
My Stash of fanfics ,webnovels and lightnovels

A collection of novels that I enjoyed. I am posting this due to lack of good mcs on this site. I will mostly post stories where mc is calm or rational for the most part. I will be posting the first chapters of all novels in it, you can just go to their respective sites for more and support the authors. Inspired by 'My Self-Insert Stash '. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the stories mentioned here.

Ms_Magician · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

14: All For Me? How nice of you! (My Hero Academia SI) by ENIYA

Fic type: Si

SI as all for one after allmight beats him up. It's dropped but still worth reading. Slight worm crossover.


Words: 30k~

link: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/all-for-me-how-nice-of-you-my-hero-academia-si.6808/reader


All For Me? How nice of you... (BKnH SI, Eidolon / All For One - alike power)

A society that wants heroes who fight villains, can be accurately applied to the majority of nations on this Earth.

What a sham of a purpose that heroes have these days!

Idolization of violence, to be a hero is to pass an exam intended to cull 95% of applicants based on combat! So what if there's a tiny rescue portion that everyone would have passed?

Anyone who can't conform to that mold gets pushed out.

Those that have powers that grant "Utility" rather than "Brutality" potential gets pushed to the bottom by the system that designates who gets to be "Heroes".

I suppose it shouldn't have been that strange for a world like this to reach this stage when the lines between "Heroes", "Villains" and "Vigilantes" are now "regulated" professions at this point.

Welcome to the wonderful world of My Hero Academia!

Where 80% of the time, it's likely that your next door neighbour has at least one or two extra ways to kill you outside of normal human means!

Yes, it's certainly terrifying if you were a Muggle or "Quirkless" as they call it. For everyone else with a subtle or "minor" Quirk, it doesn't make much of a difference, at least in my opinion.

Then again, most of the "fear" of superpowers have been replaced by a fear of "Villains" more than anything else. Mostly because of regulations against the use of Quirks in Public, including work life…

This had granted ordinary citizens the illusion of safety, that all the people around them are such law abiding citizens that would be absolutely useless if a fight breaks out. It makes them feel… oh so safe, when the person next to you has a gimmick that could help out in a mugging and you know that said person wouldn't even use it at all!

"Call the heroes", it's what they were taught.

Sheep! Dependent little lambs, the lot of them!

Admittedly, all of that monologuing about the state of the world is intimately related to my current situation.

For you see, I have just been Isekai'd into the world of My Hero Academia.

What? Did you think that the previous introduction to the world and lamenting of the state of how superpowers are managed was some Professor Oak introduction to the start of Pokemon Yellow?

Get real.

I'm busy getting mugged by the most pathetic criminal wannabe I have seen.

"Fork up your wallet asshole!"

Really, calling people an asshole for not giving you their wallets?

I'm not even mad at him, you know?

I'm angrier at the dozen or so passer-byers that literally walked faster when they saw what was going on in the alleyway.


Thankfully, I wasn't Isekai'd without powers.

Now, I haven't had any practice over them but I knew the rough in's and out's of it.

To say the least, it was basically the weak start but high exponential growth kind of power.

"Like I said, my wallet is in my right pocket and you can help yourself to it."

I told the man that had a floating knife pointed at my head while he was threatening with two knives in his hand.

My god, what kind of redundancy is this?

"As if I'm getting close! What do you think I am?! An idiot?!"

"Kind of. I mean, it's more practical to leave a hand free so you can have a bit more variety in threats. Really? Dual-wielding in this day and age? You're suppose to use one long sword and one short one by the way. Did you play too much video games?"

"I'll kill you!"

"If you had the guts to do so, you would have already done it."

Unfortunately for him, I had the guts to do something very, very close to that.

And even worse for him, I was an Isekai Protagonist.

It was obvious that I would have a cheat skill.

And so, I stole his Quirk.

With but a mental decision, I yanked the tiny twinkling "light" in front of me and brought it into my being.

He fell down to the ground, unresponsive, almost dead.

Well, comatose was the exact word for it.

