

A figure was seen very clearly apart from the face standing near a window clutched on a well opaque, expensive and golden glass with one hand with a cigarette sipping the wine little by little another hand well slided inside a trouser. After few seconds, Benny was brought in but as always his eyes were covered with a red piece of cloth and with just one swipe of the finger, he was pushed on the hard floor like a loose sack. His hands were handicapped from behind with a string that made his wrists to start bleeding.

' Who the hell are you mother fucker?' he shouted trying to stand from the ground.'

' Shut the fuck up and put your tiny asshole down, rat.' One among the men that brought him in blurted giving him a sudden kick on the ass.'

' Am not a ball bitch! Why can't you free me and let us see who wins. Can't you just act like a real man?' Benny uttered though feeling a little pain.'

' You ass hole, you think that.....

' It's okay Jimmy, I'll deal with him by myself. You can just both leave.' The man standing near the window ushered as they all stormed out angrily especially jimmy who gave Benny a warning eye before leaving the room.'

' So, uhhhh! You thought that you guys you're so overprotected that no one can't capture you?' He asked dragging a chair closer to where Benny was queitly kneeling.'

' Who the hell are you? What do you want from me? He angrily asked trying to unfold himself but he couldn't.'

' Slow down, Slow down boy. Haven't yet introduce myself and you've started blubbering. Can't you act like a good kid for once? The man asked caressing Benny's hair softly.'

'Am not a kid for your information. And to be sure, you've got the wrong guy moron.'

' Hahaha! You said the wrong guy? Jeez, l didn't know? So, should l let you go?

' Ofcourse that's what you should be doing idiot. If my brother finds out that am missing, am telling you, you'll be twenty feets buried underground. And am telling you this for free, am not lying.'

' Ooww! That's new. But l want to meet that stupid brother of yours that's why I had to kidnapped one of you. Do you think he can manage to bit me up?

' Huh! Don't even ask, you'll be dead the moment he'll set his eyes on you.'

' Mmhh! I see. Then let me wait for his arrival. I swear, l can't be scared cause of something little like a rat.'

' Eerrrr.....You're a fool man. You're stupid. Instead you start running you're here saying that you can't get scared of him. Fine, he's tiny as you say but believe me or not, he'll crash you like you're nothing to him. He'll chop your penis into small pieces with your little ass too then feed it to the dogs that l heard snarling few hours ago.'

' Shut up! Shut up boy. And don't play a trick with me. Don't try to scare me cause am not buying it at all.' he fumed punching his cheek which he landed back again to the ground.'

' Haahh! You can beat me as much as you want bitch. But am telling you the truth. You won't be able to run away from his capture. Infact you'll call for help but nothing's gonna happen. You'll even beg for his mercy, but to be more sure, he won't forgive you.'

' Well then. It's true that l got the wrong guy. But l won't release you no matter what you say. I want to meet that asshole of yours. It's been long ever since we met.' he said standing walking back to the window he was standing staring at the silent streets. After taking in another sip, he walked towards Benny then out of nowhere he kicked his stomach making him to whine loudly in pain spurting out blood as another hot slap lands at his already swollen right cheek.

' What the hell are you doing Man. Can't you see am not one of your allies who has gone against your wish.' he scolded as the blood drips continuously from his mouth down the floor.'

' Shut up, no matter what you won't understand. Am doing this for my own beneficiaries. Am gonna finish you all the family of B's.' The man shouted his hands now gripping on Benny's hair tightly one hand holding his cigar.

' Aahhh! Jeez you're hurting me man. Who the hell are you? Can't you free me and let me see you?'

' I am the Unknown. He's the only one who knows me, nobody else.'

' Don't tell me Leigh's working for you. Were you the one who send her to our mansion and do those silly acts.'

' Huh!! What a creative kid. Yeah! She's been working for me, for many years. Right ever since she started dating with your stupid brother.'



Benzyl drove out of the road turning the staring wheel as quickly as soon as he turned at the parking lot leaving Charles in awe. He stormed out tapping on his phone and without seconds, he started communicating with one of his secret investigators as he walk along down road. He was taking quick steps that made Charles to halt a bit to rest before running after him again though feeling exhausted.

' Boss, boss. Aahh! Jeez! have you forgotten that you're with someone? He complained breathing heavily.

' Idiot. Do you think have got your fun time? My brother's life is at stake an have not received any call from Bailey ever since he left. Who knows what might have happened to them.'

' Is that why you're running like a cheetah?

' Stupid, am not running, am just walking? He answered rudely taking a short cut rather than going on a long way.'

' Jeez, this guy.' Is this how you'll be rushing your future wife down the altar after your wedding?' he still asked this time resting a bit near a certain wall hearing a scoff from Benzyl's mouth.'

' Tsc. What a mad man l borrowed.' Benzyl murmured staring at his phone.' Shut up and walk. I wonder why you're struggling to run yet am the one walking.'

' Boss, you ain't seeing your foot steps you know. I wish you could be me, l bet now you would be resting at where we took a short cut.'

' Silly! Hello, Mason are you with Alin? He asked cursing down his throat when he heard a groan from the other side of the phone.'

' What!!! Alin is missing?

' Fuck you asshole. Am asking you if you've seen nor heard anything about her and you're asking me if she's missing, are you in the right state of your mind? He furiously blurted his tongue clicking angrily.'

' Oww! Soryy! Am wondering you know, cause she is living with you. Anyway, have not seen her ever since we parted. Is there anything l can help, l might have a clue.' he grinned obviously smiling.'

' Sure. Meet me at Ylsia street. Near the Big Market. I'll be there standing.' he informed immediately cutting the phone. With another third turn, he took few steps then again his phone buzzed inside his pocket this time praying to be Bailey calling him.

' Yes, Bailey, anything? He asked impatiently after seeing who the caller was.'

' Yes brother. I know where Benny has been captured and hidden.'