
My Stash of fanfics ,webnovels and lightnovels

A collection of novels that I enjoyed. I am posting this due to lack of good mcs on this site. I will mostly post stories where mc is calm or rational for the most part. I will be posting the first chapters of all novels in it, you can just go to their respective sites for more and support the authors. Inspired by 'My Self-Insert Stash '. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the stories mentioned here.

Ms_Magician · Anime & Comics
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19: Minus Ultra! by MementoMori115 (myheroacademia x medoka box)

Fic Type: Crossover

[M Kumagawa in MHA. It's fun reading about an insane mc like him who is overpowered with an ability like all-fiction. It's pretty good and pairing is with Toga which is rare. Probably one of the few good fics with toga pairing that's actually good.


Minus Ultra!

By: MementoMori115

[There is no way that someone like me could possibly be a Hero. I'm just not suited for it. My personality is too twisted, my morals too corrupt, my impulses too destructive... And yet, here I am, still struggling as I always do in order to win. What a fool I am. Not even my Minus will be able to help me here. Err, I meant Quirk.]

Rated: Fiction M - English - Humor - [M. Kumagawa, Toga H.] Izuku M., 1-A Students - Chapters: 9 - Words: 53,525 - Reviews: 213 - Favs: 514 - Follows: 581 - Updated: Dec 3, 2018 - Published: Apr 23, 2018 - id: 12912793

Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12912793/1/Minus-Ultra


Chapter 1

A/N- It has been a few years since I last read the Medaka Box manga, and I had completely forgotten how awesome it is! Kumagawa has to be one of my favorite characters of all time. That being said, I figured I would give it a shot at making an xover featuring him. And after careful consideration, I decided upon My Hero Academia to be the basis. It just feels appropriate. I hope you understand what I mean.

However there is one major stepping stone for me to deal with in this xover; Kumagawa himself. Being that I'm only now re-familiarizing myself with his character, I am concerned that I won't be able to portray him correctly. For some reason I just have a hard time grasping just who he is. So for now I'm going to post what I have and hope it gets a good reception. If anyone is able to give me some tips when it comes to Kumagawa, I'd be very appreciative.

Other than that, I have the basic layout of this story already planned, so provided you guys want me to continue it, I know where I'm going with it.

And once again, this is the incomplete first chapter.

Also, do you like the title I chose for this story? My other choice was One for All-Fiction.

I hope you like it and be sure to leave a review.

*EDIT*- I added more to the first chapter. Probably won't add more to it, so you'll have to wait until the next chapter.

Disclaimer- [I OWN NOTHING!]


[The world has decided that a Plus is always greater than a Minus. A Plus will always be more wanted, more diligent, more talented, more beautiful, more just, and more powerful than a Minus. However, that same world has no control, no understanding, and no say in our struggle.

Even if the world decided that we are unwanted, we will seek love with zeal.

Even if the world decided that we are lazy, we will toil away for empty achievements.

Even if the world decided that we are untalented, we will hold our inferiority with pride.

Even if the world decided we are repulsive, we will find an attraction towards each other.

Even if the world decided we are unjust, we will show there is no evil in following our ideology.

Even if the world decided we are weak, we will struggle against the strong.

Even if the world decided that we have lost, we will seek out victory.]


Getting to U.A was the easy bit, but Izuku simply wasn't prepared for the sheer enormity that was the inside of the building. He raced through the halls in a desperate search to find his classroom before the first bell rang.

"1A... 1A..." he panted as he rounded another corner. "Where the heck is it?!" he cried as he gradually increased his pace. Only to have his efforts rewarded by slamming into something as he turned the next corner without looking. Upon hitting the obstruction, Izuku bounced backwards and landed on his butt. Rubbing his sore face, the green haired teen groaned as he got back up. "Man, who left something in the middle of the hall?" he wondered aloud. Only to find that upon further inspection, the 'something' he hit was actually a 'someone'.

