
My students will become the strongest.

Sam crosses to a new planet that is completely magical. He discovers that humans can have superpowers, and monsters also inhabit the planet. Humans continuously fight these monsters to protect themselves and their world. Unfortunately, Sam, who just arrived on the planet, lacks the potential to become powerful and doesn't possess any shortcuts to gain strength quickly. As a result, he resigns himself to living an average life and tries to avoid danger. However, everything changes when he graduates from the academy. He receives an invitation from his former academy to become a teacher, and simultaneously, he awakens the Teacher system. Now, on this perilous planet, if he desires to become powerful, he must accept students and empower them. Only when his students become strong will he gain strength himself. Join his journey to become the greatest teacher. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Hey guys, English is not my first language. I hope you all enjoy this and if you have any suggestions, please comment. -------------------------------------------------------- [https://discord.gg/5zaUFwv5 My discord link. Join guys and if you have any suggestions, tell me.] You can also support me in PayPal - https://www.paypal.me/SmallOtaku ____________________________ # 50 Power stone = 1 extra chapter # 100 Power stone = 2 extra chapter # 20 Golden ticket = 1 extra chapter # 50 Golden ticket = 2 extra chapters

Small_Otaku · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
81 Chs

Chapter 58 - "Parent's Memento"

"Venna, get up. You don't have to kneel in front of me. I already understand so you can get up."

Now facing her like this even Sam became quite surprised. Naturally, he was surprised when he saw Veena kneel in front of him and began to cry like this.

'So, there must be another reason that she became this desperate.'

Sam can tell she is very desperate to become stronger. But he Did not know the reason. Sam needed to know the true reason before accepting her as a student.

On the other hand, he came toward her and then helped her to get up. Veena even after hearing his word did not get up from the ground. So, Sam helped her. Sometime later finally Veena calmed down.

"Are you okay right now? Well, to tell you the truth I did not have any problem accepting you as a student as you already meet my criteria. But before I can promise you anything I want to know the whole truth. Before accepting you as my student I need to know about my student.

I know that everyone has some secrets that they do not want to share with anyone, but if you are facing any problems, tell me. Even if I don't accept you as just a student, I will help you."

When Veena heard that she already met Sam's criteria, she finally became excited. Previously she thought she would not have any chance to become his student. She already begged in front of many teachers, but none of them accepted her student.

This is also a reason that she is unable to hold back her tears. Now hearing that she already meets the criteria to become his student makes her happy. Sam would be her last hope to become powerful.

But at the same time, she understands that teacher Sam already can tell she did not tell the whole truth. It is natural for any teacher to want to know about their student. But at the same time, she did not know if she should reveal the whole truth or not.

There is a chance that teacher Sam would not accept her as a student after hearing the whole truth. These also make her quite scared. But as teacher Sam wanted to know about the whole truth, she finally decided to reveal everything. You can say until now she did not reveal that truth to anyone. Even her previous teacher, teacher Hawking also did not know about this.

"Teacher, I think you know about Flora City. I am from Flora City. I was from the Hance family. One of the Warrior families of that city.

From childhood my spiritual energy resource is high. However, due to my talent from childhood, I was unable to practice any techniques properly. Other than mortal grade technique I could not even learn anything.

Because of this, in my family, my status was quite low. Fortunately, my father and mother did not care about that. Also because of them, nobody in the family was able to say anything to me. With the support of my father and mother, I was living my life happily.

But my happiness did not last for that long. 2 years ago, before participating in the entrance examination a disaster happened. I think you remember that time when suddenly a monster breakout appeared.

My mom and dad alongside their team went toward those border Cities to help everyone kill those Monsters. But they never came back from the battlefield. They lose their life while fighting those Monsters.

From then, the family started to treat me badly. In the end, the head of the family decided to expel me from the family. They did not want a person like me who would bring shame to their family.

But, they did not let me take the last memory of my mother and father. I beg them to give me all those things as those are connected to my mom and dad. But nobody heard my pledge. They even told me that trash like me did not deserve to get things that belonged to their house.

Fortunately, my maternal grandfather helped me and because of him, I was also able to participate in the entrance examination despite being in that condition. Because of him I also get a chance to get all the memento of my parents.

3 months later, after coming out from the Dungeon, I will be visiting that family to get my parent's memento. But to get those things I need to defeat one genius from the younger generation.

I-I thought after joining the Academy I would be able to become powerful and with that, but, none of the teachers wanted to take me as a student. They also think I am just trash.

I know teaching all of this is most likely a silly demand, but…. "sob"…. I … "sob"…. really wanted to get those things. "Sob"..... Those things are the last memento of my parents."

Saying all of this was quite hard for her. She can still remember those humiliations. She also remembers that despite her pledge nobody seems to care about her. They did not want to give her all those things related to her parents. Remembering all of this once again makes her cry. Just remembering all of this is very painful for her.

Sam on the other hand let her cry. Through crying she can decrease the burden. 5 minutes later, finally, she stopped crying and was able to Calm down. But this time she did not dare to look at Sam's direction. He did not know what teacher Sam thought about her.

What if teacher Sam thinks she is telling all of this to get sympathy from him? What if she did not decide to take her as a student? Just thinking about all of this makes her quite scared. This is also the reason she did not get the courage to look in his direction.

On the other hand, Sam after hearing all of these can tell all of those are true. He can feel the sincerity in those words. It makes me feel very disappointed in that family. How could they do something like that to a person who just lost her parents? This made him quite angry but in the end, he would not be able to do anything.

On the other hand, Sam looks at Venna's direction. She is still looking downward and most likely she is very anxious to know the answer. After realizing this Sam cannot help himself and a smile already appears on his face.

Even if she did not tell him any of these he would still take her as a student. Also, he can see that sincerity has already reached 85%. For Veena, Sam is the last chance to become powerful. If he did not accept her as a student then she did not know what to do. Almost all the teachers already rejected her.

"Haha… you don't have to become that tense. I already told you you can share your problem with me. As a teacher at the Academy, I have to help my students. Even though I would not be able to directly help you in that fight, I can make you powerful."

After saying that he paused for some time, Veena after hearing instantly lifted her head to look in his direction. You can see the shocking expression on her face. It looks like she still was not able to believe teacher Sam did not reject her.

On the other hand, Sam saw her lifting her head to look in his direction. Once again smile appeared on his face and he instantly said,

"Student Veena Hance, do you want to become my student?"

The moment Veena hears that word, for a few seconds she does not move from her place. It is just she did not know if this was true or not. But when she realizes what teacher Sam said and he did not prank her, she is unable to control herself and once again kneels.

"It would be my honor to become your student."

Finally, after hearing the offer, she was unable to calm down. She once again kneels in front of him and once again tears come out from her eyes. First of all, this is a really surprising matter for her to get accepted by a teacher. Not only that, but she can also feel teacher Sam is different compared to other teachers.

Sometime later, she sat down once again but this time you can see her mood is quite cheerful. After all that hard work she was finally able to get a new teacher.

This is a very huge matter to her and at the same time, a lot of pressure went away from her body. Because not having a teacher makes her feel pressured. But from now on, this would not be a matter to her. Finally, she has a teacher.