But considering that the woman with the "Search" Quirk regained consciousness, I wasn't going to risk it. No one could find out that someone with All For One's powers was up and around.

His "light" was of a dirty grey dim colour, the tiny light no bigger than a single LED light from a Christmas decoration was swirling around my body, visible to only myself.

As if I had always done so throughout my entire life, or to be more accurate, as if HE had always used his Quirk in his entire life-

-I lifted a wallet out of a pocket.

His wallet to be precise.

No sense in wasting any resources.

It was only a few thousand yen, a decent amount.

I took half of the money using the telekinetic Quirk before sliding his wallet back in his pocket.

Making sure that I made absolutely no physical contact with him at all.

It would be bad if he woke up without his Quirk, and I wouldn't want All For One to be aware of someone with the same gimmick as himself.

This time, I turned my eyes to the lights in the night sky.

It reminded me of Skyrim's menu system.

Except for the fact that I had BILLIONS of skill trees.

Each "star" in the "sky" representing a single individual Quirk of all the people that have ever lived and died in this world.

Every day, there are new tiny twinkling stars in my mental night sky. Every day, many of the stars would "die".

It never disappears, no, they simply stay stagnant. Their light stops pulsing.

I just knew that it worked like that.

With a mental search, I looked for "Telekinesis" and "Small" as keywords, a "few" million lights began moving towards my location.

From the skies above, to the ground where I stood on.

20 seconds for the lights to gather, not good at all.

I play with my phone, looking as if I was calling for the police.

I needed to buy time as I mentally searched through the million of quirks, adding search words to best fit the Quirk that I had stolen in terms of potency, effect, how its used, limits, etc…

Thousands of Quirks that were very similar to the one I took, another 20 seconds used.


Faster. I need to work faster.

I start moving away from the crime scene, I found a Quirk that was only 20% weaker than the previous one, a representation of a Quirk whose user died 120 years ago.

Good enough.

I command that single light to go into the man who tried to mug me.

It worked, I bestowed upon him a Quirk similar to his own with, only weaker.

It should be compatible with his body, probably.

I wouldn't want an All For One victim scenario.

While I likely wouldn't hesitate to steal and leave for dead multiple villains if I could get away with it, a pathetic mugger like him was not deserving of such a fate.

I wasn't even sure of his background, for all I know, it was the system of this world that made him like that rather than his own idiocy.

Having exited the crime scene, I walked around aimlessly, concentrating on both my mental landscape and the physical world in front of me.

I could see the lights of every human being with a Quirk, stretching out as far as my eyes could see within the vast emptiness of my mental world.

They were not in the sky, instead, they were floating about on the ground level, around my chest height and below.

Quirks of the still living...

Many of the Quirks in my "sky" were "living" as well, they were constantly updating replicas of the Quirks already in existence, be it in current use or unusable.

Quirks that were still alive were still growing in power and history, in contrast, "dead" Quirks were stagnant and had fixed power unless they were practiced with.

I called upon an intelligence enhancing Quirk, a specific one called "High-Spec".

A theory had went around referring to the possibility that Principal Nezu and a group of fellow animals may have been the ones to have spread Quirks around like a virus after being experimented on by the usual amoral asshole scientists.

Doing that, his Quirk allowed him to become a very much high-functioning animal that was smarter than most of the population. I wonder what it would be like to use a Quirk like that?

A dozen or so Quirks with similar capabilities gathered around me.

I found the one that was allocated to the animal calling himself Nezu easily, I welcomed it into my being along with the other Quirks… and found that my thoughts were becoming… better.

Better in everything, that is.

And then I had the worse headache in my life.

The majority of the lights had dispersed back into the sky.

It suddenly became a painful struggle to hold onto the other four Intelligence Quirks that I called upon, forcing me to let go one of them.

The pain was gone quickly, but I had some lingering dizziness.

Somehow, I made my way to a public park. I sat there by myself, on a swing, and I experimented.

Quickly, I realized that at best, I could have four "slots" of Quirks available to use at any time.

