
My Steve Not Eve

Esther_Laryea_3606 · Urban
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15 Chs



I found myself standing in front of a crowd giving a brief description of my story and clearly left out the part about the gay writer and told them to read it themselves to get the story themselves. They all laughed and the part I hated the most arrived. Questions about my book but it was necessarily about my book. It was about me and my life. I clearly didn't prepare myself for them this time.

"Mr O'Brien. We want to know when the book will be on the shelves cause I'm dying to read them."

"That would be after tomorrow."

"Thank you."

The reporter replied. Another asked me a question.

"Will this story be seen on screens like the previous ones."

"Well that one would be left to the movie industry to decide."

"Oh right"

The questions were just being thrown from every direction and I answered them with ease. What caught me off guard was a question by one reporter.

"Mr O'Brien. We know you to be single and twenty. You have been writing for five years now and we haven't heard you having a relationship or are you gay?"

This question caught me off guard and I was standing there staring into space. This is not what I wanted no I couldn't come out to my parents like this and I started panicking. I'm sure joy saw it cause she was by my side in an instant and took the microphone from my hand before talking.

"And what has that got to do with you?"

"Its a question everyone is asking."

"Everyone or you? I clearly see you just want a raise in your salary when you get information like this. Let me tell you. Mr O'Brien has not any intention of dating now cause he told me personally that he wants to be financially and independently stable before. As you can see he's still twenty you idiot"

The reporter trembled at her tone and didn't say a word again.

"So anymore questions?"

When know one answered her she wished everyone a good night and officially launched the book and also told them the book can be found online too. We left the stage and thanked everyone that came to my book launch. My parents came to me to congratulate me but giving Joy the deadliest glare ever.

"Hey mum. Hi dad"

"Carl buddy. We're so proud of you."

"Yes son. So when will you decide to come visit. Mummy's missed you."

"I'll come soon but not now. I promised Alex I'll see her and Brit to visit."

"So you decided to visit a sinner instead of your own parents."

"Dad please not here."

"Why not here? She's a sinner and that's the truth."

"This is the reason why I can't come home. You guys will blast my ears with Alex being a sinner. She's my sister and I hate that you hate her."

"Carl she is a sinner."

"But she's still my sister. You know excuse me let me use the washroom. Joy please keep them entertained."

I left them in the hands of Joy which I knew was not a good idea. I went into the washroom and turned on the tap and splashed water on my face.

"Hello cutie."

I turned surprised to see him standing there. I don't remember someone following me.

"I wasn't following you cutie."

"Oh I said that out loud right?"

"Yeah. I came for your book launch as I said. You didn't take my number."

"I'm sorry. I forgot but you disappeared before I could ask."

"My bad. Are you okay? I overheard your conversation with your parents and I saw you get uncomfortable when you were asked if you are gay."

"I get that a lot. Its nothing new. My parents and society is nothing new. That's why I prefer staying at home."

"Yeah. Anyway its good to see you aren't homophobic. I think you are gay."

"Me not being homophobic doesn't mean I'm gay."

"Then why did you ignore the question back there?"

"I hate people prying into my personal life."

"So I'm I prying?"

He asked with a smirk on his perfect face. Why did he have to be so handsome. I can't even get angry with him. I wiped my hands on a paper towel and was about to leave when he stopped me.

"I'm gay. You don't have to say anything about it."

"You don't go around telling strangers your sexuality. That's absurd."

"You aren't a stranger to me. I know who you are."

"But I don't Dan."

"Wow I was wondering where my name went."

"Just stop it okay."

"Okay. I'm here because I want your number and my sister threatened to cut off my dick if I don't get the first copy of your book."

I laughed at his statement. He had the same expression I have when Alex threatens me.

"Okay follow me so you don't have to loose your dick"

"Oh thank you. You're a lifesaver."

I smiled and the two of us went to the garage using the elevator. When we got there we walked to my car where I had ten copies of my book. I opened the back door and pushed myself in to get the book. I got out once I had a copy and handed it to him as if he was in a daze cause I waved the book three times on his face before I got his attention. Then realization hit me.

"Where you staring at my ass?"

"Oh know. Why would I? That's absurd."

"Fine whatever. Here this a special copy cause it has my number in it. It would be mixed with the regular copies so that other people won't be ringing my phone like maniacs"

"Thanks but you sure its a good idea?"

"Well only this has my original number. The rest are Joy's"

"Thanks again cutie. I'll see you around right?"

"I'm not sure about that. I'll be spending like my grace period at my sister's place."

"Oh alright. I should get back to my sister. See you later cutie"

"Safe trip."

"Oh and by the way. Nice ass"


He laughed as he walked away to his own car. I watched him drive off and smiled to myself. I looked at my phone and texted Joy that I'm heading home. She told me to get some rest and that was a quick reply. I entered my car and drove off. I got home and changed into my pyjamas and laid on my bed. Staying up all night with nothing but coffee is so bad. I was about to shut my eyes when my phone vibrated on the bedside table. I checked to see a message from an unknown number.

Unknown number

Hi this is Dan. Wanted to be sure this is you.


Yes Dan. This is me.

Unknown number

Good save my number and good night cutie.

I smiled at the texts and turned off my phone to sleep. I soon drifted off to dreamland.