
My story in here

Ever wondered how it feels to be someone on the other side. To face the past while crying over the present or just to create a better future. Try this story then. The mc is strong and weak at the same time and you may barely like it. The story starts becoming better after chapter 30. that's my personal opinion.

God_Hand · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

That's all

Gotham City

In the afternoon.

"Why did you not leave then? You had a whole night to leave, even half of the morning, so why did you stay here?"

"I had no where to go. The lab was totally destroyed by you, while all the research staff and guards were also killed by you. Now the whole state is going searching for the person that did that. So, as a specimen from the lab, it wasn't wise of me to just fly freely in the outside world." [Galatea]

"So when I followed you here, I found out that your home could not be searched using X rays or hearing. As your body was in a pretty bad shape, I thought you would pass by the morning of today so I began to search for something to eat as I haven't eaten junk food in a long time." [Galatea]

"So when I was searching for food, I found your ID card beside the bed, it wasn't hidden or anything okay, and also a pack of banana chips. So I ate the banana chips, it wasn't that good so I only ate one and continued to search for more." [Galatea]

"Alas! I couldn't find anything else to eat. Why do you not have something prepared to eat? So I slept beside your corpse, I mean your heart wasn't beating at that time so I thought, you had died." [Galatea]

"Since there was nothing to eat, I thought of sleeping and went to sleep beside your body. And- " [Galatea]

"Why beside my body? The bed is perfectly clean and all. It wasn't even that far away as well." [Karn]

"I couldn't sleep on it however much I tried so I slept next to your body." [Galatea]

"I don't get the relation between them but continue." [Karn]

"So I slept beside you. After sometime, your heart began to beat again and your blood flow became normal. So I got up from my sleep and stared at you for the next two hours." [Galatea]

"Why did you stare at my presumably covered up body for two hours. Are you sane? Do you have some sort of syndrome? Are all villain like that?" [Karn]

"Don't interrupt me okay. So after two hours, your body functions were perfectly fine and your heart was beating at a constant rate. So I, so I..." [Galatea]


"So I stopped it." [Galatea]

"You mean the reason why your hand was above my chest was because you tried to crush my chest. Okay~😑. Continue." [Karn]

"Well the plan didn't go as planned as you woke up heavily breathing. Then you calmed down." [Galatea]

*Awkward silence*

"So you had around 30 to 45 seconds to kill me and yet you didn't. WHY?" [Karn]

"Do you really want to die so badly? Or is your vocabulary just limited to Why?" [Galatea]

"So moving on, the reason I didn't attack was because I didn't think of you as a threat. You know, last night you nearly died due to me crashing onto you and then you were nearly killed with just a little push of my hand so~ you can guess it yourself." [Galatea]

"Well it was more like I wanted to see exactly what were you going to do after you wake up. I am regretful of my actions now. I really am." [Galatea]

"Not that you hurt me but you didn't finish me." [Karn]

"Well exactly that! I mean I am not thinking about that now. It was in the past." [Galatea]

"The past was just 23 minutes ago." [Karn]

"So what is this choker thingy that you placed on me? This isn't like Kryptonite." [Galatea]

*Sudden Topic change*

"Let's eat." [Karn]

Karn went towards the kitchen, used his appendages to set the table and poured the stew for two people with 5 servings of rice.

"Can you stop with the sudden mood swings? It's both irritating and unsettling. Also I just tried to kill you a few minutes ago, do you really want to eat with me?" [Galatea]

Galatea slowly inched closer to the dining table while asking Karn. Her feet ready to dash to the outside world anytime.

"Doesn't matter, you are not the first person to do that. When I was in the organisation... wood you like a spoon?"

Karn said while casually sitting down on the dinner table.

"Isn't that common sense. How do you think I eat? Also what was with the organisation stuff?"

Galatea said while sitting down at the dinner table. In the past few minutes, she had realised one thing, the one in front of her was either weak against cute girls or he was stupid.

"Nothing, just some memories. Here's a spoon." [Karn]

Karn said while looking at her.

"You don't want to talk about it, okay we won't talk but tell me about the choker then. What is it? This doesn't feel like Kryptonite."

Karn took a bite of stew and mumbled something.

