
Times Square

Chapter 30

It took about 10 minutes of scrolling through social media before Stark strolled into the room. Immediately, Xavier shoved his phone in his pocket and stood up to shake his hand. "Hello Mr. Stark." Maintaining eye contact with him.

"I called you here to tell you that you've won the competition." Stark said. 'Straight to the point I see.' Xavier thought.

"I did?"

"Yes, you had the best idea and you were prepared before you arrived. Of every other contestant, you were the most composed." He paused for a breath. "I could tell just how much time you spent on that idea on your own even before the competition."

"Thank you sir." Xavier was really laying it on heavy with the flattery.

Sitting down, Tony leveled his eyes at Xavier. "Stop with the flattery, it won't help you."

Unsurprised, Xavier dropped his smile. "Then what's the real reason you called me here? You never do anything without a reason at least."

"...I called you here because I like you kid, and you've got secrets I wanna dig out of you. You're smart and rarely ever caught off guard." After a moment of silence,Tony spoke up. "That and your whole friend group are the smartest kids at the school."

"Then why did he call me here if that's all he wanted to say?" Xavier was confused as to why Tony had called him here to compliment him. Now that he thought about it, Stark never compliments anyone.

"Because you won the competition, you'll have the chance to be my assistant for a few hours everyday." Cutting to the point, Tony decided to be blunt.

"...HUH?" Xavier jumped up from his seat. He was not expecting this at all.

Smirking at his reaction, Tony kept talking. "Everyday after school you'll come here and go to sub level 3. The code is Starky."

Calming down some, Xavier thought for a moment. "Starky? Really that's the best you could come up with?"

"Haha, I didn't come up with it. Anyway, give me your number so I can contact you and get out of here, I'm sure we both have things we need to get done."

Still caught off guard, Xavier went ahead and gave him his number. "Okay, I guess I'll see you after school tomorrow?" Before he walked to the elevator he turned back and asked a question. "What about my work at Oscorp?"

"Hmm? Oh don't worry about it. I can pay you more than what they were if that's what you're worrying about. And you can still help your brother with the project you were on, as that won't matter at all." Tony said dismissively.

"Okay Mr. Stark, I'll inform my boss tonight." Xavier said, walking to the elevator.

"Oh and kid?"

Turning back Xavier asked, "What?"

"Bring those bots tomorrow, I might have a use for them." He said with a predatory grin.


Leaving the home of the illustrious Tony Stark, Xavier decided to walk around to think for a bit before heading home. As usual, New York City was incredibly active.

'Why all of a sudden does he find so much interest in me? I just wanted a chance to see him and guess where he was in the story with Obodiah.' Seeing that his uncle wasn't at the contest as far as he could tell, he assumed he was currently studying Stark's mark 1.

'Hopefully he lets me see the mark 2.' Xavier thought to himself.


Don't yell at me if these are in the wrong place. Also I'm sorry if this isn't written super well, I was sick when writing this.


During his walk, he somehow managed to get into Times Square. There, he could see the usual crowd of people walking around doing various tasks, or even just being a tourist.

People of all races and walks of life, all walking by each other here. To Xavier, he could never get over the feeling even if he had lived here for all his new life.

It was strange to think of this city as a 'melting pot' of all kinds of people until you see it for yourself. Looking all around himself, Xavier began to realize something was off.

He was beginning to feel a heavy sense of dread. 'Spidey Sense?'

Looking around again, he noticed that there was a surplus of police present here. They had just arrived and seemed to be searching around for someone.

Suddenly, that dread turned into an electric shock running through his spine. Whipping around, he saw a scene that triggered a memory in his mind.

Leaning over a pipe in a grated vent, a man in a hoodie was reaching down to grab it. Looking closer, there was a distinct glow around his head. The hoodie and pants were smoking as if they were burning as well.

"No, can't be. Lizard hasn't even come out yet, why is everything out of order!?"


As the man touched the mass of wires a massive surge of electricity shot out, surging throughout the square. Seeing this, Xavier instinctively called out his suit and a wave of black and golden tendrils covered him in an instant. To him, time was slowing down to a snail's pace before his eyes.

And in the next, 'Weaver's' Spider-Man was jumping towards the people up in the metal stands just like the movie. The families there had been getting ready for a Christmas event, but instead were in danger of electrocution.

Shooting a web to one side of the railing, swiping something out of his inventory, and another to the other side, Xavier attempted to stop the surge of electricity coming his way. Glancing back, he saw he had about a second before the wave hit.

Jumping up once again Xavier shot out multiple webs, out yanking them all at the same time. With his quick action, he managed to pull everyone away from the railings free from risk.

Not a moment too soon either, as the wave hit the stands the very next second. As the wave tried to surge up the railings, Xavie's first web scraped off most of the energy making it hit the device he had planted there.

That device was one of the conduction bombs he made a while ago, made to suck up any charge they come across. Luckily, he had made these in anticipation of this happening.

The rest of the wave rolled calmly through the rest of the stands, hurting no one, because of Xavier pulling everyone away. ' Now that everyone is safe, Xavier's sense of time is returning to normal.

Turning around to look at the man that would soon be called 'Electro.' The police in the square were already forming a blockade of sorts, though they couldn't move their cars due to the EMP he had put out.

Turning to one of the adults near him, Xavier called out. "Call 911, tell them there's a really big electrical hazard and bring the fire department." The man nodded to him, albeit terrified, bringing out his phone and dialing.

'Now i've got a call of my own to make.' Xavier made an emergency call to Peter, forcing him to pick up. "Get to Time Square now, bring conduction bombs. We've got another problem to deal with."


To whomever it concerns, I was kidnapped by Kraven and forced to go into Cleveland for the entire afternoon. As I have to wake up early in the morning, I couldn't stay up to post the chapter yesterday. As a warning, I may take tomorrow off to preemptively write chapters so this won't happen again. Thank you for being patient,

P.S. I will now have my own team of Critters to protect me from further kidnaping. Thank you.

Next chapter