
My Smartphone app made me into a god!

What would you do if you suddenly had the power of a god?

NovelSin · Realistic
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5 Chs

Soul Deliverer




When Bando awoke, the first thing he did was open his phone. He didn't want what happened yesterday to be a dream, but he had a sneaking suspicion something that good couldn't happen to him. He couldn't believe it.

He opened his phone and saw on the home screen MyWorld!

"Yes! It wasn't a dream!" He looked in front of him and saw the still punching bag.

"Make it so that I have the fighting skills of a martial art master."

He then proceeded to do a backflip roundhouse kick right into Bigdawg.


"HAHAHHAOOOOOOOO GAWDDDDD" Bigdawg barged into Bando's mind, yelling.

"Good morning to you too," Bando said, laughing at the situation Bigdawg was in.

"You gotta calm down with that! I wasn't designed to laugh that hard all the time" Bigdawg said, catching his imaginary breath.

"Yeahyea stop mugging people"

"Hey you know, I've learned my lesson. If you wanna let me go now you can" Bigdawg reminded, halfway pleading.

Bando ignored him and got ready for the day. He wanted to reflect on what if felt like to grind hard so that he could spend the rest of his life knowing he didn't have to do that. He decided to put 100% for the last time. Today would be his last day of work and college.




When he returned home he sat on his bed and prepared for another afternoon of goofing off, however, that would never happen.

When he opened the app instead of seeing the usual text box he saw a countdown.

"17 Hours, 49 Minutes, 9 Seconds"

"...8 Seconds"

"...7 Seconds"

The timer continued.

'Why the hell is there a timer now?' he thought, squinting his eyes so he could inspect.

A question mark hovered over the timer.

"You have until this timer reaches zero to deliver a soul. Otherwise, as per your contract, you will be forever damned to torture."

Bando read it once, then twice, then thrice to make sure he read it right.

"FUCCCCCCC-" He began to yell.

"SHUT THE HELL UP" His parents responded.

He once again sat embarrassed, looking at his phone.

"What's up?" Bigdawg asked.

"Ahh, I've just been informed that I need to 'deliver a soul' or I'll be forever damned to torture"

"Dammmnnn, tough, demon contract stuff?"

"Yea I guess so. I'm still trying to figure out how all of this stuff works too…"

"Well it's karma for what you've done to me!" Bigdawg snickered.

"Hey you know if I lose my powers you'll probably be stuck as a punching bag forever right?"

Bigdawg shut up quickly.

'I knew something was off, no way I would have access to all this power without some sort of drawback…" He began to feel hopeless. Deliver a soul? Did that mean what he think it meant?

"I have to kill someone?" He said out loud.

"Whoah, calm down partner, I thought you made my pain ticklish because you were too much of a pushover to actually cause harm"

A sharp back kick plunged its way into the punching bag.


"Shush, I need to think of a way to do this. Wait, why don't I just kill someone using the textbox?" Bando began to think out loud.

"Huh?" Bigdawg managed between hasty breaths.

"Don't mind me"

Bando opened his phone and typed

"Kill someone who has done something evil enough to deserve it, then deliver this soul as the soul needed to stop the timer"

He pressed enter but an error code popped up.

"Cannot use [self] to complete [self]"

'What is that supposed to mean? I can't use the textbox. BS! Have to actually kill someone?'

"Do I have to kill someone to stop the timer" Bando typed. He hoped for the best but when he pressed to enter the worst possible outcome had come to fruition.

A red box overlay appeared on the app. With 3 letters written in the middle, it said


Read this bastards. Ill post tmr if this story gets any sort of attention

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