Sprawled out face down on the floor in an undignified heap was another student.

Izuku immediately went into panic mode upon realizing that he had accidently injured another student. "Ahh! I'm sorry sir! Are you alright?!" he cried as he flailed his arms about in his flustered state.

The student on the ground managed to pick himself up and return to his feet. Dusting off his uniform, he turned to face Izuku. [No need to worry. I'm used to much worse.] he said as he accepted Izuku's apology.

Now that he was facing Izuku, the aspiring hero was able to get a better look at the teen. He had short black-hair and blue eyes. Both his height and build were average, as were his looks. The only real thing to note about him, was the overly innocent looking smile on his face.

Snapping himself from his quiet observation, Izuku refocused on the situation at hand. "Regardless, I should've been paying more attention to where I was going. If I had, then I wouldn't have knocked you over. I'm just in a hurry to find my class before I'm late." he said meekly.

[Well, it's nice to see that you are at least owning up to your mistakes. So few people nowadays are willing to admit that they were in the wrong.] the teen responded without dropping his smile.

"I-I suppose you're right..." muttered Izuku. "Umm, you wouldn't happen to know where 1A's classroom is?"

A flash of recognition worked its way across the teens face. [Ah! You are part of class 1A too?] he asked.

Izuku nodded hesitantly.

[What a coincidence! So am I. This means we can head to class together.] he beamed as he gestured for Izuku to follow him.

"A-ah! Wait up!" Izuku called out as the teen already began making his way down the hall.

[By the way, my name is Kumagawa Misogi.] the smiling teen said as he introduced himself. [What's yours?]

"Midoriya Izuku." responded the green-haired teen.

[Nice to meet you Midoriya-san! I look forward to the fun we'll be having in the future.]

"Fun?" Izuku repeated in confusion.

[Is that not the purpose of school?] Kumagawa asked in genuine sincerity. [Fun comes first, learning comes second.]

"Err, I think it's supposed to be the other way around." Izuku corrected.

Kumagawa paused for a moment before lighting bopping himself on the side of the head with his knuckles. [Of course! I always get things like that mixed up.]

Before Izuku got a chance to ponder Kumagawa's answer, the other teen spoke up again.

[It looks like this is the place.]

Izuku swiveled his head forward to face the same direction that Kumagawa was facing. In front of them was a large- no- an enormous door with '1A' marked on it. "I guess it's big for people with Quirks that make them large." mused Izuku. 'Only 37 kids passed the exam to get into the Hero Course, plus 4 students who got in on recommendations... 21 kids in class 1A and 20 kids in class 1B. These guys are the best of the best to become heroes... And now I'm among them.'

Sensing his hesitation to step forward, Kumagawa turned to Izuku. [Is something the matter Midoriya-san? You seem a little tense.]

Izuku turned with a start, realizing he was lost in thought and Kumagawa was being kind enough to wait for him. "I-It's nothing. Just the reality of the situation is finally sinking in for me." answered the nervous teen. In actuality however, he was also dreading to find out who was in his class. 'Kumagawa and I make 2, which means there's still another 19 kids in the same class as me. I just hope Kacchan and that stern boy with the glasses are in class 1B.' he prayed in his head as he grabbed the doorknob and turned it.

Pushing the door in slowly, Izuku peered in.

"Remove your feet from the desk this instant!" came the voice of the glasses wearing teen from the other day.

Izuku didn't even need to utilize his high intellect to realize who the person he was yelling at was.

"Don't you think that's disrespectful to your classmates?!"

Katsuki sneered at the teen in response. "No, as a matter of fact, I don't think so. Which middle school are you from anyway, you side character?!" the blonde taunted.

The glasses wearing teen held his hands up stiffly, not unlike a robot. "I attended Soumei Private Academy. My name is Iida Tenya."

"Soumei~!" Katsuki drawled out before scowling. "Well aren't you an elite. Looks like I got a reason to crush your ass after all!"

