
My Stash of fanfics ,webnovels and lightnovels

A collection of novels that I enjoyed. I am posting this due to lack of good mcs on this site. I will mostly post stories where mc is calm or rational for the most part. I will be posting the first chapters of all novels in it, you can just go to their respective sites for more and support the authors. Inspired by 'My Self-Insert Stash '. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the stories mentioned here.

Ms_Magician · Anime & Comics
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37:Magical Awakening by Emperor Tippy(Hp)

Fic Type:Si

This is probably one of the best explained hp fics that I have read.Just the amount of detail for the explanations of amazing. This fic is like methods of rationality but instead of rationality, it focuses on magic. The MC is really op but so are the other characters. All his actions have proper reasoning and he uses Muggle methods and combines them with magic.






Chapter 1


As I awoke I realized that something was wrong. Not what it was, but there was just something indefinably wrong. That realization had me fully conscious in under a second, and that's when all that was wrong started hitting me. My ceiling was white plaster, the ceiling above me was those white pockmarked ceiling panels that were ubiquitous in government and commercial buildings. My bed was a king sized TempurPedic with silk sheets and a down comforter, the bed I was in was a child's twin with regular sheets and a worn quilt. My eyesight was bad enough that I needed glasses to see in any detail beyond six inches, I was currently glasses free and could make out the date on the calendar across the room. Oh yes, to the best of my knowledge it was January 10th 2013 and not June 10th 1991.

My eyesights improvement got me started on cataloging my body's differences. My height was 6'2", I was currently about 4'6" if I had to guess. I also seemed to have lost about 140 pounds, going from 220 down to about 80.

And then the memories hit, I was an eleven year old orphan named Alexis Amadeus who had lived in a London orphanage his entire life. I was also a 27 year old American who could not actually recollect every having set foot in any orphanage in his entire life and had grown up with two loving parents.

I needed to think, to plan, to try and understand what had happened to me. I also needed to go to the bathroom and have breakfast.

It was just as I was finishing my bacon and eggs that an older woman that looked moderately severe walked in. Her glasses, black pants suit and cloak did nothing to make her look any less strict. She walked up to the manager of the orphanage, a Madam Parsons and began to speak.

Madam Parsons led the guest into her office and I shrugged, I had my own problems to worry about and curiosity could wait.

It was about ten minutes later that Madam Parsons came out and called me into her office. As I entered she said "Alexis, this is Professor McGonagall of Hogwarts Academy.". Madam Parsons continued to speak but I tuned her out as what she had just said registered, Hogwarts? McGonagall? No way, but maybe.

As Madam Parsons finished up she said "I'll leave you two to get acquainted" before heading out. I got ahold of myself and bowed slightly to McGonagall before saying "It is a pleasure to meet you Madam. Perhaps you could tell me about this Hogwarts and why I was selected to attend."

McGonagall seemed pleased with my politeness and said "Certainly Mr. Amadeus." before withdrawing a stick, a wand I guessed, from her sleeve and waving it about for a bit. Once she had done that she started to speak. "I am Professor Minerva McGonagall, Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and you Mr. Amadeus are a wizard."

I was a lot less surprised that I probably should have been but I simply said "Prove it."

The Professor nodded and waved her wand again, the Madam's desk promptly became a pig. Even though I expected it I was still surprised.

After a moment I said "Ok, I believe you. So what do I need for this school? I can't imagine that a magic school uses supplies that I can buy in London. Oh, and how is this to be payed for? As you can see" I waved an arm to encompass the orphanage "I have very limited means."

The Professor smiled slightly and said "Hogwarts has a scholarship for students of limited means. And yes, you can buy what you need in London. Why don't you read your acceptance letter and supply list before I take you out to buy your supplies." before pulling out a thick parchment envelope addressed to Alexis Amadeus, room #7, St. Margret's Orphanage, London.

I opened the envelope and found an actual Hogwarts letter, from what I could remember it was identical to the one Harry Potter received in the books. After reading it I said "Ok, I'm ready to go get this stuff. Although I have no idea where one buys any of this stuff."

"Very well, come with me Mr. Amadeus." said McGonagall before she waved her wand to return the pig to it's previous state and to bring down what I assumed to be protections against eavesdroppers. She spoke to Madam Parsons for a bit before collecting me.

