
My Stash of fanfics ,webnovels and lightnovels

A collection of novels that I enjoyed. I am posting this due to lack of good mcs on this site. I will mostly post stories where mc is calm or rational for the most part. I will be posting the first chapters of all novels in it, you can just go to their respective sites for more and support the authors. Inspired by 'My Self-Insert Stash '. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the stories mentioned here.

Ms_Magician · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

30: The Prodigy (Highschool of the Dead) by Cambrain

Fic type:oc

NSFW fic to pass the time. This is a straightforward wish fulfilment fic but written well I suppose. No plot just smuts but still fun to read ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



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Chapter 1

A/N: A new Commissioned story, from the same Commissioner who brought you all "A Domineering Dragon" and "Command & Conquer: All the Sexy Ladies". Here we are with a Highschool of the Dead fic featuring a shota dominating the hot sexy female characters.

Starting with Saeko. Enjoy~


Saeko Busujima is a conflicted girl, to say the least. She has a dark side, one that disturbs and even frightens her. It is because of this that the purple haired beauty always tries to stay kind, caring, and considerate of others. The war inside of her, the constant battle with her innate sadism… it wears on her, but each time she helps someone, each time she makes another person happy, it's like another candle lit in her soul to push back the encroaching shadows.

So of course, when she sees someone moving into the vacant home next to her own one day, Saeko decides to investigate. There is a large truck, and a set of workers carrying furniture and the like into the home. There is also a boy sitting on the curb nearby out front, his elbows resting on his knees and his hands clasped together as he stares out in thought.

Blinking, Saeko moves to greet him, the beautiful young woman dressed in her school uniform with her book bag hanging from one shoulder and the duffel containing her kendo equipment hanging from the other. Her presence does not go unnoticed as she gets closer, and the look that the boy gives her is surprisingly chilly for half a moment, before it's hidden behind a mask of curiosity. But… Saeko notices. Saeko, who has to deal with the same feelings she'd seen in the boy's eyes on a daily basis… she sees.

Her heart beats faster for a moment, but in the end the purple haired beauty simply smiles at the young man before her.

"Hello there. I couldn't help but notice you moving in. It's quite nice to see, this neighborhood isn't a bad one, but the houses are a little expensive, to be sure. My father can afford one because of his position and our family's history… are your parents in a similar situation?"

The sense of melancholy she gets from the boy immediately makes it clear to Saeko that she's overstepped. His resulting smile doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"My parents… they were quite wealthy, I suppose."

She's stepped in it. Letting out a sigh, Saeko grimaces, though it does nothing to detract from her beauty, something the boy takes notice of.

"Ah… I apologize. It was not my intention to-."

"No. There is no need for that. You did not know. And I doubt you're really interested in my sob story. Suffice to say, I have spent much of my young life working to get to where I am now. But all of that… it's in the past. In a way, I am even grateful for the hardships forced upon me. It has brought me to where I am now. On my own, with a home and wealth, starting over at Fujimi High School."

That gets a blink from Saeko. Truly? He doesn't look old enough to be going to Fujimi. After all, that's HER High School. Of course, the boy knows that, not that Saeko notices. He didn't name drop the place for nothing.

"You… I confess, I'm a little surprised. You seem quite young."

The boy chuckles and waves a hand dismissively.

"I am quite young, as you put it. I am also quite intelligent, not to be too boastful. It is hard to be humble when I have been called a prodigy by those around me my entire life."

The melancholy is back again. Is this boy what one might call a savant, or a genius? Saeko can't help but be interested in him, despite the obvious age disparity between the two of them. He's clearly quite mature for his age, and that only makes the purple-haired beauty more intrigued by his hidden past. She is drawn in by him, needless to say. And without parents, he would be living alone, wouldn't he?

"… You said you were all alone, yes? I confess, I am currently all alone as well. My father… he is traveling abroad at the moment, attending a self-defense conference where he has been asked to speak at a different event almost every day of the conference. He will not be back for weeks… perhaps… perhaps we could keep one another company, if you'd like?"

His face is guarded as he regards her for a long moment. After a moment though, he smiles slightly and cocks his head to the side.

"I don't even know your name. And you don't know mine either."

Saeko blinks at that, realizing he's right. Ah, she really is dropping the ball here, isn't she? Where are her manners, where are the values that her father instilled in her? This boy… he's really something special, but she needs to keep herself at bay, or she might end up hurting him. Blushing lightly, Saeko smiles and bows her head.

"You are correct, apologies for my lapse in decorum. My name is Saeko Busujima. It is a pleasure to meet you."

The boy nods in return, not exactly getting up to bow or anything in respect as the corner of his lips quirk up slightly.

"Nice to meet you too Saeko. You can call me Masuto."

Masuto… it's a nice name. Smiling slightly, Saeko nods her head and says as much to the boy. In turn, his own smile grows just a tad.

"Is it? Hadn't really noticed. Well… I won't say no to your company Saeko. If you really want to spend your free time with a child like me… you can come over."

For some reason, that makes Saeko far happier than it should. Rather than a simple candle lit in her heart to beat back the darkness, it's like a burning ember has been place there, and its growing brighter and brighter by the second. Saeko's responding smile is more genuine than any have been before it and quite some time, and she finds herself acting a little bit like a blushing schoolgirl as she fidgets and squirms a bit.

"Right… then… I'll just go put this stuff down, and then maybe I'll come back around and we can make some dinner together. Be… be right back."

And like that, the purple-haired beauty turns around and flees, leaving the boy, Masuto sitting there watching her go. She doesn't see the look in his eyes as he gazes at her retreating back. She misses the way he focuses on her beautiful hourglass figure, and the way her skirt swishes back and forth as she hurries off. But then, even if she had seen it, even if she'd known… would it have truly mattered?

As she says, that night after the movers have finished their duties, Saeko prepares dinner for the two of them with Masuto at her side. His kitchen is actually nicer than her own, and far more state-of-the-art. It's obvious that the young boy spared no expense in furnishing his abode. It smacked as a bit wasteful to her, but she didn't know Masuto nearly well enough to call him out on such things. Instead, she simply learned to cook in the new, advanced, high-tech kitchen, and with the boy helping, they were done in no time.

Eating dinner with him was a quiet affair at first, but Saeko eventually managed to keep him talking about this or that. Slowly but surely, she wears away at his chilly demeanor. Slowly but surely, she learns more and more about Masuto, about this young genius who's moved in next door to her. And when the night ends and Saeko returns to her own home, the place feels cold, and so does her bed. Like… like she's in the wrong house, all of the sudden.