"What did you say?" [Galatea]

"Long story or short one." [Karn]

Galatea also took a bite of the food and began to eat while ignoring karn.

"..." [Karn😑]

He began to silently ate his lunch as well.

Five minutes later.

"Both. I want to hear both."

Galatea said after eating the last of her rice.

"Want more."

Karn said while giving her another portion of stew and rice.

"Don't wanna."

Galatea said while eating the given portion.

"Then why are you eating?"

Karn asked while pouring himself another serving.

"You already gave me so I should eat it."

Galatea said while gobbling her food.

"Now that's a mood swing right there. Eat first that we will talk later."

A few minutes later.

"That was good. So tell me about it."

Galatea said while casually sitting on the dinner table. The fear that she felt was gone. Now she just wanted to either distract him or use her charms to remove the choker.

"Short story, this is the product of the combination of the knowledge of five different civilizations."

Karn said while washing the dishes.

"That's too short. At least tell me how you get it or what does it take you or something?"

Galatea said while lazily sitting of the dinner table.

"Well. Long story it is then." [Karn]

"So it all started when I was stealing technological items from the famous MNCs. But I stopped that later on as I saw the company firing their security team after they were not able to stop me."

"After that, I just stole designs of the machines."

"Sometime later, I got my hands on a special storage section of the Lex Luthor that was filled with technology specially crafted to deal with a single man. It also contained some other things, so I took everything from it." [Karn]

"After that, I just used my power to make whatever I want." [Karn]

"Well, if it's Lex Luthor, then I know how you got your hands on some Kryptonian restraining stuff, but that still doesn't answer about this choker." [Galatea]

"Well I just mixed and matched around the five technological lines of Brainiac, Luthor, Batman, those bird like aliens and Darkseid's tech. It just somehow got created." [Karn]

"You mean, you just thought about something to restrain a Kryptonian after you knew about me then whoosh it got created, who are you flexing? If it was possible then you would not have nearly died the previous two times. Like if your power can make you anything you want, couldn't you have just created invincible armour. Do you think I am stupid, heh."

Galatea fearlessly said whatever came to her mind.

"There is a restriction on my powers though, I need materials and technical designs to be able to create whatever I want. But I can enhance something without knowing about it. The same with the creation. I don't need to have an in depth knowledge, I just need the basic design and materials to create whatever I want." [Karn]

"So moving on, why did you cover my legs with a cloth?" [Galatea]

"That was the first thing that caught my eyes about you, plus they were distracting me, that's why." [Karn]

"Are you not afraid that I will kill you later on, like if you free me." [Galatea]


Four Amperi tectacles rose from Karn's suit and all of them were equipped with sharp green blades.

"If I want, I can kill you even if you are not restrained. I created my whole arsenal as Brynhildr just to kill Superman as well. Although the armour and force field are lacking. But the kryptonite and other things aren't." [Karn]

"As for you returning to kill me, that is not going to happen." [Karn]

"Haa, aren't you too sure? What if I go now and change my mind later on." [Galatea]

Karn finished washing the dishes and after wiping his hands dry, he came near her and whispered: The dead don't think.

He gently touched her choker and tweaked it once again.

"You know it has been a few weeks since I had lunch with someone. Thanks for being a part of that."

Galatea was once again in a trance like state.

[Memory wipe. Past 12 hours.]

Karn used the restraints to wipe the past twelve hours of Galatea's memory.

It was exactly 1 pm in the afternoon and he attacked the facility at around 1 am in the night.

As for killing her, that was a joke. He just wanted to talk with someone. That's all.

As for why he didn't do it before, his armour was under repairs and he needed another four hours to complete the repairs and enhancements that he was going to do.

The enhancement generally came from the technology from the ARGUS with the combination of his other tech, helping him improve his teleportation, flight and many more.

I will send her in front of Clark's house vin the Evening.

My teleportation should be good to go by then.

What should I do with her by then?

Karn picked Galatea up and layed her down on his bed and covered her with a blanket.


Mechanical Appendages:

Type: Attack.

Amperi like tentacles made from materials that could harm even Superman. Fitted with Kryptonite.

It can produce electricity, heat rays, lasers and many more.

Useful in decapitation, mass slaughter and electrocution.

Amperi like tentacles but blueish black in colour.