

The weather on the next day was horrible unlike yesterday. The lazy three didn't bother to wake up even after a hundred calls from Benzyl and Mrs Leigh wasn't around to bossy them. Since Alin was still in hospital, Benzyl had to postponed all his office meetings and leave them in the hands of Charles and Anderson.

' Fuck! This weather day? Can l come in brother?' Benny came cursing knocking on Bean's room.

' What's up with you guys. Can't l have my privacy?' He complained unlocking the door.

' Whaaat! Can't l say hi to my young broh?' Come on let me in.'

' Benny, listen....Uuhh....you can't enter right now. I'll call you, don't worry you're next.' Bean explained.

' Uhhh! Next? Are you hiding someone, little brother? Don't tell you're in the process of..... you know mmhhh! Don't forget to use protection.'

' Tsc, dirty mind. Why can't you be good for now. Now go, I'll text you.'

' Can't l peek at her? Is she beautiful? Benny asked his brows raising with a smile on his face.

' Jeez, what are you talking about? I said am busy, it doesn't mean l have someone in there, and Ofcourse it is not a sin to bring someone in my room, am old.' he defended trying not to laugh. He leaned backwards arms around him staring at Benny, whose face looked like he wanted to burst out the laughter he was holding.

' Umm! Just like they say, don't dig deeper or loose your focus. That thing might get multiplied, Hahh! Enjoy it baby.' he said giggling tapping on Bean's shoulders, before he could turn, a voice echoed inside his ears and instead of running, he stood frozen. His laughing face turned red swallowing the stuck lump from his throat.

' Enjoy what Benny?' The voice echoed.

' Uhh...uuhh.....Am....you....'

' Speak moron. What is it that my little brother has to enjoy? Benzyl's voice echoed again scaring him.

' You....Big Brother? Umm.... Didn't you had a meeting today at the office? He asked licking the inside of him.

' Any problem with that?'

' No, no problem brother. Umm, you're fine right. Anyway l was just passing by.' he said leaving but Benzyl's huge hands dragged him backwards. His perfume only, made him to forget that he needed to breath.

' Brother! He cried pleading.' Did l....Did l do anything wrong?

' Yes! I called you and you refused. Now it is four, you're coming, mmh silly? Get in, now! He shouted scaring his lungs out. He gave a warning look at Bean whose face was telling that he was laughing at him from inside as take his steps Infront.

' As you said brother, You mean it's four? Ahh! l slept that much? Oohh sweet Lord! What have l gotten myself into? He whispered walking inside. When he stormed in, he was shocked to see Bailey, Anderson and Charles staring at him with question looks on their faces.'

' Sleepy daddy! What were saying to Bean? Haahh! Use protection. What the fuck, hahahaha! Bailey broke the silence his laughter echoing in the room. Benny felt like he was being mocked with his own words.

' Stupid, what are you laughing at? I was just kidding.'

' Mhherr! Kidding? with all those teasing and instructions you were giving him. Haahh! Your mind is dirty boy.' Charles hopped in.'

' Stop idiots. Don't use his words against him. What if it were you? Huh! Especially you Bailey, l think you would be crying by now.' Bean defended though with a slight chuckle as they go silent.

' Errrrmm.....Bean, where did big brother go? You know Mr Angry Bird might punish me, mmh! Benny mumbled changing the topic as soon as he got his long waiting opportunity.

' Out. Nanny Ella called him that he had a phone call.'

' Ooww, thank my luck! He breathed slowly turning his body towards the door.' I can go back to my room at last.

' Your luck? Go back to your room, huh? Look at this idiot. Brother said that the work that is remaining now it is all yours. It's our turn to rest. Rest in papers now rabbit.' Bailey shouted standing. ' Here, we've done our best. The remaining part hope you get done with it by five thirty. These two big guys needs to return the files back to the office before six. Don't run, my eyes got your back, tsc.' he added with a wink as they all walk out.

' And again, arrange all the files according to the given dates then sign the ones that are scattered down. Enjoy little monkey.' Bean added making Benny to look down. The scattered files made his body hot even if the weather was cold.

' Ooh me! I thought that l had a date at six. Would l finished by that time? Mcheew! I hate you, l hate you office work, fuck my ass! Fuck you.....Oohh office work, you're so boring and tiring. I wish l didn't left Medicine, ahhh.' he shouted hitting his leg onto the chair.

Time kicked and still Benny hadn't stood from where they left them. His hands were busy working on the files on the other side, his ears listening to music. Ofcourse that who he is. Listening to music as he work. Even if it is in the office, he cannot work without music. Still engrossed in his work, he heard a faint bang of something down stairs and he immediately rose. He took some seconds again and the sound came again. These time more louder than before. He quickly dropped the files he was holding on the table staring at the wall clock only to realize it was past seven. With another loud hit, he stormed out side knowing that something was off.

' What the.....' he stopped when his eyes saw what was happening. Bean was on the floor bleeding struggling to stand while on the other side a lady's figure stood there, without moving. He forgot to pay a clear look at the lady, his mind forcusing on Bean.

' Benzyl!!!! Big brother, where are you? Bean, what happened here? He screamed moving towards Bean.

' Bean, Bean! He called his trembling fingers shaking Bean's unconscious body. Tears felled down when last time's scene appeared into his head. He didn't want to think what Benzyl would do to him. He had thought that things were better, but now it was worse, to the extend of Bean bleeding. He's death, he can now see it clearly. He quickly removed his phone and dialled Benzyl's number.

' Pick it up....please pick it up brother.' he murmured.' After two to three buzz, he finally picked up.'

' Brother! Brother! Where are you, Bean has been hitted by...' He was cut with a loud bang on his head before his conversation could end. His phone slipped from his hands and with his weak body he tried to turn to search who had hit him but there was no view.

Urrgghh! Urrrghhh! Ouch, Oohh my! He whined his hand touching at the back of his head.

' Ouch! Urrrggg! He roared again this time louder when another hit got on his stomach. He felled immediately down feeling a bit dizzy as another punch lands on his face which made him to pass out as soon as his body touched the cold floor.

' Take him. Leave the other dying weak thing there. He'll die after thirty minutes.' The lady's voice echoed as they stumble outside, taking Benny with them. Bean tried to move closer to the buzzing phone but he couldn't. He knew that this was a set up when Benzyl went to receive a call from Nanny Ella. He closed his eyes slowly as the world around him turns into darkness.

Hi, Should someone die, or? Replies please, if you can't tell how my story is how do you want me to know my mistakes. It is shaming guys.