The next day they walk to school together and then walk home together as well. They share no classes, and Saeko doesn't have to explain Masuto's presence or his existence to anyone. He's the talk of Fujimi High nonetheless, but Saeko finds herself being rather recalcitrant about his existence. In the end, she just doesn't want anyone else to know that they live next door to one another. She doesn't want anyone else to know where Masuto lives at all, in point of fact.

… It's selfish, but Saeko finds herself staying rather quiet as the entire school discusses the boy genius' arrival, wanting to keep what she knows a secret for a while longer. And when the day ends, she waits until he's begun to walk home, only to catch up with him once the school and all those wandering eyes are out of sight. He seems surprised by her presence at first, but then relaxes into it… and slowly but surely, that becomes the new norm.

They spend their afternoons and evenings together at first. Then, they spend their mornings together as well. That strange feeling Saeko got when she slept in her own bed grew and grew until she couldn't sleep at all. She was tossing and turning all night long and her studies and everything else suffered for it. In the end, Saeko did the unthinkable. She suggested that perhaps she should stay with Masuto in his home, helping out a bit since he had no one else.

After all, it was a woman's duty to keep things tidy and clean. While she did so for her own home, she couldn't help but notice the thin layer of dust slowly collecting around the places that Masuto didn't frequent as much in his large, multi-roomed house. In the end, it was all just an excuse. And the first night she slept in the guest bedroom, with only a thin wall between her and the young prodigy… Saeko couldn't help but feel right at home, strangely enough.

In the mornings, she woke up early before school to tidy up a bit and cook breakfast. Then, her and Masuto would go to school together, as before, and they would spend their days apart, as before. The afternoons and evenings were filled with a bit more cleaning and then they'd prepare dinner together and spend quite a while talking with one another afterwards.

The only thing that shook up this routine was Saeko's kendo club activities. The beautiful purple haired girl had kendo multiple days a week, and slowly but surely as the days went by and Masuto came more and more out of his shell, he seemed to take notice of when she could walk home with him and when she couldn't. She always made sure to make time for dinner prep, but in the end there were just times when she couldn't be there in the afternoon, instead arriving home just as the sun was finally setting on the horizon.

At first, she felt bad about it. But she couldn't simply give up kendo for the boy, no matter how much she enjoyed spending time with him. Or perhaps that was exactly what she would have ended up doing, if Masuto had no acted first. After all, she'd eventually broke and found an excuse to all but move into his home while her father was away on his trip abroad. It was entirely possible she might have given up kendo as well, all to make him happy… in the end though, Saeko found she didn't have to. Because one day after school, she stepped inside the kendo club to find her young neighbor being fawned over and cooed at by every female member of the club.

Blinking dumbly, Saeko slowly lowers her equipment to the ground and glances to one of the kendo club's male members for an explanation. The young man snorts, his arms crossed over his chest as he tosses his head towards the crowd.

"It's that kid, Masuto. Apparently he wants to join the club, Captain."

Ah… Masuto wanted to join the kendo club? Saeko was a bit startled, to say the least. Her mind bluescreened for a moment as she tried to decide if this was a good thing or a bad thing. On the one hand, he must have found out about her presence here, and decided to join to spend more time with her. That was sweet, and it made her heart swell with happiness.

On the other, he was now the center of attention, not only drawing more young women to himself, but also disrupting the club something fierce. Frowning ever so slightly, Saeko brings her fingers to her lips and whistles, loudly. That gets everyone's attention, and in no time at all she has her club arrayed in disciplined rows as Masuto stands off to the side, still wearing the male school uniform, one hand in his pocket and the other hanging loose as he gives her a slight grin.

Saeko can't help but smile back, and blush just a tad as she tries to control herself. She doesn't think any of her true feelings are exposed to her subordinates, but at the same time, that comes at the cost of possibly exposing them to him. Masuto approaches and Saeko has to be careful not to tense up, or even take a step back as she stands there and inclines his head.

"Masuto. I'm told you want to join our kendo club. I have to wonder if you have any experience."

The young boy cocks his head to the side, looking up at Saeko from where he stands a good foot and a half shorter than her.

"I have some experience… Captain. We could spar if you like, and you could assess my skill perhaps?"

It's a good idea, even if she would normally have one of her students do so instead. After all, it wasn't something the Captain of the club usually did. That is, testing each and every person who walked into the room. But Masuto was different, and the mere thought of allowing another to fight him made Saeko a little sick. That scared her, in truth. Was her darker side acting up again? She'd felt strange around Masuto, for weeks now… did she want to hurt him?

Plastering a fake smile on her face, Saeko nods in agreement.

"Very well, but if you cannot land a blow on me, I will have to decline your request to join the kendo club. Is that understood?"

It's her only out, even if its highly unorthodox. Those in the club gasp with wide eyes at the ultimatum, staring at the two of them from where they stand in their perfect rows. After all, Saeko is quite literally one of the country's top kendo mistresses. Her father had trained her from quite the young age, and Saeko had in turn taken his training all the further on her own, though of course they still sparred and worked together in the regular, when he was around.

Masuto didn't know anything about that though. He didn't know just how good she was, but that was the point, wasn't it? It was obvious that the young boy wanted to spend more time with her… but in truth, this place, the kendo club… it was the one place that she sometimes let loose in. It was the one place where she could blow off some steam, but once in a while that results in her sadism making itself known.

She was usually able to disguise it as training lessons, but not always. And with Masuto, the purple haired beauty can't be entirely sure that she won't end up hurting him for fun. She has to keep him away, and this is the only method she has to make sure of it. Beating him in a quick spar will show him that he can't be a genius at everything, and she can use the excuse of his age as an explanation for why he's not able to join the club at this time.

It's the perfect plan, though part of Saeko hopes he'll back down right now instead and save them both the trouble.

"That sounds like fun. May I borrow a shinai, I haven't purchased one of my own yet."

Saeko's fake smile freezes up as she nods her head and a shinai is brought out for Masuto. A space is cleared in the middle of the room, and the Kendo Captain takes out her own practice sword as she meets her young neighbor in the center of that space. They square off and then go through all of the usual rituals, and Saeko is surprised to find that Masuto follows her movements quite fluidly as she maintains eye contact with him throughout the straight bow.

It's almost as if he knows what he's doing, but she puts such thoughts out of her mind, instead settling into a stance, as he mimics her and does the same. There's a certain confidence in Masuto's eyes that unsettles Saeko just a bit. But even more unsettling is her own desires, her sadism welling up in her breast now that the fight is all but happening. Grimacing slightly, the purple haired swordswoman bites her lower lip, almost hard enough to draw blood.

