
My Son is the Devil's Heir

Escaping her life, Sienna ran away and raised her son on her own. But after six years of hiding, the devil came at her doorstep with one objective: to take his heir. “If you want to stay by my son’s side, I will allow you. But you cannot disclose your identity as his mother to anyone. You can only assume the role of his maid, and you shall abide by my rules,” he told her ruthlessly. Not a glimpse of remorse could be seen in his amber eyes. - A woman chained by her flaw, that is who Sienna Roselei is. Used as a pawn in her family's schemes, she falls into the mischievous hands of a man whose eyes glow with wickedness beyond what she can comprehend. She runs away and disappears for the next six years, only to fall into his hands again. But this time she is no longer alone. She is with her son. [Warning: Mature Content]

macy_mori · Fantasy
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86 Chs


Once Davi had finished his meal, Sienna brought him to the room and dressed him in thicker clothes as they would be traveling to the town. As much as she wanted to leave the next day, the vampire was very eager to leave with his son.

"You can sleep in the carriage if you feel sleepy along the way," Sienna said while sliding Davi's hands into the small gloves.

"The ride to the town might take a couple of hours, but your father said we will rest in the town, and you will have a bed to sleep in," she reassured, and grabbed a coat for Davi.

Although she knew vampires had better resistance to cold, it did not mean they wouldn't be affected by the chill if they stayed out for too long. Vampires could catch common colds like humans, but it rarely happened.

Sienna looked at her worn-out work clothes and decided to change into something more decent and thicker. She wore a long coat over it and fixed her hair.