
My Space-Time System

Blake, a pro gamer and the winner of the Zetron gaming competition for the MMORPG Lord of Legends meets his doom together with few other participants or so he thought. Together with others, Blake gets summoned over to a world of fantasy and magic filled with danger and mysteries. However, to go back, they have to fulfill the job of wiping away a foreign civilization that threatens the existence of both the infinite realm and earth

xImpulse · Fantasy
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634 Chs

Promotion ceremony.

One week later, the Ash corp promotion ceremony arrived and it was taking place at the General's palace.

Blake's assigned carriage made its way past the gate and into the compound of the palace before stopping in front of the palace where a red carpet was located.

'How many years hasn't it been since I last came here?' Blake thought as his eyes moved around the magnificent palace and finally landed on the statue of Emperor Cinder with his flaming scepter of power.

Although both the Square and the general's palace were located in the Central region, there was no need for Blake to visit the palace especially since he could just call Prince Bryon if he needed anything.

"Please follow." A palace staff said to Blake.

As one of the most important people on the occasion, Blake was personally escorted into the building and into the hall where the promotion ceremony was taking place.