

The room was field with echoes as the kiss deepens. This time, he didn't want to let go of her. He played with her nipple by sucking it hardly as if what was in would probably pop out and when he finished, he slided his head down her thighs ripping away her pink pants. When she knew what was going to happen next, she mistakenly closed her legs quickly as she covered her face from shame. She couldn't bare to see him licking her private part.

' Whaat? Are you ashamed of what am going to happen? ' he jokingly asked despite knowing it.'

' Yes, you don't need to do that you know?' she whispered yet her hands still covering her already redden face.'

' And why If l may ask? '

' It is..... It.... Feels awkward and it is dirty. Ghosh! Benzyl.'

' Haahhh! Fine but please look at me for once.'

' Why? Am l.....'

' You're wet. For me.' he said landing again ontop of her. He took her lips again devouring every taste from her yet down there his shot man rubbing on her seductively leaving her with a moan.'

He slided his finger inside of her and when she opened up for him more widely, he thrusted slowly not wanting to hurt her until she released. She wanted him to stop but on the other side, the feeling was unexplainable. She has never felt like this before. Eyes still closed, he now directed his two fingers which again made her to whine though feeling good. He knew she wanted more and from what he was doing, it wasn't enough for her. She opened her legs more wider and decided to give it all to him. She won't care if she'll regret later or not but now, she wanted him wholly. With that, he got the only opportunity he has been wanting. He happily removed his trouser immediately landing on her again his lips seducing her romantically.

' Are you afraid?' he asked fixing tightly his gaze on her.'

' A little.'

' Okay! Tell me you want this before l enter. I don't want to seem like am forcing you, please cause the moment l barge in, you'll officially be mine. And l mean it right here, right now.

' Uhhh! Aaahhh! I..... I... Need you now. Please take me.' her own reply brought joy in his heart but to be more sure of her, he asked this time rubbing more closer at her entrance. She kept on moaning and this time it was more louder.'

' Please say you love me. If l enter you, you'll be mine forever. Allow me to enter.'

' l.... I..... I love you for sure. Please don't do that, am dying inside to have you.'

' Say it louder. For the last one. Cause l am entering you now. You'll forever be mine. So promise.'

' Aaiiishshh! I....l.... love you so much Benzyl. Aiiih!!! More....more than anything. I swear for real. Please stop your tortures and take me. Am really dying, please Benzyl. I can't hold on. Aaahhh, aaahhh! Her begging again surprised her as he barges in slowly by slowly.

Since she was already wet, the slippery area made it easy to enter though he spent almost his whole energy forcing his huge shot man in. He paused for a little taking in more air and then started thrusting in and out of her little by little. Her eyes had already hopped out when she felt the heavyweight inside her tiny womb. Her estimation were wrong since the big shot man fitted perfectly in her though not all. She felt pain and pleasure but still she didn't want him to stop. He kept on moving in till it fitted in the way he wanted.

' How is it?' he asked kissing her passionately down there working on her perfectly.'

' Uhhh! Good but l feel pain too.'

' Haahh! Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Tell me if am hurting you and I'll immediately stop.'

' Stop? ' why? Am l not juicy? She stupidly asked making him to stop and stare at her with an confused expression.'

' Juicy? Where the hell did you extracted that word from?'

' Nowhere, please continue. You're wasting time.'

' Whaat? Now you're taking your advantage by controlling me, Mmhh? '

' Shhhhh!!! I feel like something's coming out? Is that my urine?' she again asked.'

' Urine? What the hell are you saying. Anyway, l won't blame you.'

' It is, right?'

' No!!! '

' Why is it hot? Or, is it your sperm?'

' Aahh! Shut up and concentrate or else we'll get stucked.'

' Stuck? Uh--ooh! But.... We can always cut it Incase we get...'

' Are you insane? Cut my only handsome and huge manhood? That will never happen. I'll rather live inside you than going for that.'

' Yeah! Me too. I can't see myself loosing my penis.'

' Hey, shut up. You're shouting you know. You won't loose any penis idiot.' he jumped in covering her mouth from blabbering more nonsense.'

' Whaaat?'

' You're moaning yet speaking nonsense. While having sex, people do call out their fiancee names. Also using sweet names like darling, Sweet heart, baby and so on. But you did nothing, even moaning for my name you didn't at all. Are you a stone or what Alien?' he explained complaining as he moves quickly out before he could pour all his seeds inside of her.'

' Oow! You didn't inform me then. So, are we over? I still want more.'

' Jeez! You'll kill me. I have lost my mood since you need a great training on such kind of things. Don't worry, l really enjoyed it but not that well. I'll teach you another day.'

' Day? Ghosh!!! But the pain will not have disappeared, right?'

' Your questions are so hard to answer my dear especially now. It is already three, we better go shower then hoped on the bed.'

' Fine. Jeez! Blood!!!' she screamed touching the bedsheets.'

' Mr Benzyl, your penis is gone. Gone forever with me.'

' What? What do you mean? My..... ' he suspiciously checked down on his manhood quickly hoping it to be there then paused for little when his eyes caught it well asleep.' What a moron l have.' he murmured wiping the falling sweat on his forehead.'

' Is your dude inside of me? How are we going to remove it? No, l can't go for surgeries now.'

' What are you saying? My dude is here with me. Sleeping silently. He hasn't gone anywhere.' he stood up naked Infront of her and what happened next made him jump on the bed covering himself up.'

' Wooo! It's so huge.' she said almost touching it but froze with his sudden act.' Why that act? '

' Nothing. Are you high?'

' What? Me? Uh_ooh! Am on low. Was l supposed to be high?'

' Ghosh! What a silly woman she is. This is the problem of loving stubborn women. What an unforgettable night in my life.' he murmured lowering his head.'

He force himself to drag her in the bathroom and he even volunteered to wash her just to avoid her silly questions. Since she was sored, he changed the bedsheets then helped her to lye besides her till sleep took over her. By the time she started snoring, he was wondering how she'll change her style of living. But despite all the struggles, he still enjoy it and he hoped next time, he will teach her everything before doing it again.'

' You stubborn chicken, next time, you'll be calling my own name. Not those ghetto questions of yours.' he mumbled smiling as he stares at her fresh sleeping face. He watched her again and again but sleep took over him at last, as he join her in the land of sweet dreams.'