Searching for a Quirk without an available "slot" was fine, having it around me awaiting use was another matter because unless I stole it, I wouldn't have enough familiarity with it for it to hover around me awaiting immediate use.

In addition, the Quirk that I stole early did not count towards the "slots" that I had.

I could already see where this is going.

Effectively, if every single Quirk was a Shard from Worm, then I was Eidolon-lite v3. A discount type of Eidolon as I had basically no skill in using the Quirk, other than the theoretical knowledge of how to use it.

To be more precise, it was like being handed a computer keyboard with the keys being mixed up differently for each individual power. More complex powers had additional machinery attached to them.

Thankfully, as I had several Intelligence and Mental Quirks stacked up, I had swiftly noticed that my skill level and ease of calling upon Quirks would increase the more I used them.

Much like ordinary Quirks, only, I could brute-force my way through lack of skill by temporarily "hooking" up the Quirks in my possession with the "living" Quirks on the physical world and certain compatible Quirks within the "sky".

The former method would simply amplify the power of the Quirks I had in my active roster, bolstering their strength. I could reflexively dedicate "resources" or "Quirks within my range" to power individual Quirks of mine on a & basis.

This requires some measure of will and focus. By testing this ability on the random brats that came by after school to play here and the various strangers afar, I could tell that it was easier to use the ones closeby.

I wasn't draining their powers by all means. It simply meant that their Quirks being close to mine would have their "power value" added onto mine.

It took very little effort to designate a small range around me to draw power from, allowing me to supercharge my roster of Quirks. Once they left that area however, I would need more mental effort to amplify my own.

The latter method would allow me to augment and customize the Quirks in my possession to cover more areas and make their specializations more effective.

Combining Nezu's High Spec Quirk with dozens of other Mental Quirks was easy enough to accomplish, but I had to be careful or else the Quirk would risk mutation.

And Quirk Mutation would render the "manual" of how to use the Quirk effectively, obsolete.

Out of curiosity, I searched for a "stockpiling" Quirk and a certain "useless" Quirk.

Low and behold, it turned into a copy of One for All.

Pretty much useless with how it is, but I could modify it later on to make it a useful power-stocking Quirk that grows stronger with stolen Quirks that I had no use for.

I played around with my options until I settled with three filled slots, mostly because I could lose my grip on the 4th slot if I was too distracted.

It would take practice to immediately call upon a Quirk once I had dismissed it, I had to use it constantly so that it won't take me nearly a minute just to find a single specific Quirk.

It took half a minute to get back a combined Quirk, and unfortunately, Super Intelligence did nothing to speed that up for some reason. It helped with remembering and planning out my Quirk load-out, but not with calling upon Quirks to my aid.

In the end, I named three sets of modified Quirks as such.

Superman, for Tactile Telekinesis powering everything that gives the "Flying Brick" trope package along with enhanced speed.

Batman, for everything skill related. I mostly stuffed the Super Intelligence, Intuition, Investigation, Memory and Learning aspects into this.

Tesla Battery, a passive power that converts pretty much all forms of energy that impact my body and converts this into more energy using a fission-like reaction, generating more energy for me to use in my other abilities. Basically, Superman sunlight conversion, kinetic energy absorption, and other forms of Quirks that absorb effects...

Combined with an "auto" reaction of bouncing off the Quirks of others within a City Block around me, I had a sustainable source of power for my abilities that doesn't involve me relying on some physical material I would have to ingest. Or anything like body fat, and what not.

Now that I had some measure of control over my powers settled, and that I was relatively safe from certain unexpected deaths, I begin to decipher where in the timeline I was.

A few minutes later, I ran into a scene of rapid mindless citizens cheering All Might for stopping some Sludge villain.


It's been three months since then, and I had a rather solid identity after much hacking and infiltration to plant documents around.

As far as anyone knew, I was some high-school student living independently from my distant family who sent me the proceeds from their Stock Trading activities.

The High-School bit was slightly unintended because I was shrunken down by about 10 years or so, but necessary as I needed to apply for U.A. High School.