"C-Crush me?!" he blurted out in shock at the words of his fellow classmate. "What nerve! And yet you come here with the intent to become a hero?!"

At this point, both boys noticed Izkuk hovering by the door nervously with Kumagawa standing behind him. Iida immediately approached, much to Izuku's discomfort.

"Greeting. My name is-"

"I-I overheard you." Izuku stammered to interrupt him. "Erm... I'm Midoriya Izuku. Nice to meet you..."

[And my name is Kumagawa Misogi.] replied said teen from his position behind Izuku.

Iida stood frozen for a moment, no doubt trying to reboot from the interruption and regain traction. "Midoriya-san, I must hand it to you. You realized that the true nature of the practical exam, didn't you?" he declared, surprising some of the students who were listening in. "And I... was blind to it!" Iida continued as his hands gestured about in a robotic fashion. "I completely misread you! I hate to admit it, but you are the better man!"

'But I didn't realize it either!'

[True nature of the exam?] questioned Kumakawa. [And here I thought it was just about destroying the robots. I was so certain of that fact that I put all my effort into doing just that. To think, the entire time I was wrong!] cried a dejected Kumakawa. [It seems I have lost once again!] he said as he fell to his knees and comically wept with his head hanging back.

The atmosphere took on a slight awkwardness at Kumakawa's antics, but dissipated moments later with the arrival of the next student.

"Ah! It's you, the curly-haired guy!"

Izuku jumped and spun around, only to blush furiously when the same girl from the exam- Uraraka was it?- had appeared behind him at the door. She smiled widely at him and he couldn't help but notice that the school uniform looked lovely on her and now he was blushing even more.

"I'm so glad I found you! You made it in after all!" she exclaimed. "Just like Present Mic said! By the way, that punch of your was out of this world! You blew up that big robot with one-shot!" she cheered as she jumped about and mimed punching.

"No, it's not like that, uhh, that is to say, it was really all thanks to you speaking on my behalf... I... Uhh..." Izuku sputtered as his face became more red and was unable to make eye contact.

Meanwhile Uraraka continued to enthusiastically talk to Izuku, oblivious to the fact that from the looks of things he would soon pass out due to all the blood rushing to his face. "I wonder if today's the ceremony or if we're gonna meet with the counselors or something? Do you know what our teacher is like? I'm really excited about it!"

"If you're here to have fun or play at friends, then do me a favor and leave now." came a lethargic voice from the hall. The group turned to see a somewhat creepy looking face poking out of a yellow sleeping bag on the floor. The man inside looked like he hadn't slept in a year and forgot how to shave cleanly. "This is the Department of Heroics." he stated as he slipped a juice bag out of his sleeping bag and sucked the contents down in one go. "Get your act together."

[He looks just like a bagworm.] noted Kumagawa.

Izuku spun his head towards the teen in disbelief. Could he not tell this was their teacher?!

Standing up, the man hopped his way into the classroom before unzipping the sleeping bag and stepping out of it. "It took you lot 8 seconds to quiet down. Time is limited. You kids aren't rational enough. I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta. Pleasure meeting you."

'This guy is our homeroom teacher?' thought Izuku as he stared at the man in disbelief. 'That means he's a Pro Hero, but I've never heard of him... and I've never seen a hero who looks so worn-down.'

Aizawa reached into his sleeping bag and pulled out a bunch of blue and white track uniforms. "This is sudden, but put these on and go out to the P.E grounds."


"A Quirk Assessment Test?!"

Aizawa nodded. "Yup, get ready."

"W-wait!" Uraraka stammered. "What about the introduction ceremony or the counselor meetings or the orientation?!" she asked, thoroughly justified in her outburst.