When she finally moves forward, she does so with significant speed, but it's still far slower than what she's truly capable of. Even as she swings at Masuto just as fast as any of her students could at their best, inwardly Saeko is conflicted and doing her best to hold back. She needs to be methodical about this, lest she do something that can't be taken back.

Even still, Saeko is quite surprised when Masuto catches her slash on his own bamboo sword, deflecting it to the side rather than trying to block it entirely. There is surprise from those in the room as well, especially when Masuto turns his deflection into a successful counter, his shinai sliding up the length of hers and rapping easily against her fingers in Saeko's moment of confusion.

He's dealt her a blow, a blow that in a real situation would have lopped off fingers. Feeling the slight sting on her knuckles from the bamboo, Saeko presses her lips tightly together as Masuto backs off, a much wider grin on his face, his stance once more set.

"Perhaps three blows instead, hm Captain? First blood seems… inadequate in this instance."

Saeko nods her head in agreement, not trusting herself to speak. A moment later the purple haired beauty is moving forward again, but she's just as conflicted as before. Fighting Masuto, even if he did manage to hit her, it's not what she wants to do. If she goes all out, she's sure she's going to hurt him… and Saeko can't help but be afraid of how much she'd like that… hurting him.

And yet… and yet he wins. The next blow raps against her arm and the third against her neck. Masuto beats her handily, much to her chagrin and much to the shock of every Kendo user in the room. They all know she wasn't at her best, but that doesn't change the fact that, even at her worst none of them could expect to land a blow on her.

This boy… this 'genius'… many of them can't help but wonder just who the hell he is. Meanwhile, Saeko knows exactly who Masuto is. He's her next-door neighbor, the boy she's currently living with, cooking for, cleaning up after… and he's just come into her sanctuary and defeated her at one of the only things in life that she truly excels at.

It's not… it's not…

"So then, I suppose I can join the Kendo Club now?"

Saeko's eyes flash as she meets Masuto's own. Oh yes, he's definitely joining the Kendo Club.

"You may. You will spar with me from now on. None of the others here are fit to be your opponent."

Masuto's smile grows just a bit wider and he shrugs his shoulders.

"If you say so Captain."

Saeko looks to her shell-shocked club members and glares at them, one and all.

"Pair off! What are you all standing around for?!"

She's not usually so short or aggressive, and the change in behavior definitely has the kendo club leaping into action to get things moving. While everyone begins to spar all across the room, Saeko turns back to Masuto and centers herself, letting out a low breath as she smiles at him. It's not a nice smile, and deep down inside the purple haired beauty knows it's wrong to give in like this. But she just can't help it. Masuto has awakened something in her. And now she really, REALLY wants to hurt him.

"Are you ready? I won't go so easy on you this time Masuto."

The young boy grins happily at that, and falls into his stance yet again, shinai raised and at the ready.

"Sounds good to me, Captain."

That smirk… she wants to wipe it off his face. With a growl, Saeko stops holding back and launches herself forward.

And then she proceeds to lose once more. And again. And again. To her absolute shock, the kendo mistress cannot land a single blow on her young neighbor. Masuto hands her ass to her, to put it bluntly, but luckily thanks to her demeanor, most of the kendo club isn't really paying attention to her and the boy, for fear of her coming down on them for slacking.

All the same, she still loses. Each and every spar is first to three blows, and each and every spar leaves her with none and him with three. He defeats her time and time again, and when the day comes to a close, it's just the two of them left in the kendo club, standing across from each other, shinai in hand. Saeko is sweating profusely and panting heavily, while Masuto is barely fatigued, the light sheen of sweat on his forehead the only mark of the workout he'd just given her. His breath is calm, and his face has a nice, casual smile spread across it.

"Shall we go again Captain?"

Scowling, Saeko looks around at the empty clubroom.

"There's no need to play dumb anymore Masuto. No one left but us. You can just call me Saeko."

She's never had anyone so thoroughly unnerve her before. Not even her father had ever done this to her. But this boy… this young genius standing before her… grinning slightly, Masuto shrugs his shoulders.

"If you say so Saeko. It's gotten fairly late though. I think we might be better off picking up takeout on the way home, rather than starting dinner preparations this late. Don't you agree?"

Saeko glances out the window at the rising moon and blushes a bit at the way she's lost track of time. Nostrils flaring, the purple haired beauty slowly nods.

"Yes… that might be for the best. I have to know though… who did you train under Masuto? Where did you hone your skills with the blade?"

Masuto's grin only grows as he moves to put his borrowed shinai away. Saeko follows his lead in cleaning up the room, but she never does get an answer, not until they're locking up and walking away from the clubroom. Then, Masuto just shrugs again, amusement in his tone.

"I just dabble Saeko. I'm not really that into it."

That sets Saeko on edge. Of course it does, she'd heard him use those words before on many an occasion. He would show her some special skill or bit of knowledge he had during one of their talks, and Saeko would be amazed at just how good he was at this or that, or just how intelligent he sounded when prompted to talk about a certain field. Every time, she would ask him where he'd learned what he did. In turn, Masuto would claim that he only dabbled in whatever thing it was that she'd seen him excel at that time. He'd claim he 'just really wasn't that into it'.

She'd thought the boy humble when he did such a thing before. She'd thought him to be downplaying his own accomplishments. It'd been cute… but not anymore. No, now it was something that Saeko loved. It was a major part of her life, and he'd just come in and wiped the floor with her like she was nothing more than a beginner. And he claimed to just dabble?!

"… Masuto, from now on I want you and I to watch the other kendo club members spar, during actual kendo club hours. You will help me to teach them where they are making mistakes and forming bad habits. Two sets of eyes are better than one after all."

The boy cocks his head as he looks at her sidelong.

"Are we not going to spar ourselves anymore Saeko?"

There's a challenging note to his voice. If she wasn't already planning to do what she'd been planning to do, that very well might have goaded her towards it anyways. As is, Saeko just smiles a not-so-nice-smile as she shakes her head.

"We'll be sparring still, Masuto. From now on, we'll spar after normal club hours, when everyone else is gone. Alright?"

His lifted eyebrows as they make their way towards the nearest restaurant tell Saeko that the young boy has immediately assumed the worst of her. He believes she wants to fight him after club hours simply because she can't beat him, and she doesn't want to be humiliated in front of the club any longer. The truth of the matter is far different. Saeko wants to go all out, from this point on. She wants to give defeating Masuto her all… and she wants to put the damnable prodigy in his place.