If anything, I could tell that whatever ROB placed me here had intended for me to go to U.A. or something. After all, if I was writing a self-insert, I'm pretty sure it would be badly written enough to the point where I would be forced to go interact with the main cast anyways instead of forging my own path.

Considering that FF was banned in my country for no goddamn reason other than the suspected "random HARAM" nonsense, and that I've stopped posting in SB and SV thus far, I could assume that if I was the author of my story, I would be posting this in QQ.

Which means that I had to go to U.A. to fuck someone, or a few people… literally. My first pick would be Momo Yaoyozoru, and I dunno where to go after that. Maybe I'll have fun with Bakugou's mom or something.

I'll probably need Shinzo's brainwashing quirk, only modified to be a lot more subtle.

With that assumption in mind, I quickly got to work in stealing some Quirks from some Villains in other countries while secretly replacing their Quirks with my own copy of similar Quirks.

It was a win-win situation in my book.

Considering the lack of reported negative side-effects from my previous victims, I could safely say that it was win-win.

I got to keep their Quirk as an always available Quirk circling around my body, awaiting my call with all their skills intact, and they… well, they're not comatosed like All For One would have left them nor did they get a bad deal out of it, asides from them getting arrested due to my vigilante activities.

While the perception towards Vigilantism varied between countries, from "kill on sight" to "don't arrest unless damage caused", I could say that the reception to my Vigilante persona was very positive for the masses on a global scale.

Most of the time I simply did things at super speed, went close to Villains, touched them and knocked them out by stealing their Quirks. Hostage situations were a little trickier, but I had managed to train a teleportation Quirk (which I used to travel discreetly) on the side that helped with that.

It was kind of fun, and whilst fulfilling in its own way, I couldn't see myself doing it for the rest of my life.

Basically, it felt like community service, except illegal since I tended to flee as soon as I could insert a dead Quirk back in to the Villains.

Sometimes I needed to tank hits from the police and "Heroes" for helping out. I never got violent on them, there was no real need for me to do so.

Funnily enough, that led to more positive PR to my benefit as I barely needed to actually fight at all. Tank hits, save civilians, make Villains faint… all the stuff that people can't really complain about.

Huh... in retrospect, my community service hero acts are about 3 times more numerous than the traditional hero beat them up scenarios.

It's a good thing that there's always use for a Flying Brick, even if construction companies hate me since they can't profit off a Brockton Bay Boat Graveyard scenario.

My costume also helped with improving my PR since I used a predominantly White costume with a gold coloured cape.

I basically ripped off Superman's costume, but with a mask. Instead of an "S" symbol, I had an "Olive Branch" as my insignia on both my chest and cape.

The ancient Symbol of Peace.

When they asked for my hero name, I gave them "Testament", because of my slight chuuni tendencies… but the internet liked it enough so it worked out in the end.

Now, I love All Might as a character and loved the fact that he's such a horrendous teacher because he tries so hard yet subverts the typical mentor tropes… but seriously, a Symbol of Peace whose gimmick is punching things just right?

I had no issues with him, but with so many kids admiring that sort of power, like Bakugou… I think the threat of All Might bearing down upon you with all his might is not exactly the best representation of a peaceful society.

It's no fault of All Might.

I simply blame everyone else for misinterpreting what he's about and seeing him as a guy that punches Villains.

His good deeds and community service acts were not as highlighted as they should have been!

The term "Hero" was meant to mean "one who saves others," but has twisted to mean only "one who fights villains."

Absolutely Disgusting.

With the Top 4 heroes in Japan being All Might, Endeavour, Ryukyu, Edgeshot… people with violent and dangerous powers, I can say that the idolization of violence from a young age is a big problem. This trend is repeated overseas.

I hope to change that by attempting to provoke more thought into the possibility of non-violent quirks being used more prevalently, like those that knock villains out through chemicals secretions and other more discreet means.

