
My Space-Time System

Blake, a pro gamer and the winner of the Zetron gaming competition for the MMORPG Lord of Legends meets his doom together with few other participants or so he thought. Together with others, Blake gets summoned over to a world of fantasy and magic filled with danger and mysteries. However, to go back, they have to fulfill the job of wiping away a foreign civilization that threatens the existence of both the infinite realm and earth

xImpulse · Fantasy
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631 Chs

Exams 1.

His words sent both Blake and the system into deep thought.

'What do you think about it?' Blake asked.

He hadn't heard or read about binding an array to another, which means it was a method only known to him, and having little knowledge about forgemastering and arrays the clue professor Mack had told him made no sense at all so he decided to ask the system.

[From the little knowledge I have as the consciousness of the All-Father, I haven't heard of binding arrays, but I can take a guess. I don't know how he plans on doing it, but by binding 2 arrays together they will both function at the same time as long as one is on.

It may work because if it works it should make the process less tasking, meaning your current energy and mana control should be enough to complete the process.]

After hearing the system's deduction, Blake relayed it to the professor who was shocked that he was able to make such a deduction.