This is her desire, and she will see it achieved. Glancing back at him, Saeko locks eyes with the boy until finally he just smiles and nods.


And that's that. Tomorrow… she'd utilize his genius intellect to help her students, and then she would beat him into the mat once everyone else was gone. It was certainly not the right and proper way to do things… but the boy was making her blood boil in a way it never had before. Her sadistic desire to see him in pain… it would not go away easily.

She would have to defeat him… thoroughly. She was going to conquer Masuto and make him submit to her skill. Saeko Busujima would accept no less.


D-Damn it all. Gritting her teeth, Saeko slowly stands up on rather sore legs as she looks across the mat at where Masuto waits, shinai in hand. The young boy had just leg-swept her, and quite expertly as well. It's the next day and the kendo club has long since adjourned. It's just the two of them now, and as she'd said, they've been sparring for a good thirty minutes by this point.

She'd thought she could beat him, if they were alone. But he'd taken all of her aggression, her sadism, her strength… and he'd turned it back around on her. Her blows did not connect, while his did. She was sore and sweaty and panting for breath, while he simply stood there, a small, smug smile on his face. But more than that, on that last exchange she'd felt something else. As he leg-swept her… it had to be an accident of course. It probably wasn't intentional.

Still, he'd smacked her across her firm, taut ass with his shinai in that last bout. It was probably nothing of course. The sting was still present on her shapely behind, but rapidly fading. It was more than likely a mistake. Putting it out of her mind, Saeko presses her lips tightly together and raises her own shinai once more into a ready stance.

A moment later, she's moving and he in turn is moving as well. That's at least one thing Saeko has accomplished today that she didn't the day before. Her ferocity combined with her no-holds-barred speed has forced Masuto to take her seriously. And yet… and yet, was he? As their shinai bounce off one another and Saeko tries to use her strength and height and reach to her advantage, Masuto's face betrays nothing. He's emotionless, and not even focused as he slides around her fluid slashes like it's nothing.

In the end, his shinai slips past her guard and the blunt tip of the bamboo sword smacks against Saeko's chin, forcing her head back for a moment, her teeth clicking shut as she nearly stumbles. The only thing that stops her from falling backwards onto her ass, is his practice sword, whirling about as he wields it expertly, rapping against her buttocks with enough force to stabilize her.

The entire move takes barely three seconds, and Saeko is left a bit shocked as Masuto dances away again, a knowing, wicked grin on his face. He'd done that on purpose. He'd definitely done that on purpose. That was absolutely no mistake. Frowning, Saeko stops right then and there, ending the spar on the spot.

"Masuto, striking me on the butt with your shinai is highly inappropriate behavior. I must ask you to stop."

"Must you?"

His response is quick and causes Saeko to pull up short as she blinks dumbly.

"… What?"

Grinning wider than she's ever seen him do before, Masuto shrugs his shoulders and points at her with his shinai.

"If you truly want me to stop… you'll stop me, won't you? All you need to do is best me in a spar, and then you can give me the spanking instead, can't you? Honestly, it feels like you need the incentive Saeko."

Saeko's eyes are wide in surprise as she stares at the boy for a long moment, his shit-eating grin leaving her utterly speechless. And yet, his words resonate with her, in a way. Wasn't that exactly what she wanted after all? She'd wanted to beat him and conquer him and teach him a lesson he'd never forget. And now… now she had permission to do so, just as soon as she brought him down.

Determination wells up in the purple-haired woman's breast as she grits her teeth together. She wants to give him a taste of his own medicine. She has no intentions of letting him get away with this forever. And in the end, this allows her to work towards a goal. She's always been very goal-oriented, as the case may be.

"Very well. Shall we go again?"

And just like that, the beautiful young woman has given her boy genius of a neighbor permission to smack her ass each time he beats her with his shinai. Needless to say, Masuto's grin is a terrifying sight to behold as they both take their stances up again, but Saeko ignores it, her eyes on the prize, launching herself forward even more determined to win than ever before now.

Of course, she doesn't. Win, that is. The kendo mistress loses every last spar they have that night, and by the time they go home, her behind is a bit red from the repeated smack of bamboo against her ass. The same thing happens the next day, and the next. Even when the kendo club isn't meeting, Saeko finds herself dragging Masuto to the clubroom in order to spar with him until sunset. The boy never complains though, seeming to quite enjoy defeating her.

The week that follows is one of the strangest of Saeko's life. It's humiliating, degrading… and shamefully arousing. She also probably learns more about technique and the like from her young neighbor than she has in the years since her father stopped teaching her full time. Saeko hadn't realized just how much her skill had plateaued until she was fighting for something she truly wanted. Then, the girl discovered there were whole mountains for her to still climb. She'd sat near the top for too long, not realizing that the peak was still far, far away.

Still, regardless of how much she learned, there was also the reluctant, unwanted pleasure of the act that Saeko found herself contending with as well. The secret sadist had started out wanting to give Masuto a taste of his own medicine. She'd wanted to paddle the young prodigy's bottom with her shinai until he begged her to stop. Unfortunately, she simply wasn't as good as him, and despite her improvement, she still had yet to land a substantive blow.

Day after day, spar after spar, he was laying into her poor bottom. But it got all the worse when he began to lightly tap her pussy as well, showing off his skill by planting his shinai between her legs time and time again. The unexpected, repeated contact has the unwanted effect of getting her all hot and bothered, and even worse, when she confronts him about it he gives her the same deal as before. Beat him, otherwise it will continue.

For most, this might be when one quits. When one throws in the towel. He was practically molesting her each day, making a fool of her in a setting she was supposed to reign supreme over. But Saeko's samurai spirit would not allow her to give in. Surrender would be cowardice, worse than defeat. Rather than bow out, she had to continue, she HAD to beat him at his own game.

Of course, his contact with the place between her thighs grows more and more adventurous, and it grows harder and harder to focus. All of it leads up to the moment when he disarms her and then drives his shinai up between her legs. Saeko cries out at the sudden contact, and then falls to her knees as her own practice sword hits the mat at the same time as she does.

But Masuto doesn't stop, instead he leaves the tip of his shinai against her pussy, rubbing it back and forth as he looks down at her.

"A-Ah… Masuto, p-please, s-stop…"

The boy cocks his head to the side for a moment, as if considering her request. His smile is rather sadistic in and of itself, and Saeko shudders and gasps as she averts her gaze from the look in his eyes. Finally though, Masuto pulls the shinai away, leaving Saeko to spasm in relief. She'd been shamefully close to something that she wasn't sure she'd be able to come back from. If she… if she did that in front of Masuto, the kendo mistress knew her credibility would be shot, and their relationship would never be the same.