Once we were outside the Professor led the way into an alley, waved her wand about a bit, and then said "Ok Mr. Amadeus, please hold my hand. We will be apparating to Diagon Alley." As I grasped her hand I said "Apparating?" before finding myself feeling like I had been sucked through a far too small tube. As I steadied myself McGonagall said "Apparation is the art of moving instantly from one location to another without traveling through the intervening distance."

Well it was official, I was in the Harry Potter world.

McGonagall led me around Diagon Alley, and the movies do not do it justice. The place was amazing. In addition to the money for my supplies Hogwarts provided it's scholarship students with a small stipend, 10 galleons per year, to spend as they saw fit. I didn't spend mine at the moment, I thought about it but most of what I was interested in cost too much and I could find all the books I wanted in the Hogwarts Library. The one thing that really stands out though is my wand.

If you don't have magic and have never grabbed a wand then you simply won't understand. When I picked up my wand, and I knew it was mine the instant it touched my hand, the Ebony and Phoenix Feather stick tapped directly into my very soul. The pleasure, the power, the peace, it was simply indescribable. That first instant when the soul is truly channeled through the body, it was nirvana.

When we returned to the orphanage I asked McGonagall how I would keep people from seeing my magic supplies and how I would get to the Hogwarts Express.

"Your books and trunk are enchanted so that any muggle who sees them will simply find them uninteresting and ignore them, unless they know about magic. All magical books are." McGonagall answered.

"Muggle? What does that mean ma'am?" I asked, playing the part of uninformed kid.

"People without magic Mr. Amadeus." she answered.

"As for reaching Platform 9 and 3/4's, if you tap your ticket with your wand on September First it will transport you and anything that you are touching to the platform."

I nodded slightly to show that I understood.


A/N Yeah, this came to me and was interfering with my other stories so I wrote it. It's stupid, it's going to be too powerful, the plot is probably going to suck, if you like this then there is probably something wrong with you . I'm posting it anyways.

Emperor Tippy

Jan 11, 2013



Chapter 2


The rest of the summer passed relatively quickly, virtually all my time was spent reading and rereading my school texts. Seeing as they were written for 11 year olds with no real knowledge of magic and I had the brain of a 27 year old, it was relatively easy to process and understand the text's contents. At least once I got it through my head that the laws of the universe as I knew them and as my muggle education said they were, meant jack shit to magic.

When September First came along I did as McGonagall had instructed and tapped my ticket with my wand while sitting on top of my trunk. I came to the conclusion that portkeys were quite unpleasant as I arrived on a train platform and saw a bright red locomotive before me. It was 9 AM so I had a few hours before the train would leave but I got on board, pulled out my Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1), put my trunk up in it's spot (thank you built in feather weight charm), pulled out my wand, and got to work. This was my first chance to really use magic and I wanted to see if I could do it.

I decided on one of the simplest spells, Lumos. I carefully followed the wand movement displayed in the animated picture in the book and spoke LOO-mos as the pronunciation guide indicated. It worked and the end of my wand gave off a clear white light, kind of like a flashlight actually.

I started going through the books list of spells and by the time others started to really arrive at the train, about an hour or so later, I had managed to try another ten spells, of which I had got a total of seven to work eventually. I considered that to be far better than I could have hoped for.

With other students arriving I put my wand away and pretended to be reading my book. You could learn a lot if people didn't think you were paying attention to them. I was eventually joined by a Wayne Hopkins, Su Li, and Terry Boot. After introducing myself I went back to "reading" and let them talk. Apparently Li and Hopkins were both half-bloods that had been friends for a while. Boot was a muggleborn, his dad was apparently a plumber while his mom was a nurse.

Boot spent most of the trip asking Hopkins and Li questions about the magical world. I picked up a fair bit of minor trivia that I couldn't remember the series covering but nothing particularly amazing or noteworthy.

Eventually a girl with bushy hair and front teeth that were just a bit too large and a boy a bit of the pudgy side came by looking for a toad. After indicating that we hadn't seen it they left. I was fairly glad, for I had decided that I wanted to stay as far away from the main cast and main plot as possible. At least for now. It might make me a selfish dick but I wanted to avoid the mess with Harry Potter's life for as long as possible, things worked out well enough in the end and if I could manage to avoid entanglements well that was just fine with me. My position might change in time but for now it was pretty solid.

