
My sleep and you

*opens eyes Who are you …….no Who am I ? Why do everything seems familiar but also not ? Do I know them or not ? . . . . . . Just why am I in her mind ?!! _____________________________~ From author Follow our female lead in her quest of finding out what’s happening around her . Enjoy the story dear readers :) This is my first story here so feel free comment if you could not properly decipher the sentences. Hope you support and follow the story ;).

Lumorf · LGBT+
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Drifts away *


????? Point of view

*squealing noise of a car * Ugh just what hit me .I tried to open my eyes but the sharp pain didn't let me.Finally succeeding in unfolding my eyes I could see a car , there the driver was smiling wickedly .

Ah ! That face looks familiar somehow but why can't I point it down. *zing* Ugh I feel like my heads' going to rip off even so I don't like him his disgusting face is making me go more dizz- "ALYYYYY" Huh who is screaming ?

I could see a figure coming my way , as my vision is getting gloomier I now can feel myself sleeping in a warm puddle.~

____________ _____ _______________________

?????? P.O.V



beep * Just can't it quiet down . I swayed my hands in search of the source . Where exactly is it ?


Oh !There you are .Hehe now get a beating from me . Slam*


Finally quiet .wofff~

Hmm? I am opening my eyes ? But I don't want to !

Wait wait ... how is my body moving itself ?!!!

Ugh it's too bright here . Ok now I can see the room I was sleeping in , hmm it's nice I mean the entire room is so filled with plants.

Just where am I ? Let me look out of this pretty big window now no- "ERIMUUuuu~ ,wake up Erimu ~"

Tch! now what who shouts this loudly early in the morning . *bang* Oh R .I. P the door ,as I turned to see the said person who helped in ruining my mood I could see a kid aged I think approximately um 10 to 13 then again is it a boy or girl ?

"Ok you're awake." the kid said in a very casual way this time in a small voice . Ok for me too now I can confirm that you are a boy ,as my morning eyes looked his face more clearly I have to say that he is a boy with a pulm lips and hmm should I say eagle eyes no wonder I had a hard time verifying your sex .

Just when I thought I was having a good judgment of him he started saying what not things like I was the last person to wake up in our family blablablabla and well he gave a full stop by shouting " MOM , sister is awake ~" and yeah just went away from the door after that .

Me , who wanted to catch him and beat him for ruining my morning was surprisingly just sitting on the bed and thus this has made me realize I cannot control any movement of the body ,forget about it I couldn't even go near the window that time ughhh just where is this place ...….. hold-up didn't that boy just referred to me as his sister ? Oh yes..... , he did .

I am so slow to realize.( feels bad for herself )

Creak* Oh 'The body ' no it doesn't sound nice let's say ' I ' only , um now ' I ' am sitting on the bed looking dumbfounded on the mirror which is situated in front of the bed . Ok shall I say I am having trouble looking at my own image here cause of all these greenery . Huff~ 'I ' must be a very dedicated gardener huh ?

Now ' I ' have finally got up from the bed hmm 'I' seem to be searching for something uh what am ' I 'searching for . "SOLUV WHERE ARE MY SLIPPERS?!???" , 'I ' suddenly shouted , ok these all shouting is also going to make me suffer from heart attack one day . As 'l' shouted 'I' began to walk towards another room , finally out of the room .

The room I reached to was a dining room there I could see the same boy sitting on a chair and having some biscuits with black tea accompanied by a woman in mid of 30 to 40 years old I guess ? "Morning mom " , 'I' said in a very gentle manner.

Oh then this woman is my mom ? ...Or not ?

The mom looking at me intently with a smile plastered in her face said ," Good morning daughter. By the way did you see what time is it right now ,at present? " I think I should not say 'said' but should refer to it as a clear warning.

'I' awkwardly laughed at it and replied generously that " 'I' didn't" to which 'I' received a sharp glare from mom.

'I' quickly looked at her ( 'l' )brother and asked if he was the one who had hid her slippers , yep 'her' because I feel that the person controlling the body and I am not the same person . How? Well I cannot feel any of the surrounding that she is supposed to be feeling ,yep that includes her emotions too .I am convinced !

"Don't worry sister . It's safe with my feet here , see ?" informed the brother showing his feet with her slippers on it . His face is even funnier with those grinning face.

It seems that l am going to enjoy my stay in this so said sis mind till then I must be able to figure out something about myself , just hope I am not a cursed spirit locked here .

The sister then went straight to snatch her slippers away and ran to bathroom before her mom could complain any longer.

Yep I am really enjoying narrating and seemingly I don't feel any discomfort here so why not continue living in this heck brain of hers and also get a ticket for myself to find out clues about myself not that I can do anything other than that though... . Ughhhhhhhh~

"SIS, ITS HOLIDAY TODAY !!!" ,when she heard this she slowed downed a lot and murmured "Oh ,yeah....."

Seriously I am already starting to like this dramatic family! ;)