
my soulmate by my side

Hillary_Arutere · Urban
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2 Chs

chapter 1

rrrrrrrrr...(phone ringing)

Hello, please who's this?

Hi Miss may, I am from swing technology and am calling to tell you that you passed your interview and should come early to work,

really, but do I have to bring any order documents,

no, you have to go to the HR department and they would tell you what to do next

okay, thanks alot, bye.(phone call ended)

Later, she went to have a drink with her friend

cara to celebrate with her.

you finally got a job now your brother (Bruce) won't send you abroad now, cheers to that.


they drank up to six bottle of wine and we're so drunk, then a man came to them and tried to molest them, but may who couldn't bear it anymore vomited on the man and they both ran and they decided to pass different direction.

may, you right and I will go left .


while she was running she bumped into someone and then she black out. the young man took her to the hospital and she fell in comma for a whole night.the man told the doctor that they should take good care of her that he will come back the next day, which was on Sunday. meanwhile Cara already got home. The next morning when she woke up she was surprised that she was in the hospital and she quickly left the hospital remembering that she to get ready to work the next day.

(Monday) she got up early and left for her first day of work. When she entered the company

she was told that she was going to be the new secretary to the CEO (surprised right, this is how it happened, when the young man named Daniel went to the hospital to see her he found out that she ran away so he decided to work over time in the office, he called the HR department to bring the profile of the new intake then he saw her profile and decided to make her is secretary.) she was so happy and went to the CEO's office when she entered the office he gave her some folders telling her to translate them to french that they are for the business transactions that are going on with the french man who recently came to the United States, and please I want everything to be done by tomorrow evening, you can go to your desk now, okay sir.