
My Step Bro is Obsessed with my P#ssy

Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung, and Park Jimin are my step brothers all unrelated to each other. My Mafia boss of a father likes to marry young mothers and have them 'mysteriously' die in car crashes once he gets old of them. I was only five years old when my mum died in a train collage, Jungkook was ten, Taehyung fourteen, and Jimin, the oldest, sixteen. Now we're all adults, still forced to live in the same house. Along the way I some how fall in love with one of my brother's, the most obnoxious one too. Will I live to love him? Or will I secom to my father's raph? *This is an omegaverse, I took the liberty of making a few new rules\details. Pleas feel free to use some of my ideas in your own books if you're a writer too.*

Nick_Prince_95 · Celebrities
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27 Chs

9: Please stop *18+*

Jungkook's perspective:

"Seriously?" I asked completely stunned at what Jimin had just told us, we were all in the guest room for our stupid weekly hangout.

"He just confessed it? Just like that?" Y\n asked sounding completely betrayed, I think she was friends with this Rm fella.

"I'm sorry, Y\n." Jimin said rubbing her back comfortingly, yep, definitely friends.

"Daddy's gonna die?" Taehyung asked with teary eyes, out of all of us he loved dad the most, don't see how but I guess he's always gotten special treatment for having the rarest gender.

"Yes, and there's nothing we can do about it so it's best to not tell him and so he can live his last few days happily.l and not stressed out and anxious all the time." Jimin said, I think he just wanted dad to die as soon as possible.

"Oh fuck!" Jimin suddenly exclaimed, he quickly got up to run away. Don't know why, but Taehyung wouldn't let him leave. He started acting really weird, he pinned Jimin against the wall and smelling his neck-.... oh fuck.

Jimin had leaked slick, he was starting his heat and Taehyung had absolutely no idea how to control himself. Neither did I, not when it came to Jimin hyung. Which is why i dragged Y\n away as fast as I possibly could.

"What's going on?!" Y\n yelled while I dragged her up to her bedroom, I couldn't let her see this.

Unfortunately she alerted dad along the way, he saw us running out the guest bedroom and went inside. I really hope this doesn't end as badly as I think it will.

Jimin's perspective:

I suddenly felt myself leak slick and got completely terrified, I tried to leave before my brothers could smell me but it was too late and Taehyungie grabbed me and pushed me into the wall.

"Fuck." I heard Jungkook mumble, I was so grateful when I saw him leaving with Y\n, she couldn't see this. We'll tell her that Taehyung stopped later when he's done.

"Ugh, don't be too loud okey?" I said allowing him to remove my pants, and within a second he was sucking up my slick with my hands held tightly behind my back.

Suddenly dad came into the room, immediately my baby girl turned on and I begged, "Dad, please make him stop-ah." I moaned feeling myself being ripped away and slammed back into the wall. This time turned to face Taehyung.

"You don't speak unless when I say you can." Taehyung said rudely, grabbing my throat and squeezing it so tight I had to gasp for air.

"H-help.... dad..." I begged fake tears beginning to fill my eyes.

"Oh, nice, mind if I watch you rape him son?" Dad asked with a disgusting grin, I can't wait until he's dead, really.

"Get out, I want him to myself." Taehyung's daddy voice made an appearance digging his wolf claws into my skin.

"N-no, please help m-me." I begged feeling myself being thrown onto the bed, "No one can help you, slut. You're mine." Taehyung pined my shoulders down keeping me on my stomach.

"Get out dad, I want him he's mine." Taehyung demanded, he really did not want dad to stare at him while he fucked me.

Luckily dad left and Taehyung was left to do whatever he wanted, whatever he wanted included fucking me so hard I couldn't move my own body.

"Come here," Taehyung said softly lifting up my booty, "Mauh," He placed a soft kiss onto my hole causing me to blush like a moron, soon he lifted up his body while untying his sweatpants.

"I need to hurt you, dad saw us. So he'll expect me to rape you really hard, so I'm sorry in advanced. You're gonna be screaming, okey?" Taehyung apologized to me softly rubbing his member between my butt cheeks, slowly he inserted it and my whole entire fucking soul left my body.

I always love it when he fucks me, I like it a lot more then Jungkook's dick, he's too big and it hurts.

"Ah~" I moaned softly as Taehyungie starting thrusting slowly, so gentle as always. "Ah!" I suddenly moaned extremely loudly feeling him thrust fast and hit straight where he knows my prostate is.

"Chuckle, little slut. It feels good, doesn't it?" Taehyungie asked grabbing my butt and squeezing it tightly while spreading them apart.

"At least slow down! AH." I begged knowing dad could hear me, we really needed him to believe this was the first time.

"Ughhhh, you're so tight...." Taehyung groaned continuing to thrust, it didn't hurt that much honestly. I just needed dad to think it did, I was just screaming because it actually did feel really good.

"You gonna cum for me? Mm, little slut." Taehyung smirked flipping me over so I would rid him, I really love how I can't control my own body at all when I'm with him. "Y-yes, mm~" I moaned resting my hands onto his chest, bouncing my booty up and down.

"Come here." Taehyung said holding his hands out, by now I know that means he wants me to hug him. Which is what I did.

I hugged Taehyung tightly while he kissed me and thrusted upward, "Mmm~" I whimpered feeling myself cum onto his tummy. Taehyung softly held my butt in his hands as he stopped thrusting for a little bit so he could focus on kissing me.

"You're so beautiful hyung...." Taehyung whispered into my ear moving his hips up and down again, "Tae bae...." I moaned somewhat softly, but whiney. I laid my whole body weight down resting my head onto his shoulder.

"it's okey, I'll be softer now," Taehyung said softly cupping my face softly, "Come on baby, give daddy a kiss." Taehyungie stroked his fingers over my ass with his spare hand.

