
my sister who is a yandere

My older sister is very obsessed with her younger sister Who even always follows his sister, Until he installs a bug in his sister's room

Harmonii_Harmonii · Horror
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

my very possessive sister

Looking at the clouds flying in the sky, while sitting in class, I let out a long sigh.

"Hiroto, why do you keep sighing when you're just a student, are you trying to act mature to attract the attention of the girls in class?" "Of course not, I was just thinking about what I'm going to eat tonight and somehow it bothered me."

"Well, you were probably thinking of going home to play some kind of embarrassing game with your brother, nee-chan, and unable to think of what to play, you got into trouble."

"What are you talking about, how Asaka nee-chan can be a brother."

I laughed at the fat kid sitting next to me. This sneering friend of mine whose face looks like the perverted type is my only friend Yamazaki... well don't ask me why he's my only friend, probably because I'm the type who doesn't like trouble, always refusing the invitations of other classmates, eventually it became a kind of pattern that when people invite me, they are rejected, then after they stay away from me. Sitting in the corner of the classroom by the window also allowed me to go unnoticed by the sensei, the only one who found me to chat with every day was my friend Yamazaki, who we were friends with from a very young age.

But it seems I'm not the only one who enjoys this "invisible" treatment, there's this girl who sits in the back row every day, lying on her desk sleeping, yet her grades are ranked #2 in the entire school year. Even though sensei had tried to persuade her several times, she still slacked off on her days by sleeping in class, but seeing that her grades were still maintained, sensei could not reprimand her actions any further and left her alone.

And my Asaka nee-chan is the Student Council President of this school, not only is her grade #1 of the entire school group, she is also the school flower. Every male student dreams of being her boyfriend, and every time I think of this, I wonder why I, who has average grades, looks average as well, have such a perfect nee-chan... there's no way I could be adopted, could. I shook my head and stood up, preparing to go home.

"Hiroto, are you going to play basketball tomorrow?" "Nah, during the weekend I'll enjoy my life at home."

I really wondered if Yamazaki could play basketball, how could a round ball-like figure bounce a ball, if she threw a basketball up, she would probably jump about 2 inches high as well. Thinking of the funny scene that would most likely happen, I snorted.

"What are you laughing at?" "T-it's nothing, let's go home." I followed Yamazaki, since my house was on her way, so we went home together every day. Going out with Yamazaki a little slower than usual, seeing the streets deserted of people, I took a deep breath of fresh air. Walking home, Yamazaki always talks about interesting things at school, so time always seems to fly by. I had just walked Yamazaki to her front door when she told me.

"Hiroto, let me tell you this, class B has a girl who has a pair of really big breasts, on Monday I'll take you to take a look..."

Yamazaki suddenly cut off what she was talking about abruptly and glanced nervously and fearfully behind me before running towards her house.

"What's with that Yamazaki, abandoning her conversation halfway through... is she trying to whet my appetite... but since her eye sight is usually pretty good, it looks like on Monday I really should come with her to look at class B." "Ototo-kun~" "Aah, Asaka nee-chan, why are you here.

"Suddenly a voice floated from my back, scaring me, as I turned around I saw that it was the perfect Asaka nee-chan.

"I just finished handling the student council assignment, it's a coincidence that we met here...more importantly, ototo-kun and Yamazaki-san want to go to class B to look at girls' breasts? Looks like ototo-kun has really grown up~

"Asaka nee-chan's eyes are starting to assess me. telling me that he wants to ask a girl in class B about a problem in his studies, y-yes, and he wants to, uh, take me along too.

"Really?" "Yes, really." "Nee-chan believes in you, but don't I usually coach you in your studies?" "Uhhhh..."

Damn, I forgot that nee-chan is my school's class #1 student who usually teaches me, how could I not know how to solve problems....I laughed dryly, and bowed my head in shame, like how a child who realizes that he has done a bad deed. Asaka nee-chan stroked my head as she told me gently.

"Ototo-kun, next time don't trick nee-chan will you? Nee-chan must be sad."

"I know...it won't happen again."

"Ototo-kun, I have some urgent business to attend to, please wait here for a moment."

Asaka nee-chan's cheeks turned red, and after she suddenly anxiously spoke to me, she ran to the public restroom beside our current location. It was then that I understood, all humans have needs, even the "perfect" ones.

----------------------------------- POV :sayaka --------- -------------------------

After stroking ototo-kun's head, a certain part of my body felt like it was going to leak, so I quickly ended the conversation with ototo-kun, ran to the nearest public ladies' restroom, sat down on the toilet bowl, before letting out a sigh of relief.