Part of her didn't hate that idea. But the far larger part of her still wanted to defeat him, even if it felt like a pipe dream. She needed to show the young boy his place, damn it! But she couldn't do that if he kept fighting so d-damn dirty…

Still kneeling on the floor, Saeko lets out a low sigh and then looks up at the genius boy she's practically living with at this point.

"Masuto… you have to stop toying with me d-during our spars. O-Otherwise, I can't fight at my full potential. S-Surely you'd prefer that, right?"

Lifting a single brow, Masuto ponders her words.

"I suppose you do fight better when you're not so keyed up Saeko. Still, remember what I said about incentive? Hm… how about this? I'll stop teasing you during out bouts, but for each day you fail to defeat me, you will not be allowed inside my home without removing an article of clothing. And every day you continue to lose to me, you'll lose another article of clothing. On the other hand, if you do beat me, you get one of your lost garments back around the house. Sound good?"

No… no it doesn't. It sounds perverse, at least to Saeko. Was this… was this his plan all along? As she stares up into his eyes, Saeko begins to realize that she and Masuto are more alike than she'd originally believed. This… this isn't good. This isn't healthy. She needs to break it off now, before things continue down a path of no return. Blushing deeply, Saeko moves to deny the young boy, only for him to speak up before she can do so.

"Or… we can simply stop altogether. Perhaps this was a mistake, Saeko. Perhaps I shouldn't have joined the kendo club. If you want to stop sparring, I'll understand. Maybe we can go back to the way things were before, and you can have your kendo club. Like I said, I merely dabble. I can tell it's more important to you than it is to me."

His words have their intended effect. Saeko's denial dies in her mouth as he goads her on. If she says no now, if she takes the out he's offering her… how will she ever be able to look herself in the mirror again? Hell, how will she ever be able to look her father in the eye again? It would be the height of cowardice. In that moment, Saeko conveniently ignores just how her father would react to her ACCEPTING the young boy's deal, and instead focuses on her honor as a samurai.

"… I accept your deal, Masuto. Come… let us go again."

Slowly, she stands and Masuto grins as they fall into their stances. And then they spar once more, and as promised, Masuto no longer smacks at her ass or her pussy with his shinai. All of his moves are fully legal, and Saeko is able to focus solely on the bout at hand.

… And she still loses, all the same. Each and every time, she loses. The day ends and they make their way home, picking up some fast food on the way. Then, there they are, right inside his home, the door closed and locked behind them as he catches her eye and looks at her expectantly. Flushed with exertion and blushing in embarrassment, Saeko sets her jaw… and then smirks a bit as she reaches up and pulls the ribbon out of her hair that's keeping it in a ponytail.

She only wears the piece of fabric to kendo practice. She doesn't wear it at school, and she takes it out when they get home each night anyways. And yet, this is what she offers Masuto, a loophole in their little arrangement as she stands there with her long, straight purple locks cascading down her shoulders, otherwise fully dressed.

The boy quirks an eyebrow up, but takes the ribbon nonetheless. A wicked smile spreads across his face as he tucks it away in his pocket like some trophy.

"Let's eat, shall we?"

And just like that, there's no more mention of her obligation. Saeko escapes embarrassment that night, another day to beat the boy genius in the one field she feels she has a chance to do so in. Next time… next time she'll defeat him. She swears it.


She doesn't, of course. The days go by as they did before, but this time rather than escalating his shinai smacking against her more sensitive areas, each day Saeko finds herself stripping more and more away from her body. First it was the ribbon. Next, it's one sock. It's awkward of course, walking around with only one sock on… but she finds herself needing the security splitting her socks up provides. Especially since, the very next day she's removing both of them as she arrives home at Masuto's side.

After her socks comes her shirt, embarrassingly enough. Her bra barely contains her sizable mammaries, and she catches Masuto staring more than once… but there's nothing she can do about it but try to win again the next day. Not to mention, it actually feels kind of nice, having the only boy who's ever truly bested her in kendo ogling her body.

THAT thought sends a fresh round of shame through Saeko, given Masuto's age. He's far, FAR too young for her… and yet, he's sucked her into this perverse game of his nonetheless, hasn't he? Next it's her skirt, and then her bra. She walks around in nothing but her panties for an entire evening, and the next day when she loses once more, she knows what's coming.

Over the course of a single school week, Saeko loses her clothes, garment by garment. By the end of it, she has to walk around their home naked, still cleaning and still preparing dinner when she can. Masuto watches her the entire time, though he never touches. But his gaze is enough to leave her pent up and aroused, lustful and horny in a way that she's never been before. Unfortunately, given they now live together, Saeko's attempts to let off some steam in the more… intimate sense are almost always interrupted by his presence.

The thought of going to her own house to masturbate doesn't even cross the purple haired girl's mind. At some point in her time with Masuto, Saeko has come to view his home as hers in every sense of the word. It would feel strange, going back to her own place at this point, unlived in for weeks. And yet… and yet, it's becoming harder and harder to focus in class, and even harder to focus in kendo club and in her spars with Masuto afterwards. She's constantly on edge, her pussy dripping wet with desire and her inner thighs squirming together.

Tonight, the final night… it's no different. As they step inside, Saeko slips off her shoes and then looks to Masuto, shivering in reluctant desire as the young boy gives her his own pointed look. Slowly, Saeko reaches up and pulls her ribbon from her hair. Then, she moves onto her socks. After that, her shirt and her skirt quickly follow, as do her undergarments.

There's not much fanfare to it. She strips down to nothing and then leaves herself open and exposed to the young boy's eyes as Masuto looks her up and down. Smiling wickedly, he nods in appreciation and then tosses his head towards the kitchen.

"Come. Let's make dinner."

Saeko follows in silence, having no real words at this point. He has reduced her to this, to a walking prop. But then… perhaps this is where she belongs. Her code is clear on this. The weak must serve the strong. Women must serve righteous men. Masuto… he is not a man. Or at least, Saeko did not believe him to be one… not until now. But he's proven to be far more than the boy his age would entail, hasn't he?

Masuto… shuddering, Saeko sets to work making dinner, trying her best to take her mind off of the boy only a foot away from her. It's hard though, because he uses the technologically advanced kitchen he's installed to automate his part of the meal prep. In moments, he's done and standing behind her, and when his small hands fall upon her waist, Saeko can do nothing but tense up, unsure of how to react to both his actions and the feelings welling up inside of her.

