Amidst the chaotic battleground, Elias fought with unwavering determination, leading a group of villagers against the relentless Aeni army. His eyes glinted with a mixture of fear and resilience as he swung his makeshift weapon, a sturdy wooden staff empowered with a layer of natural energy, against the ferocious creatures.
"Keep pushing! To the secret tunnel!" Elias shouted, his voice cutting through the din of battle. The group of villagers, fueled by his courage, followed him toward the outskirts of the village where a hidden entrance lay concealed beneath thick foliage.
As they neared the entrance, Elias spared a glance over his shoulder.
The Aeni, determined to crush the resistance, pursued them relentlessly.
The ground shook with their thunderous approach, but Elias pressed on, his heart pounding with every step.