

It was 1990 in South Africa when i was reborn in a white family . The De Var family which was known for mining. My name is Oscar De Var the second generation of my family.you know it is bad if your family is involved in business, they expect you to study business and become the head of the family. Well i Oscar De Var i want to be the footballer which i know my family will disagree for me to do . So i will keep it as a secret until i reach 18 years old .

On the 27th of January after finishing high school i run away from home in PE ( South Africa ) to CT ( South Africa ).My aim was to go to Santos Fc CT to get into the trials . When i reached CT i went to the hotel with the money i stole at home which was R5000 ($278,99 ; €260 , 29 ) which was alot for maybe 14 days at the hotel and food .

The very next day i went to Santos headquarters in Heideveld, Cape Flats which is a dangerous area if you don't have my colour. So i went in signed my name in the application papers and the application fee ( R150 ) .

The trials were tomorrow. You may ask how do i know how to play football. Well i played in high school and my last life experience as a player in the Russian league.

Let me see what can happen tomorrow let me sleep today.

To be continue...