I knew this was possible, because I know of a good amount of the quirks that are in existence right now, and there are a lot of them that can be very useful in easy subjugation of villains. The key thing is to cultivate them and see those users for their "potential", rather than simply dismissing them like most exams that favour flashy powerful Quirks.

Take it from Aizawa, Eraserhead - the U.A. entrance exam exam is illogical and harmful.

I continued working on my Quirks for another three months until I reached the point where I "Mastered" the three Quirks, marking them as mine to the point where I could swap to them instinctively with the Quirks I stole within milliseconds.

After that, if I wasn't out saving a cat out of a tree, dealing with Villains or performing humanitarian work involving natural disaster rescue and rebuilding activities… I would train my new two skill sets.

Combining my Teleportation Quirk with some other mind based Psychokinesis, Hypnosis (only sensory tricks), Precognition and Psychometry Quirks had created an ESPER Quirk, which is basically Kyousuke Hyoubu' multi-powered psychic set from Zettai Karen Children.

Except that it was stupidly weak even though it was partially scaled towards my brain power, it was pretty much cantrips outside of the teleportation, which was still familiar and powerful enough for me to use it as a travel or blitz power.

Unfortunately, I fell into the Eidolon trap of having onto a key set of powers.

Namely, I just didn't want to let go of the Batman and Tesla Battery power sets.

After using the former for so long, I simply couldn't imagine myself not being a hypercompetent genius inventor multi-tasker with mastery in many fields. And the latter had pretty much eliminated the fatigue and gave me nearly boundless energy to keep living my life.

As a consolation, they were so easy to use at this point that they may as well be worth half a slot each, which meant that I had two slots empty for training use, although I would keep one slot in reserve to not strain my main power in a combat situation.

This time I was training a body optimizing Quirk that constantly regenerated my body while maintaining my longevity, refreshing my mind to wipe any mind controlling aspects and clearing up my internal waste, recycling it for energy.

The next combo Quirk that I planned to start training with was my makeshift One For All, which I've been feeding with the most useless Quirks for villainy that I've seen thus far. Unfortunately, it's pretty weak all things considered.

I guess it's due to the lack of actual cultivation and Shonen power-ups by "passing the torch" like All Might and his predecessors did.

February 26

Almost 11 months had passed, and it was early April.

Ensuring that my main equipment was kept securely, from my voice changer to my self-made computer and all the other gear I used… I stuffed my new costume that was basically some casual clothes because I wanted to start out as a scrub again, or give that impression at least.

Anyway, I made it to the U.A. entrance through cycling my way there, and quickly scanned the Quirks around here.

There was a very large light nearby.

One For All

I hadn't seen such a huge ball of light acting as a Quirk before, mainly because I was avoiding canon characters till now.


As expected, Izuku the Absolute Madman was here.

Haha! Oh man, it's actually him!

Fuck, I'm letting my slight fan boyish tendencies out, aren't I?

I looked around and noticed the Quirk I was looking for.

Like me, boy had ridden a bicycle to U.A. High School.

I walked with my bike next to him.

"Hey bike buddy! Any idea on where we can park our bikes?"

He was a young man with messy indigo hair and purple eyes. Honestly, he looked like needed a lot more sleep than that kind of dark eye bags. I had some cosmeceutical products I would recommend to him... hmm, no eyelashes? How does that affect people again?

"Bike buddy? Ah... I think the parking lot is that way so there's our best chance."

He helpfully pointed the direction out for me.

"Hey thanks man! Wanna head over to dump our bikes?"

"Dumping is illegal you know." He sounded a little exasperated despite maintaining a rather stoic look.

"I didn't mean that literally."

"I know."

"You look like a bundle of joy already."

"Haha... don't I know it."

The resentment was evident in his tone despite his laughter that stunk of resignation.

This guy would be fun… he can be the designated Tsukkomi.

"Let's go! Oh right, name's Nicholas Petrelli, nice to meet ya!"

He was a bit surprised over the foreign name, but other than that he paid it no mind.

"Hitoshi Shinzo, let's hurry up. I don't want to be late for the exams."


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