"Keep going."

His words are spoken softly, but that doesn't make them any less of a command. Saeko obeys as her breathing hitches, and she goes back to making dinner, even as his hands move up and down her sides, until eventually they simply come to rest on her tits quite brazenly. A moan escapes from the purple-haired beauty's mouth, and she squirms in Masuto's grasp as he gropes and kneads her breasts. She's not incredibly well-endowed, but compared to the young boy's hands, she might as well be.

Her chest size is too much for Masuto to fully grab onto, but that doesn't stop him from digging his digits in as deep as he can anyways. And it doesn't stop him from eventually sending a hand south to between her legs, where he plays with her dripping wet pussy lips in a way that makes Saeko nearly lose control more times than she can count.

It takes her a while, but eventually the naked young woman realizes he's doing it on purpose. He's teasing her, edging her. He's keeping her from orgasming, stopping just as she's getting close to toppling into the abyss, only to pull back and allow her to recover a bit before starting all over again. Saeko pants needily, whimpering and whining even as she finishes up dinner. His hands finally leave her, but without release its torture to sit down naked at the dinner table across from him to eat.

And of course, the molestation doesn't stop there either. Once their seated and both eating, Saeko finds herself with a familiar foot between her legs. Masuto's sock presses against Saeko's sopping wet cunt and the purple-haired kendo mistress moans again as he plays with her under the table, molesting her like that all through dinner as she tries to focus on eating, barely managing to get half of her plate gone.

Meanwhile, Masuto eats every last bite of his, smiling at the end and patting his belly as he leans back in his chair a bit more, a move that just so happens to push the sole of his foot even harder up against her naked cunt.

"Ah, that was very good Saeko. Well done. You're a good cook."

Blushing profusely, Saeko ducks her head, speaking in a quiet tone.

"… Thank you."

Is this what she is? Is this what she's meant to become. Masuto… it's obvious what he wants from her. And honestly, Saeko isn't sure she wants to deny him, not anymore. That's when it hits her, as she sits there naked with his foot grinding against her mewling quim. She… the darkness within her is gone. Her desire to hurt the boy sat across from her, the boy who is even now molesting her… it's disappeared, ebbed away without her even noticing.

Her sadism is vanquished, replaced by something else entirely. Saeko feels completely at peace with the submissive desire that Masuto is invoking in her. It's scandalous, her desire to be with such a young boy… but he's conquered her, dominated her. How can she possibly resist?

"Saeko… you'll be helping me bathe tonight. Go draw a bath for me, would you?"

Torn from her thoughts, Saeko goes ramrod straight. Help… him… bathe? The purple-haired young woman blushes an even deeper shade of red, but while she's surprised, it's also everything that she's just decides she wants. More than anything in the world, this is what she must do. Biting at her lower lip, Saeko nods slowly and pushes her chair back from the table to stand. Her juices leak down her naked inner thighs as she walks her way to the bathroom.

Masuto's bath is just as opulent and extravagant as the kitchen. It's state of the art, modern design, with a massive bath tub that very nearly borders on being a pool. Turning the knobs, Saeko watches as the large tub fills with hot, bubbling water from multiple angles, a bit of soap mixing in as well to make the entire concoction quite cleansing. She's already nude, so there's not much else to do but wade in.

Slipping into the bath prompts a sigh from Saeko's lips and a shudder through her body. Her frame is sore from the day's spars, and tingly from Masuto's ministrations and molestations. The warm water soothes her on both fronts, and it also relaxes her mind, allowing Saeko to truly contemplate the young boy and what he's come to mean to her.

Now that she's finally able to think, Saeko can see where she went from wanting to hurt Masuto and regain her pride, to enjoying it when he beat her in a spar, when he ordered her around and when he spanked, pinched, molested her as if she was his property. He'd used her for his own fun, and she suspected he would be using her in that way a lot more in coming days.

She certainly intended to offer herself to him. Slipping under the water, Saeko allows it to rush over her long purple hair and her head, coming back up a moment later with a gasp as the warmth streams across her nose and her cheeks. The same sense of peace and contentment is even stronger now within the girl. Even if Masuto is a little young, and destined to be a disappointment in bed… Saeko doesn't think she'll mind.

It's not about sex, or his cock size or his experience with intimacy. After all, she herself is a virgin, so it's not like she has any room to judge. No, her desire to submit to Masuto is all about the boy's skill with the blade, his mighty intellect, his confidence and the way he wields it much like he wields his shinai. Saeko prepares to be disappointed by Masuto's naked form, all while reminding herself that he'll grow into his body, each year turning him more into the man that she wants to spend the rest of her life with.

It's around that time as those thoughts are going through her head that Masuto enters the bathroom. He's wearing nothing but a towel, and as Saeko kneels in the center of the tub, she smiles up at him, her breasts resting just above the water, covered in sudsy, soapy bubbles as she places her hands in her lap.

"Masuto… I'm ready for you."

The answering grin she receives is a little confusing. It reminds her of how he looked in a few of their spars. Lifting a single brow, Masuto grabs at the tucked in bit of his towel.

"Are you Saeko? Are you really?"

She opens her mouth to respond, her confusion growing even further, but then Masuto pulls the towel away, dropping it to the ground as he steps forward up the steps leading into the bath. Any words on Saeko's lips die a quick death as her jaw hangs open and her eyes go wide. Her pupils dilate, even as Masuto slips into the bath and wades through the knee-deep water to reach her. His cock… his cock is much bigger than anything she'd ever expected.

Saeko might be a virgin, but she's not entirely ignorant. She has seen pictures of… dicks before. This… this cannot be a normal sized male member, or else she's been looking at the smallest cocks available. Masuto's member droops down his thigh, his soft prick more at home on a small horse than a twelve-year-old boy genius.

Her pussy grows wetter still at the sight of the member, and in a moment all of her previous thoughts are washed away as she immediately fantasizes about the thing before her being inside of her. He's not standing right in front of her, his member inches from her face, and after a moment of silence, Saeko realizes she's staring. Her eyes flash up to Masuto's grin and the boy has his brow raised as he looks back down at her.

"You can begin cleaning me now Saeko. Make sure not to miss a single spot."

The order washes over her and Saeko shudders as she bites her lip and nods her head. She stands and grabs an extremely soft sponge. Slowly but surely, the purple haired beauty begins to clean the young man standing before her. The sponge goes in and out of the soapy water beneath them, and runs down his neck and his back as she squeezes it, washing away his sweat and grime. At the same time, her free hand runs over his body, exploring him even as she continues to give him a bath that wouldn't be out of place in a bathhouse that doubled as a brothel.