I kissed him softly still not putting in any effort to move my body, just making Taehyung do everything.

Soon though I got back up and started bouncing up and down again, "Nooooooo," Taehyungie whined, flipped me onto my back again.

"I want you to kiss me hyung...." He said with teary eyes, I think the news about dad's death has hit him hard because this is the first time I've ever seen him cry while having sex.

Except for that one time he threw a tantrum when I wouldn't let him kiss my thighs and he thought I was mad at him for something he did earlier that day, in reality I was just insecure about it and didnt want someone touching me there.

He kept going slow and started making out with me, I soon had my second ejaculation and Taehyung did had his first. Knowing that dad knew it only took a single orgasm in order for an alpha to regain his own mind we stopped and dimt.do a round two, I wanted to cuddle a bit but hearing Taehyungie say, "That bastard can go to hell." In the coldest voice ice ever heard come out of his mouth, I decided to just go make some snacks instead for when Y\n and Jungkookie can come back.

I probably have a lot of explaining to do.

(With Y\n and Jungkook)

Y\n's perspective:

"Hey! We need to help him!" I exclaimed as Jungkookie pulled me up the stairs and into my bedroom, "Taehyung will stop before he even puts it in, but me, I would've rapped the fuck out of him if I lost control. You of all people should know that." Jungkook said slamming my door shut pinning me against it.

"Jimins literally screaming!" I tried to rid myself of his grip but he overpowered me like always, "You go there and you'll be the one screaming, I go there and he'll be so fucked up by the time we're done he wouldn't even know our names. Which do you prefer? Come on, I got a good wiff of his pheromones and I'm using you."

"No! I'm not fucking with you again!" I protested while Jungkook took my thigh in his hands, "Funny, I don't remember giving you a choice." Jungkook said grabbing my other thigh so he could lift me up and carry me to the bed.

"No, please don't rape me again!" I literally begged being thrown onto the bed, suddenly Jungkook froze in place staring at me.

"Me, Jimin, and Tae hyungie have been having sex for about five years now. We started when you got your first heat, it was harder to control ourselves around you then around Jimin hyung since you were a girl and was starting to mature, and Taehyung and I decided to 'help each other out'. Jimin hyung found out and said it's unhealthy since technically we're both alphas and that losing your virginity to your own gender was dangerous. I think you can imagine what happened next, we agreed to use each other and never ever tell you. But now since you saw what just happened, I guess it's too late." Jungkook explained refusing to look at my eyes, although he did preoccupy his with my chest.

"Why did I never know about this?.... Jesus Christ I've been thinking you guys are fucking prostitutes for almost five years now!" I exclaimed angrily more angry at myself then at my brother's, I understand completely why they would need to resort to that. I was just angry that I never figured it out.

"We promised Jimin hyung that we wouldn't say anything because you were so young and inexperienced in every aspect of sex or second genders. Over time it became so normal to just run into the other room for a quick bj that we didn't even think about letting you in. Besides, I thought you'd feel weird that your stepbrothers are literally fucking all the bloody time."

"No! I understand, but you guys could really have told me because I was so fucking afraid just now. Did you not even consider I might be worried about you and Taehyungie hurting me or Jimin oppa when you loose control? I've been on my toes since I was fourteen!"

"Well, it definitely didn't seem like it. You're always teasing us with your body and goddamn, just a week ago you were basically humping my leg while me and Jimin hyung played video games!"

"I was not!"

"Yes you were! I could feel and smell how wet you were when I went to the bathroom I could see white stains on my shorts!" Jungkook exclaimed crossing his arms like a child would when he loses an argument, I have to admit I was humping him and does it quite often. What? He's an idiot and never notices, the only reason he noticed that night was because I was facing him and he could see my expressions, the cum on his shorts were a give away too but how was I supposed to know I'd fucking ejaculate for literally just humping my brothers leg??

Besides, what I meant with 'on my toes' was always ready to run away, that didn't help when it really counted though, I basically bowed down like a puppy and let him do whatever he wanted.

"Ugh, it doesn't matter, I'm fucking horny." Jungkook said towering over me again, "I already said no!" I tried to push his chest away but he just laid down on top of me.

"I want you Y\n." He said almost at a whisper interwhining his fingers through mine, "Arghhhh, why do you alway sdo this?" I asked trying to get his body weight off of mine, he always just lays down on top of me until I say yes or tell him something. It's cute but it works too well.

"I-i...." Jungkook tried to say something but he stuttered in a way I couldn't understand, Jungkook was actually stuttering?? Damn, he's either falling asleep or EXTREMELY fucking horny.

"Come on, get off. I'm not going to budge, it fucking hurt the last time you did it." I said giving up on moving him and now trying to wiggle my way out.

Jungkook lifted up his head and at first I thought he'd get up, but no. It was better, much much better. HE FUCKING KISSED MY NECK.

"Jungkook oppa, why are you so persistent?" I asked allowing his tongue to roam around my neck, suddenly I felt his other hand touching my outer thigh.

"No, no stop!" I begged trying to get out again, it was futile. I could feel Jungkook's claws digging into my skin and his tongue starting to get aggressive.

"Please Jungkook, stop!" I begged again but with no luck as always, Jungkook's teeth started sinking into my neck and I could already feel the overwhelming pain mixed with pleasure.

"JIMINIE OPPA!" I exclaimed hoping he'd come to rescue me before Jungkook could finish, but he couldn't even hear me.

"PLEASE STOP JUNGKOOK!" I shouted desperately while he bit another spot, suddenly I heard a popping sound coming from my shoulder. I froze completely, the pain was so overwhelming and I swear to god my life flash before my eyes.

Jungkook had marked me and now there was no going back.