
My student makes my heart pounder

teacher fell in love with his student

Ash_rajpoot786 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Czn gets closer to her

As Czn became a part of Mia's life, their bond grew stronger each day. They shared a close companionship, living together and spending quality time with each other. Czn would drop Mia home after school and pick her up in the mornings, enjoying each other's company during the short drives.

They started having lunch together, sharing stories, and laughing over shared experiences. Their friendship blossomed into something special, and the students noticed how happy and content they seemed in each other's presence.

Mia's friends and colleagues were delighted to see her happy and forming a strong connection with Czn. They admired the way they supported and encouraged each other, and how they brought out the best in one another.

However, Cris and his friends found it challenging to witness the closeness between Mia and Czn. Despite their efforts to be understanding, jealousy and discomfort still lingered in their hearts. They struggled to accept that Mia had a deep connection with someone other than them.

Inside their circle, they shared their concerns and fears, wondering if their friendship with Mia would change now that she was so close to Czn. They feared losing her to their new colleague, feeling a sense of insecurity and uncertainty.

Yet, they recognized that their feelings were not Mia's responsibility. They knew they needed to confront their emotions and learn to be happy for her, even if it meant seeing her with someone else.

Mia, on her part, valued her friendship with Cris and his friends deeply. She understood their emotions and respected their feelings while also wanting to embrace the new connections in her life. She hoped that with time and open communication, they would come to understand and accept her evolving relationships.

As the days passed, Cris and his friends made an effort to be supportive and friendly towards Mia and Czn. While it wasn't always easy, they tried to focus on the positive aspects of their friendships and cherish the time they spent together.

Gradually, they saw that Mia's relationship with Czn didn't change her love and care for them. Instead, it enriched her life, allowing her to form meaningful connections with different people.

In time, Cris and his friends learned to let go of their jealousy and insecurities, realizing that their friendships with Mia were strong enough to withstand new connections and experiences. They grew to appreciate the happiness Mia found with Czn and supported her in her journey of building new connections and friendships.

As their hearts opened to acceptance and understanding, they became genuinely happy for Mia, recognizing that she deserved to have all the love and happiness in the world. Their friendships with her only grew stronger, deepened by the shared experiences and lessons they learned together.

In this newfound harmony, Mia, Cris, Czn, and their friends continued to support and uplift each other, embracing the beauty of their friendships and the unique connections they had forged, knowing that their bonds were strong enough to withstand any challenges that came their way.


The classroom is filled with students, and Mia stands at the front of the room, teaching a lesson on computer programming. Cris sits among the students, but his gaze keeps drifting toward Mia.


(whispers to Kevin)

I can't focus today, man. I keep looking at Miss Mia.


(whispers back)

I get it, Cris. She's an awesome teacher, but you gotta pay attention.

Mia notices Cris's distracted behavior and decides to engage him in the discussion.



Cris, what are your thoughts on this programming concept?

Cris snaps back to attention, slightly flustered.


(trying to sound confident)

Uh, well, I think... uh...



It's okay, take your time.

The other students watch curiously as Mia guides Cris through his response, trying to help him get back on track.


(whispers to Zyan)

Cris is smitten with Miss Mia.


(whispers back)

Yeah, he can't take his eyes off her.

During a break, Mia approaches Cris, sensing that something might be bothering him.



Cris, is everything okay? You seem a bit off today.


(looking flustered)

I... I don't know. I can't help but keep looking at you during class.


(smiling kindly)

It's okay to have feelings, Cris. But remember, we're here to learn too. Let's find a way to balance both.

Cris nods, grateful for Mia's understanding.


During another break, Cris talks with his friends about his feelings.


(leaning against the lockers)

I don't know how to stop being distracted. She's just... amazing.



We get it, man. But you gotta find a way to focus. She's your teacher, after all.


(nudging him playfully)

Besides, she's always there for you. Just talk to her if you need help.

Cris nods, realizing that his friends are right.


Cris practices mindfulness techniques to stay focused during class. Whenever his thoughts drift toward Mia, he takes a deep breath and brings his attention back to the lesson.

Mia notices his efforts and makes an effort to involve him more during discussions, helping him stay engaged in the learning process.


Cris and Mia sit together, enjoying their lunch.



Thanks for helping me stay focused, Miss Mia.



Anytime, Cris. We're in this together, right?

They share a warm and supportive look, reaffirming their unique bond as teachers and students, and true friends.


Cris and Mia sit at a table, lunch trays in front of them. Cris looks a bit hesitant but decides to express his feelings.


(looking concerned)

Miss Mia, can I talk to you about something?



Of course, Cris. What's on your mind?



Well, I've noticed that you've been spending a lot of time with Czn lately. He's always dropping you home, and you two eat lunch together every day. It's just... I feel a bit left out, you know?

Mia listens attentively, understanding Cris's feelings.



Cris, Czn is my aunt's son. We're family, like brother and sister. He's been living with me because of some family circumstances. That's why we spend time together.


(looking relieved)

Oh, I didn't know that. I thought... well, I guess I assumed something else.



I understand, Cris. It's natural to have assumptions, but I want to be clear that Czn and I have a familial bond. He's like a brother to me.



I get it now. I'm sorry for assuming things.



No need to apologize, Cris. I should have explained it earlier. And I want you to know that our friendship is important to me. You're a great student, and I value the time we spend together in and out of class.



Thanks, Miss Mia. I value our friendship too. It's just... everyone in school is talking, saying they think we're a couple.


(slightly amused)

People will always talk, Cris. But it's essential to focus on what's real and true. Our bond is that of a teacher and student, and also good friends. Let's not let gossip or assumptions get in the way of our connection.



You're right. I don't want to ruin what we have by listening to rumors.

Mia reaches out and places her hand on Cris's reassuringly.



Good. Let's continue to support and uplift each other like we always have. And remember, you're a valuable part of this school and my life.



Thank you, Miss Mia. You're the best.

They share a genuine smile, reaffirming their friendship and mutual respect.


Cris walks with newfound clarity, feeling lighter and more secure in his friendship with Mia. He realizes that assumptions and rumors can create unnecessary misunderstandings and decides to focus on what truly matters - their genuine connection and the support they offer each other.