
My Sonnets, Poems and Quotes

I wrote these sonnets, poems, and quotes; in the darkest hours of my life and I hope some of you could relate. I write with all the love and joy I have for writing, just because I don't publish anything doesn't I still don't write behind closed doors.

ElenaFairchildfair · Urban
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Forgiveness of a prayer

Once in a lifetime, my world is finally filled.

Once in a lifetime, I have no regrets1 

With sadness, I gave to a loving mother,

she was as shocked as I was when I found out the truth.

No matter the hardships that follow, 

I look upon the sky of darkness 

wishing for a new day.


Worry not, sweet mother

for I purge my heart of darkness to bewitch those that harm you.

I care for thee as my own Guardian Angel.

Forthwith I am no longer sorry at words such as this in tone but in stone. 


My soul has been filled

no need to hide.

I will simply live to your compliance.

My writing is dull at times but at the last moment I feel free to get these words off my heavy head.

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