"Wow~ barely maintaining my "perfect" nee-chan image in front of ototo-kun, but every time I touch ototo-kun, I can't control myself~" "Ototo-kun~ ototo-kun~~ ototo-kunnn~~~~

" I put the hand that was stroking ototo-kun's head into my mouth, and licked it vigorously... and after a few minutes later.

"Not quite, ototo-kun's smell disappeared so quickly. Looks like next time I'll

--------------------------Pov :Hiroto-----------------

Just when I thought something serious had happened to Asaka nee-chan, I took out my cell phone started calling her when I saw her back, she with a flushed red face caught my attention.

"Asaka nee-chan, what happened, your face is so red, are you not feeling well?"

"Ototo-kun, are you worried about me?"

"Of course, since we're siblings, this level of affection is normal."

"Just siblings huh?""Asaka nee-chan, what's wrong? Did I say something that made you unhappy?"

"No, no. Being able to talk to ototo-kun, nee-chan is very happy. Let's go home." "

Because walking home together was so slow, while talking to Asaka nee-chan, I was boredly kicking a small pebble on the sidewalk, when suddenly the shadow of a person's figure appeared in front of us.

I looked up and realized with disgust, that it was actually that Suzuki person. Being a tall, rich, and handsome man, he was one of nee-chan's many suitors.

The school even had a ranking of potential boyfriends most likely to successfully seduce nee-chan, and this guy was ranked #1.

"Hey, isn't this the Student Council President, don't tell me that fate has arranged such an opportunity for us to meet by chance?" "Suzuki-san, what a coincidence."

This person was probably just waiting here for nee-chan to walk home, I thought, and seeing how nee-chan smiled gently at Suzuki, I started to feel a little annoyed, so repeatedly kicked a small pebble near my feet, making "krak-krak-krak" sound in their conversation.

While talking to Suzuki, Asaka noticed the frightened Hiroto, and noticing Hirito's funny reaction, he then bid Suzuki farewell, saying that he had to go home to do his duty as an excuse, dragging Hiroto along as they headed home.

"Huh, thinking that just because you're pretty doesn't mean you can just ignore me. Someday I'll make you cry and beg for me to play with you." Suzuki glared at Asaka'

Walking past the signboard of [Hasegawa's] house, I muttered "tadaima" and opened the front door.

Asaka nee-chan and I took off our shoes before entering our house, and our house was quiet and empty, as our father and mother went abroad for their company work assignments, leaving me to take care of Asaka nee-chan making daily meals.

"Ototo-kun, I'll go prepare dinner, please behave yourself and watch TV and don't run around~"

"Baakaa nee-chan, I'm already dying of hunger, why would I run around."

After surfing through many boring channels on TV, the aroma of gourmet food wafted from the kitchen. After Asaka nee-chan served the food to the dining table, I couldn't help but salivate.

Asaka nee-chan put her hand to her face and looked at me devouring the food hungrily with a defiant expression, I became a little embarrassed by my previous actions and slowed down my eating speed.

"Asaka nee-chan's cooking is really the best, beautiful and can cook very well, next time whoever marries you will have a lucky savings equivalent to three decades .... eh? Asaka nee-chan, you're not eating?"

"Being able to see ototo-kun eating so happily already makes me full~ and next time I'll only marry ototo-kun~"

"Ehehehe, mharrying meh, *uhukuhuk*... ..... You must be joking, Asaka nee-chan."

At first my mouth was already full of delicious food, making my speech seem muffled, but when I completely understood what Asaka nee-chan was saying, I snapped some food onto the table, with some of it even landing on Asaka nee-chan's pretty face.

But Asaka nee-chan's reaction after that surprised me. While smiling widely at me, she used her hands to pick up the rice that landed on her face and placed it onto those delicious red lips of hers, and ate it!!! She looked at my slowly reddening cheeks and chuckled, probably on purpose, "Ototo-kun, it tastes really good, doesn't it."

"Ototo-kun's surprised expression is so cute, hape, where's my phone, I want to take a photo of this expression."

And then he actually went looking for his phone and took a photo of me in a confused state.

Looking at her face full of seriousness, I couldn't bear to show anger.

"Asaka nee-chan, please don't joke with me, we are brothers after all, because of the same blood relationship can't marry each other."

"I'm not kidding~ I really love ototo-kun very much~ before tonight, I could control my feelings for ototo-kun~ but now I really want to tell ototo-kun about my love for ototo-kun, every night when I sleep, I always dream of ototo-kun caressing my body, kissing me, looking into my eyes until he sleeps." "Okay, stop it."