Eventually we arrived at Hogwarts, and again the books and movies didn't even begin to do it justice. As it came into view over the lake it was perhaps the most indescribably beautiful and powerful sight I had ever seen. Hogwarts was so magical that you could simple feel it in the air, welcoming, nurturing, protecting. As I said, it can't be described.

After we exited the boats McGonagall led us to a waiting room and told us to wait to be sorted. The ghosts that flew through the wall a bit later were a bit freaky but pretty amazing as well. Shortly after the ghosts had headed out McGonagall returned and led us into the great hall.

Damn those movies, again they did a horrible job of representing it. For one, there weren't thousands of floating candles. In addition to the brazers along the walls the room was just, quite simply, lit. There was no definable source, it was just lit. The ceiling was amazing, it was like it wasn't there, just the sky outside.

After the Sorting Hat finished it's song McGonagall called out "Abbot, Hannah". A few moments after putting the hat on her head she was off to "HUFFLEPUFF" as the hat so kindly notified up. And then McGonagall called out "Amadeus, Alexis" and I started the long walk down the great hall to the stool and the hat.

Once the hat was on my head I heard a voice speaking in my mind "Well now isn't this interesting. Trans-dimensional possession from a dimension that considers this one to be a work of fiction? I've never heard of that before. Well you are on the list and I still have to sort you. Pity that you aren't actually a threat to Hogwarts, that means I can't tell anyone your secrets. Ah well, there really is only one place for you. That cunning and ambition makes it indisputable. SLYTHERIN"

I removed the hat and walked over to the Slytherin table, it's where I had expected that I would end up. Ravenclaw was a possibility but I had doubted it. Well here I was, a muggleborn orphan in the snakes den. I doubted that this would be particularly easy, but I was a twenty seven year old adult who had run his own business and was a quite capable manipulator, and I was competing against eleven years old spoiled brats with very little experience in the real world. I also knew what was going to happen, at least the broad strokes.

As I sat down I introduced myself and waited for the sorting to finish so that I could try some of the famed Hogwarts food.

After the feast was done, and it was quite tasty. The fifth year prefects, an Alicia Moon and a Morgan Hartfang, led the way down to the Slytherin Common Room. The password was 'Unity' for the moment. After we arrived the prefects laid down the rules, basically don't get caught and present a unified front to the rest of the school regardless of how we actually felt about each other or acted inside the common room. I then found out that we each got a private room, which I found quite pleasing. My room contained a bed, armoire, desk, and a door to my private bathroom. It was all functional and nice but nothing particularly luxurious. The only other thing I really cared about was that, as today was a Sunday our first class would be tomorrow (schedules would be delivered to our desks during the night) and that curfew went from 9 PM to 5 AM.

I woke up the next morning, no idea of the time, to find the promised schedule on my desk (Charms first today with the Hufflepuffs, followed by History of Magic after lunch with the Ravenclaws and then the rest of the day free). I grabbed the appropriate books and headed off to try and find my way back to the Great Hall. When I arrived I found that it was seven AM.

Charms was interesting, I had no problem with the Color Change Charm that we got started on today. Or with the theory, again it was a class aimed at 11 year old beginners. Flitwick seemed quite competent and capable. History of Magic, now that was a boring class. Reasonably interesting but Binns had the most monotone, droning, sleep inducing, voice I have ever had the displeasure of hearing.

Once History of Magic was done I got to work, I was finally free and had seven hours until curfew. I headed back to my room to drop off my supplies and then made my way up to the Seventh Floor. It took me about twenty minutes of wandering but I finally found the picture of Barnabas the Barmy teaching trolls to dance and walked back and forth in front of it while thinking "I need a place to teach me Occlumency" as hard as I could. After my third pass a door appeared and I entered, only to find that the Room of Requirement had provided a nice, relaxing, reading room with a book sitting on a table next to the rooms sole chair. A single glance at the title told me that the room had delivered "Occlumency: The Foundational Art".

I sat down, picked up the book, and started to read.