"If you're going to become a hero, then you don't have time for such leisurely events." Aizawa answered, not even bothering to turn and acknowledge the students. "U.A is so successful partly because of the great freedom it allows on campus. The freedom extends to us teachers as well." he finally turned to give them a mere glance, but that single look all but screamed at them how he could care less. "You kids have been doing this stuff since junior high too, right?" he rose a device containing a list of different exercises. Long jump, sprint, softball pitch, and the like. "The physical tests where you weren't allowed to use your Quirks. The country still hasn't gotten around to standardizing those sort of things. It's illogical."

It didn't take long for the students to understand where this was going.

"Bakugou," Aizawa called out as he turned to the teen. "How far could you pitch a softball in middle school?"

The teen let out a snort of pride. "67 meters."

"Try using your Quirk this time around." Aizawa instructed as he tossed a ball to Bakugou. "As long as you don't exit the circle, anything you do is fine. Just give it your all."

A manic grin worked its way across Bakugou's face. "You got it." with movement fit for a professional baseball player, he bent his body back and swung his entire body forward-

A wild murderous look enveloped his visage.


-and an explosion encompassed his being, blasting the surprisingly intact baseball high into the air, soaring above the low clouds and drifting in the sky only to impact down to Earth like a mini meteor.

"Know your own maximum first." Aizawa muttered loudly, taking a glance at the machine in his hand when it beeped. "That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero." he turned the machine so the students could see the result.

705.2 meters

"705.2 meters?! That's unreal!"

"Awesome! That looks fun!"

"We can really use our Quirks now?! That's the Department of Heroics for you!"

Aizawa shifted slightly. "'It looks fun', huh?" the man suddenly looked a lot more serious as he glared at them from behind thos dark locks of hair covering his face. "Were you planning on having a good time during these three years here? If that's how you feel, then lets change things up. Whoever comes in last place in these eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion."

Quite a few of the students blanched, but none more than Izuku. 'Wait, seriously?! That's not funny! How am I gonna get through this?!'

Aizawa grinned, brushing his bangs up with one hand to sneer at them. "In this school, teachers can use their freedom to expel students as we chose. Welcome to U.A's Hero Course brats."

Izuku was internally panicking. He was still in All or Nothing mode! 'I still can't adjust my power to prevent backlash!'

Then he felt it. He was so focused on his own dilemma that he failed to even notice it at first. The dark aura that seemed to radiate from right next to him. Izuku snapped his head to the side to see what it was, but he was greeted by the sight of the ever-smiling Kumagawa, and the darkness was nowhere to be found.

'Was it... just my imagination?'

"The kid who gets ranked last... gets expelled?!" cried Uraraka in disbelief. "This is our first day! No, even if it wasn't, that's just too unreasonable!"

"That's the life of a hero." Aizawa replied, completely unfazed by the outburst. "Natural disasters, massive accidents, rampaging villains... All these kinds of calamities and more can happen when we least expect them. The job of a hero is to reverse all that insanity and restore reason. If you were thinking that you could just have a good time out here everyday, then allow me to burst that bubble right now. From here on out, for the next three years, U.A is going to throw more hardships at you than you can count. Don't you know the school motto? Plus Ultra." he finished with a taunting tone. "I expect you to overcome these trials and climb to the top."

[Oh, but Aizawa-sensei, isn't the whole idea of basing our potential on our physical abilities more than a little bit illogical?]

All heads whipped to the foolish teen who had all but signed his notice of expulsion by talking back to their intimidating teacher.

Aizawa, not fully believing that someone had the nerve to talk back to him, remained silent for a moment before responding. "... What was that, brat?"

Kumagawa didn't let his smile falter, even under the fierce gaze of the Pro Hero. [I was just saying that these physical tests are completely pointless.] he answered with a shake of the head. [Although I can't speak for everyone, I'm sure that there are a few among us whose Quirks don't allow us any form of physical augmentation, nor any other form of advantage such as Bakugou-san's explosive propulsion. In the end, you are basically making a subtle effort to weed out anyone who would count as a side-character, despite how effective their Quirk may be.] jabbing his thumb towards the floating pair of clothes, he continued. [That girls Quirk is obviously some type of invisibility. Quite handy when it comes to spying on villains, but I doubt it will help her to run faster.]