Eventually, she's just blatantly rubbing herself against him, her own soapy, wet body doing wonders as her breasts press against his arm and her pussy lips rub against his leg. All the while, Masuto's cock is growing. It'd be impossible for him not to get aroused now of course. But Saeko is still pleased to see the sort of reaction she's prompting from him, all the same.

As she continues to clean him, he in turn grabs at her, his hand circling around to her backside as she leans into his side. He grabs at her firm, toned butt, and gropes it possessively, his fingers digging into her flesh even as she moans in response. He's having his fun with her, Saeko knows this… and she can't help but love it. She wants more of it, she NEEDS more of it. And she thinks she knows just the way to get it.

The sponge is discarded as Saeko sinks back down to her knees in the soapy bath water. Masuto watches her, but makes no move to stop her as she brings herself into proper alignment so that her breasts are exactly level with his thick prick. Grabbing hold of his cock, Saeko fits it inside the valley that her tits are making, even as she pushes in on them from one side with her free hand.

Once she has him partially ensconced in her cleavage, Saeko begins to slide her breasts up and down his shaft, staring down at his cockhead as it comes dangerously close to her lips time and time again. It is ever so difficult for her to resist the desire to suck on his magnificent schlong… but in the end, Saeko wants to hear him order her to do it, as shameful as that is. She wants the young prodigy to tell her what to do, to give her a command.

Well, he does do that eventually, but not exactly the command she'd initially wanted. After a couple minutes of her 'cleaning' his throbbing cock with her soapy tits, Masuto's hand closes in Saeko's purple locks, tugging her head back as he forces her to look up into his eyes.

"Saeko… I want you to tell me what you feel for me. Why are you doing what I tell you? What am I to you, and what are you to me?"

Put on the spot like that, Saeko freezes for a moment, unsure exactly of how to respond. In the end though, the girl decides to simply speak from the heart, swallowing thickly and returning to sliding her breasts up and down along his cock as she answers him.

"You… you're my everything. You're the greatest swordsman I've ever fought against. The most brilliant boy I've ever spoken with. You light up my world… I want to be yours. Whatever you need of me, I want to become that for you. Order me, and I will obey. Command me and I will listen. Lead me and I will follow. Just tell me what to do for you M-Master."

The word slips from her throat at the end, and she stumbles over it, but she says it all the same. It feels right, calling Masuto her Master. It's what she wants from him, in the end. Grinning in response, the boy's grip on her hair tightens.

"Master, huh? Yeah, I like the sound of that. Figured out you were a submissive little slut deep down the first time we met, did you know that? Took me a while to find the best way to show you though. Kendo… heh, it was a fun way to break you down, I suppose. Now though, I want you to focus on another sword entirely. Do you understand me, pet?"

Saeko shudders and her eyes flicker down to his cockhead, still pushing up out of the top of her cleavage time and time again. She understands perfectly… except, when she goes to suck on his tip, he tugs her hair back, forcing her to look up into his eyes again. It takes Saeko a moment to realize her error, and when she does, she flushes red with shame as she nibbles at her lower lip and then speaks.

"P-Please Master… please let me suck your cock. I want it, I want to worship your sword so badly!"

"Well, when you ask so nicely, I suppose I'll allow it."

Masuto chuckles as he gives her permission, and a moment later Saeko is bobbing her head up and down on the first couple inches of his member, even as her tits still continue to press in on the majority of his shaft. Not for long though, as more and more of his cock fits inside of her mouth, stretching her jaw and her lips alike as she tries desperately to take him down her throat without gagging.

It's quite impossible, and in the end she has to settle for bobbing up and down the first few inches of his dick, one hand on the lower part of his shaft and the other fondling his balls as her tongue writhes along the underside of his cock. Saeko's eyes lull shut as she simply focuses on the task at hand, worshipping Masuto's cock to the best of her ability. Or… at least, she thinks she is, until he proves her wrong.

"Can't get any further, can you? You'll have to work on that slut. For now, I'll help you out, heh."

And then the boy is pushing her down even further along his member. Saeko's eyes go wide as his cock slips into her throat, immediately causing her to choke and gag. Her hands instinctively come up and grab at his legs in an effort to push him away that ultimately ends up aborted as she stops herself at the last second. It's not her place to question how he wants to use her. All she's here for is to be his tool. It was a man's decision after all, and as a woman, it was simply her place to obey. Protecting a man's pride… was a woman's duty.

As such, Saeko's fingers grip Masuto's legs, but she does not push. Instead, she simply holds her steady as the boy fucks her face right then and there in the bath, his legs spread apart just a bit and his cock sawing in and out of her throat. She chokes and gags on his big, fat dick as he fills her gullet to the brim time and time again, and ultimately, Saeko has never felt more complete than in this moment.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

The lack of air begins to get to her though, and her eyelashes flutter as her eyes threaten to roll back into her head from oxygen deprivation. At the same time, her pussy is growing wetter and wetter, and something is building inside of her that Saeko doesn't fully understand… until it finally hits. Her muffled cry sends vibrations up the length of Masuto's pistoning prick and she cums right then and there in the middle of the bath, her pussy juices flowing out into the soapy water. Her eyes do roll back in her head then, as the explosive orgasm wracks her body with spasms and seizures.

After all that teasing, after all that groping and molesting of her body… this is where she finally finds release. On her knees in a bathtub, getting the face-fucking of her life from a boy over half a decade younger than her. It's the greatest thing she's ever experienced, and another orgasm follows the first before Masuto finally begins to cum, her vibrations and the tightening of her moaning throat milking his release from him.

Of course, Saeko has no experience with such things. She chokes on his seed just like she choked on his dick, and the white, hot cum comes right back up as she gags, spraying out of her nose and the sides of her mouth. Halfway through, Masuto pulls back and uses the rest of his cum load to paint her face white, seeming to take great pleasure in giving her a facial. Saeko takes great pleasure in receiving one, that's for sure. She moans happily, her mouth open and her tongue out to receive as much of his seed as she can.

Despite just being on the receiving end of her first and quite brutal throat-fuck, Saeko has never been more content. She's ready for more, even hoping for more in fact. Her pussy twitches beneath the bath water as Masuto shakes the last of his cum off onto her face. Just as she'd expected, just as she'd hoped… he doesn't go soft. Instead, the boy stays hard, his massive, manly member staring her in the face just like before as she kneels there in front of it, his cum dripping off of her chin and onto her perfectly shaped breasts.