"Simply put, Occlumency is the art of controlling one's own mind, body, and eventually soul. Mastery of this art is what separates a Sorcerer, one who wields magic as easily as they breath, from a Wizard, one who only commands magic through Words of Power. To gain mastery of Occlumency is time consuming, difficult, and potentially deadly (or worse) but the benefits are immense..."

As I kept reading I began to understand what the book meant. Clearing your mind was only the first, prefatory, step to learning Occlumency. The step after that would shred your mind if you couldn't keep it clear and didn't have a master Legilimens on hand. The next step only involved potentially destroying your own personality. The step after that would only kill you if you fucked up. The one after that actually required that you be on the very cusp of death. And the last step would simply destroy your soul if you fucked up. Yeah, this was most assuredly not safe magic.

And yet I needed it, my mind had too many secrets in it and the benefits Occlumency offered were just too immense for me to pass up.

By dinner time I had completed the two hundred page book. After heading down to dinner I headed to my room and started meditating. At least I already had a somewhat decent grasp of that art. I had no idea how long it would take me to be able to clear my mind, and keep it clear.

My schedule was fairly simple, I went to class, did my homework, and hung out in the Room of Requirement most of the rest of the time. I was fairly introverted before finding myself here, having to put up with kids made my own company even more bearable. Besides, studying magic was amazing and the Room of Requirement could provide me with whatever I wanted.

My fellow Slytherins mostly left me alone, I was simply that aloof first year that rarely spoke and never bothered anyone. My professors liked me because I was polite, prepared, did my homework without complaint, and consistently turned in the best work in the class; again the advantages of real motivation and having 16 years on the competition. Most of the rest of the school probably didn't realize that I existed, which is pretty much how I wanted it.

Learning to fly a broom was pretty cool but I didn't have the love for it that Harry did. I wasn't bad on a broom but I wasn't anything special either. Of course Draco had to go and embarrass himself, and by extension all of Slytherin, with his stupidity but that kinda exemplified Draco. He was a puffed up spoiled brat.

Besides Occlumency and the First Year curriculum my other study project was the Trace. I was pleased that the Room could deliver more help on that front than it could on Occlumency. According to the "Self-Updating Book of Laws and Regulations of the Ministry of Magic of the Magical Empire of Britain", and wasn't that a surprise, apparently in the magical world the British Empire was still going strong, "wand makers are directed and required to cast the Location Tracking Charm and Spell Identification Charm on any wand that they sell to a witch or wizard under the age of 17. Such charms must be linked by Protean Charm to a piece of parchment with the users name and date of purchase on it. This parchment to be provided to the Improper Use of Magic Office."

Basically, the trace was a piece of parchment that constantly displayed the location of the individuals wand and a complete history of their spell casting. Breaking the trace was relatively easy, a simple "finite" directed at the Protean Charm would do it. The only problem was that the parchment would then cease to display the information that it should be and I would be guilty of a crime that carried expulsion and the binding of the individuals magic. If I wanted to break the trace I would need a different solution. I finally settled on the idea of redirecting it instead. I would take a small object, cast the Location Tracking Charm on that, link that object by Protean Charm to the tracking parchment, and then use another Protean Charm to link the Spell Identification Charm on my wand into the object (and thus the tracking parchment). Then I could just remove that second Protean Charm whenever I wanted to cast untraced magic and reapply it when I wanted the trace back on.

It was simple in theory, in practice it would require learning two beyond NEWT level charms (the Protean and Location Tracking Charms) and then breaking into the Ministry of Magic to gain access to my tracking parchment to replace the charms. I was hopeful that I might have the charms down by the end of the year.

All in all life was "normal" and repetitive, which was just fine with me.

Halloween came and went much like canon, Quirrell came in whining about a troll, Dumbledore tried to kill all the Syltherins, Harry and Ron saved Hermione, life went on.

Before the first Quidditch Match of the Season I went and found the Hogwarts Bookie, a seventh year Ravenclaw named Johnathan Finche and put down ten galleons on Gryffindor winning with Harry Potter catching the snitch. I got five to one odds. Watching Quidditch was pretty amazing, I had no real interest in playing but it was fun to watch. Seeing Snape catch on fire was also worth a laugh.

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