
My Smartphone app made me into a god!

What would you do if you suddenly had the power of a god?

NovelSin · Realistic
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5 Chs

Burgundy Businessman 2/2

Bando Steeled his heart and clenched his toes, staring through the scope he felt his heart drop. In a split second, he believed he wouldn't do it, miss, or mess it up in some way.

But even still, he pulled the trigger.

And in less than a millisecond, a diamond-encased bullet sliced through the air like a nosediving jet.

Bando closed his eyes, like the bitch he is, and prayed for the bullet to reach its wanted destination. It reached the glass, but something interesting happened.

The bullet carved a little into the glass but suddenly, as if there was an implanted force field, the bullet ricocheted at a 50-degree angle!

Immediately, the businessman stared in the direction of the bullet, and Bando. But instead of hiding or fleeing, or even covering himself as though he was embarrassed, he let out a long, drawn laugh.

Bando was caught off guard. He questioned why a triple reinforced beretta with an equivalent of an anti-tank RPG couldn't break through glass hundreds of times weaker.

Bando quickly lowered his head. After a few seconds, he peaked his head above the concrete railing he rested on.

Zooming in using his headgear, he watched as the businessman roared a laughter Bando could almost feel. He then watched as this businessman picked up his phone, which by now had already had the intended caller entered, and finally waited as though he expected a reply.




Bando's phone sounded.

Bando looked down, not even moving his body he looked on in horror as he saw his phone ring.

His confusion turned to immediate understanding. He was somehow calling him.

Then, as though they had been waiting there the entire time, choppers shot forth encasing Bando in a circle of machine guns.

Bando hadn't even heard them, surely helicopters that arrived that fast from that close would make a sound!?

They circled Bando, and trained their aim on him, and yet none of them fired.




The businessman motioned.

Bando put one hand up, and slowly reached for his pocket.

The operators of the enemy machine guns watched closely, steading their fingers.

Yet none of them fired.


"Ahhh! Bando! Good to see my little assassinator! Well, i guess it would be more like an assasinatenter. Because your stupid ass failed!" The businessman laughed.

"How di-"

"Bando, when you make a deal with the devil, you ALWAYS read the contract, this is simple knowledge, no?"

'Who is this man? And how did he manage to not die?' Bando thought. He was truly fucked. He had immortality, yet this figure made himself look like the person who gave it.

"So what now? Are you the devil or something? And if that's, the case," Bando cleared his throat

"Why are you doing this?" Bando finished.

"Ahh, Bando, if you would've just read the terms of agreements when you first downloaded the app. Now, you'll surely end up tortured!" The Devil proclaimed.

The phone suddenly went silent as the businessman put down the phone, walking slowly to the elevator.

'But wait, if he's the devil then shouldn't he know I'm immortal?'

But before Bando could have a follow-up thought, machine gun fire encased the entire rooftop with a glamorous shimmering light.

Although Bando had made himself invincible, he had not made himself resistant to pain, so every single bullet that tore through his skin could be felt in extreme agony.

"AAARGGGHHHHHHH" Bando screamed in agony, bullets beating against his back like drums.

Finally, he fell down to his knees, blood gushing from his body like a broken fountain.

He passed out from the shock.




When Bando awoke he was in an office, much different than the deviman's office.

He sat at a chair in front of a large office chair, as though the chair was designed to withhold a giant.

He tried desperately to move even a finger but to no avail. Bando didn't even have restraints.




A thumping sound reverbed into the room.

At first, it sounded like loud booms but as they got closer Bando could recognize the clicking of footsteps. To the right of the chair and the desk was a door equally as large as the chair.

'What kind of office is this? ' Bando first thought. There wasn't a single human on earth that could possibly need a working space of this magnitude.

A big burly red-colored man creaked open the door and then waddled to his chair. With a sigh, he sat.

This man was the perfect size for this office, making the oversized furniture look more in place.

"Bando, is it?" His voice was deep and had a bass. It filled the entire room without trying.

After a pause, Bando responded. "Yes, now can you release me? According to the BS contract, I have to deliver a soul or I'm done for"

The big burly red man pulled a wine bottle out of his drawer, cracked it open then swallowed the liquid as though it was a Capri sun.

"About that" He responded, wiping his lips.

"As per your contract, which obviously, you didn't read, not only are your required to deliver a soul, but you should also know that the bossman will be tampering and interfering as you do it. Y'know, for his entertainment." The large man explained.

'His Entertainment!?' Bando's mouth visibly dropped.

"And also the fact that you've reached the time limit of your time to deliver a soul. Son, that assassination attempt was yesterday. "

Bando clicked his teeth.

"So I'm forever damned to torture huh? Well just wait a second" Bando continued, readjusting himself against the invisible binds.

"Your a demon right? And demons are all about deals, right?" Bando furthered.

The big man chuckled as he held his chin, as though to tell Bando to continue.

Whatever Bando's plan was, it'd sure have to be good.