"Next up, your cunt. Assume the position slut."

His derisive, disrespectful tone only fills her with more arousal and lust as Saeko does exactly what she's told to do. Turning around, the purple haired beauty crawls over to the side of the tub and kneels there, leaning forward to bring her shapely, toned behind up out of the water, along with her glistening, dripping pussy.

Masuto steps up behind her, even as Saeko lifts her hips and her ass as high up as they'll go. She presents her holes to him, either one his for the taking, though Saeko can't help but hope he'll finally fuck her cunt. And that's exactly what he does, his fingers digging into her ass cheeks, only to lift it up even further into the air to bring her pussy lips in line with his pulsating cockhead. A moment later, he's fitting the tip of his prick inside of her, and Saeko is panting with need as she finds herself dealing with her first meat sword.

His member pushes in and immediately hits her hymen. And then he's past it without any more fanfare, a cry of mild discomfort leaving Saeko's throat as her Master takes what's rightfully his… her virginity. A happy moan almost immediately follows though, as his member spreads her wide open, stretching her and filling her in a way she's never been filled before.

This… THIS is a sword, and Saeko is impaled on it from behind, it's wielder leaning over her as he slides his long, thick member deeper and deeper into her cunt. He hits the entrance of her womb in short order, and Saeko mewls pathetically, even as his hands close around her tits as well. Masuto is a foot and a half shorter than her. He's barely more than a child. But he's all man where it counts, and though it looks rather comical from an outside point of view, in that moment Saeko is exceedingly happy to submit to her beloved Master as he mounts her from behind and fucks her long and hard.

Another orgasm arrives swiftly after he begins to plow her, and then another after that. As Saeko expected, the pleasure that her Master gives her as he forces himself upon her is beyond anything she's ever experienced before, and the purple-haired swordswoman cries out happily time and time again as his hard cock spears her insides repeatedly.

He's smashing against the entrance of her womb, but never quite breaking through. Saeko can feel him, and she knows he has more cock to give her, if only he could reach her cervix. But she also feels like he's not giving it his all, like he's holding back. Biting her lower lip, the beautiful young woman sets out to make sure he's fucking her as hard as he can.

"Please Master! Please! Harder, harder, HAAAARDER!!! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me Master! Use me, abuse me! I pledge my allegiance to you, I swear my undying loyalty to you and your cock! Take me, defile me, pound me into sweet, sweet oblivion! I-mmrghl!!!"

Masuto's hands move from her tits to her face, and his fingers curl into the sides of her mouth as he effectively silences her with the move, turning her words into nothing more than gibberish and unintelligible pleasured noises.

"I appreciate the enthusiasm my dear, but I'd rather just listen to you cry out as I force you to cum again and again."

That's exactly what she did, and despite his words, it's clear that her pledge had some effect on him, because her beloved young Master fucks her harder after that, and in a moment of sheer and utter ecstasy, Masuto breaks right through Saeko's cervix, plundering her womb. The purple-haired beauty's eyes go wide and then roll back in her head as he uses her womb like a condom around his big, fat cockhead, pounding away in her most intimate, most sacred of places time and time again.

As he rails into her, Saeko loses all semblance of rational and logical thought. With her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue lulling out of her mouth as he hooks his fingers in and pulls at the sides of it, Saeko looks like nothing more than a wanton whore, a cum dump for his pleasure. She feels like it too, and in fact, she's quite happy to be it. Ultimately, the purple-haired beauty has found her true love. This boy whose become her Master has erased the darkness inside of her and turned her to him. He is her light now, the burning ember he'd placed inside of her heart in their first meeting now a blazing, fiery sun, burning away the sadistic evil that she'd always been so afraid of.

What need is there to hurt anyone to feel pleasure, when she can simply enjoy being abused by her Master, right here and now? Masuto's cock rails in and out of her womb, and Saeko orgasms again and again and again. In truth, the purple-haired girl was always a switch. She could have been a sadist or a masochist, depending on the right person coming along to bring it out of her. That had been Masuto in the end, but he'd so thoroughly eroded at Saeko's self-worth and her confidence, that the switch wasn't just flipped… it was permanently broken.

Saeko would never go back to what she was before, not now. But then, as she knelt there, clinging to the side of the bath tub, her Master's big hard dick pistoning in and out of her cunt, the purple-haired girl didn't WANT to go back to what she was before. She'd been a fake, a simple façade put up to hide her true colors. She couldn't change who she was inside, and she'd hated who she was. But now, with Masuto's help, she'd been remade anew, and now she was quite happy being his moaning, slutty pet for the rest of her days.

Best part was, she wouldn't have to wait for him to grow up. The boy was all man where it counted. Orgasm after orgasm wracks Saeko's body and frays at her mind, until finally, Masuto lets out a grunt and she feels him cumming directly into her womb. His white, hot seed paints her inner walls and then some, filling her to the utter brim. The sensation of taking her Master's delicious cum inside of her womb leaves Saeko almost unable to function properly, her eyelids fluttering, her body twitching as Masuto finally pulls out of her.

Even the boy is panting now with exertion, as he pats Saeko's ass and sits down beside her bent over form.

"Wow… that was… that was great. I think we're going to have a lot of fun together Saeko. A LOT of fun. And then there's the others, too…"

That gets her attention. Saeko blinks as she glances towards her Master, brow furrowing in confusion. In response, the young boy just grins wickedly.

"What, did you think I'd settle for just you? Consider that for a moment my dear. Am I the kind to be satisfied with one of anything? And then consider yourself as well… do you want to be solely responsible for THIS, now that you've fully awakened my sexual appetite?"

Blinking again, Saeko glances down beneath the water, where she can partially seem Masuto's cock. Her eyes go wide, and she blanches just a bit as she realizes he's still hard. Paling ever so slightly, the purple-haired beauty licks her lips as an internal war happens within her. On the one hand… she does want him all to herself. But on the other… she fears for her health, if she has to take care of him all by herself.

Indecision, greed, and a small amount of fear do battle within Saeko for several long moments, but in the end, she knows that it's her Master's choice, and really, he has her best interests at heart, she's sure of that. He's already done so much for her. Nodding slowly, Saeko adopts a small smile, that slowly morphs into something wicked.

Her hand goes beneath the water and she begins to stroke at her Master's cock as she leans in, looking him in the eye. The words that fall from her tongue just feel right as they leave her lips.

"I am yours to command Master. Where do we begin?"

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