chair's leg.It was the same for all the other members of the group, most people had just simple makeshift weapons

'system interface' Adam thought in his head, and a blue rectangular screen appeared in his vision, displaying a set of information.

***   ***   ***

Host: [Adam]


Age[19/113] -41years




Status: exaustion(Lv1)



vitality:66 (-10)

stamina:63 (-10)

strength: 61 (-10)

durability: 62 (-10)

agility: 61 (-10)

mind: 170  (-10)

arcane: 0 


***   ***   ***

Looking at the data infront of him, a wave of loathing, anger, and disgust hit Adam as he thought of the fact that no matter how many zombies he kills. no matter how much cores he collects, it would all go to the pockets of those bastards.

Suddenly, Adam heard a familiar voice calling out to him. It was Elina, his childhood friend. She had been with him since the beginning of the apocalypse. 

"Adam, are you ok? You seem tired " Elina said. She was tall and slender, with short dark hair and piercing dark blue eyes that Adam couldn't stop looking at them.

"don't worry I'm ok" Adam's voice was raspy and dry, yet he made a small smile to assure her.

"are you sure?" Elina sat next to him, and put her hand on his shoulder. Adam didn't answer her, instead he put her fingers on the edges of her beautiful lips and pulled them, making a smile.

"Smile more, it's good for you" Adam said with a smile of his own. Elina held his hands and smiled, returning some of the light to their eyes.

"fine. but make sure you're alright" she said. her voice warmed his heart.

"It's time.We have to go now." Alex said to the group.

They stood up and started marching for their mission. They had to make it to a nearby store before sunrise, and they had to do it quickly and quietly.

Adam took a deep breath and tried to focus on the task at hand. But his mind kept wandering back to the time of the operation. He couldn't help but feel frustrated that they had to leave in the middle of the night

'seriously! This is just idiotic. Walking at night brings with it a whole bunch of unnecessary risks. the darkness would obscure the vision of the group, increasing the room for mistakes, add to that the naturally silent atmosphere and you'll have yourself a recipe for disaster.

'Why couldn't we just go during the day? it would've been so much better. the path would be clear, it would be hard to get ambushed, and more importantly, sounds won't travel as far. meaning less risk of attracting zombies, which is a win in my book'

The team set off, making their way through the darkness. Everything seemed to be going according to plan and Adam liked it to stay that way.

sadly for him however, reality is a bitch.

Alex signaled for the group to halt, and Adam didn't like that. 'What's going on?' he thought as he made his way to the front. only to see three zombies at the end of the corridor.

It was an easy task. approach the zombies then stab them in the brain, either from the eyes or the side of the head, even better if you could do it from a distance.

zombies are slow and stupid, so taking care of these three shouldn't be hard. infact, aside from hearing, zombies don't have anything else to sense by.

"Let me handle this," Jessica said, attracting the zombies' attention. her voice was louder than it had any right to be.

she grabbed her bow from her back and aimed at the slowly approaching zombies. the tip of her arrow glows a bit as she pulls the trigger.

The arrows flew toward the zombies with incredible speed, leaving behind it a faint trail of light. but halfway through, the arrow split into three different arrows, setting course toward the zombies.

"HA! eat this, you filthy zombies" Jessica said. However, before the arrows could hit anything, they all curve away hitting nothing at all.

'quite the skill you have' Adam thought in his head. Seriously, couldn't you pick a better skill to wast my precious cores on. that's honestly pathetic'

"hmm?... That's....no! stop!'' When Adam realized it, it was already too late. as the arrows flew past the zombies they curved in on each other, and much to the horror of everyone present their tips connected.

A metallic sound echoed far and loud than it had any right to be.The survivors huddled together in the dimly lit corridor, their hearts pounding in their chests as they heard the shuffling of feet and moans growing louder and louder.

Then suddenly, a new zombie appeared, then another, then another, and before the group knew it, a horde of hundreds of zombies was slowly making their way to the group.