At his reasoning, some of the students began murmuring amongst themselves in agreement of Kumagawa's assessment. However you looked at it, Aizawa was giving them an unfair challenge.

The Pro Hero's eyes narrowed slightly as they targeted the disrespectful teen. "Listen brat..."

[And I'm sure that if you had to go through the same initiation as us, then surely you would have been expelled as well. Because I fail to see how your Quirk would be able to help you out in a situation like this. Unless, you decided to sabotage all of your fellow classmates. Right, Eraser Head?]

Suddenly Izuku had a flash of recognition. "Wait, you're Eraser Head?!"

"Eraser Head?" repeated another student.

"Who's that?"

"Few people even know his name! He's a real underground hero!"

"Apparently he finds the popularity that comes with being a hero to be disruptive to his work."

Ignoring that murmurs of his fellow students, Kumagawa pressed on as he approached Aizawa. [So you're that kind of person after all. Just like the world, you arbitrarily decide that there are those who are destined to be less-than others. People who are not cool. People who are not strong. People who are not just. People who are not beautiful. People who are not cute. People who are not pretty. People who are not smart. People who are not talented. People who are not lucky. People who are not worthy. People who are not likable. People who are not winners... People who are not heroes.] as he grew closer, Kumagawa's smile slowly distorted into a sneer. [Don't get me wrong, that is how the world works. There are those among us who have lost long before they even try. There are people who are not cool, strong, just, beautiful, cute, pretty, smart, talented, lucky, worthy, likable, winners, or heroes. This is just the natural order of things. The 'have' and the 'have not'.] Kumagawa kept stepping forward until he was right in front of Aizawa and staring straight into his eyes. [That is something I have no problem with. Where I do take offence however, is when a human takes it upon themselves to decide the worth of another human... You are overstepping your bounds Aizawa-sensei. Trying to take on a role beyond your capability, beyond your right.]

Aizawa was heavily tempted to expel Kumagawa on the spot, but his argument was making it hard for him to do so. The rest of the students were getting restless and if he didn't handle things carefully then he'd have a full-blown riot on his hands. And despite his threat of expulsion, he couldn't very well get rid of all of them on the first day. That would be a PR nightmare for U.A. That, and Endeavor would be pissed if his son got expelled. He needed to watch his tongue and choose his words carefully. "Listen kid," he started as he leaned in and whispered so only Kumagawa could hear. "If you're trying to ensure you pass by making my job harder, then congratulations. Back off and I'll let you skip the test."


"Quit stirring up the hornets nest right this instant. If you stop now then I can still salvage this situation."

Kumagawa's normal smiled returned for a moment, much to Aizawa's relief, but the sneer quickly returned in full-force. [Unfortunately for you, there exists only one person who has the authority to order me around. And you are most certainly not her.] he replied.

For a moment, Aizawa felt he was in the presence of something far more dangerous than just another aspiring hero. The teen in front of him exuded an overbearing pressure of dread. Someone his age should not be able to pull off the look he was giving him.

[Just kidding~!]

And just as abruptly as it had appeared, the dark atmosphere suddenly vanished, and Kumagawa's normal smile returned.

[I'll take you up on your offer, Aizawa-sensei. Although I wish I could have gotten a better deal for everyone, I will just take what I can get. It seems that once again, I couldn't win.] he said as he turned and walked back over to the group.

Aizawa grit his teeth in annoyance before letting out a sigh of relief. "Just get the hell back to the classroom. We'll talk more later."

[Whatever you say Aizawa-sensei!] Kumagawa responded as he left.

Returning his hard gaze to the rest of the class, Aizawa picked up where he left off.

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