
My Sister is a Villainess?

'Little brothers are slaves of their older sister.' Gifted with a sister that could easily be the star in a psychological horror movie, Aster Vonns felt cursing his luck. As a brother of someone borderline psychopath he struggled to make her sister be with the one she's perfect with. He guards her life like an agent of a well known actress. From planning the routes for her interest, or investigating and unearthing dirt of those try to woo her, and even shooing the flies that bothers her, he was like her guardian angel. And Aster's goal is to make her be wedded to the man that perfects her and be the world's happiest girl.

thethirdperson · Urban
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19 Chs

A Date Straight From Hell

I am being chased by a serial killer.

I tried to hide from him, but it's like he has eyes everywhere as he easily found where I am.

The repeated banging in the door did not stopped instead it turned louder every beat. I suppressed my jumping heart and hoped that he would get tired.

However I despaired when the sound of keys fitting in the door knob came from the other side.

Locked in a room that had no window or any space to crawl into, I found myself trapped and in the face of death.

The door slowly opened while I find my back against the wall and my eyes straining on the darkest side.

I could see no one but the footsteps are loud and deliberately made louder, when it suddenly stopped besides me. Turning my head towards where the wind is blocked I was greeted by ripple less green eyes.

"Wake up!"

My eyes snapped open, I saw myself outside the dark room and away from the killer, I woke up from my nightmare.

Looking around I easily saw the cause of dark dream. Lea who had the master keys of the house in her hand is towering besides my bed.

"...What?" I dazedly asked her.

"Its no time to sleep, hurry up and wash yourself or you'll ruin my plans."

She ordered and after realizing what day today is I waited for her to go out my room, but that did not happened, her eyes are glued on me that I started to feel uncomfortable.

"Can you please get out?"

"No. You will just go back to sleep, stand up and wash your face first." she pointed towards where my bathroom is.

I reluctantly got up and did what she ordered. There were no classes today but I am still forced to wake up early, it's not even 8 o'clock yet, does she plan to line up in some famous sweets shop? Or is it release of a new game?

The latter was not possible as she mostly plays what I played, the former too is not practical as she could reserve it the day before or even a week, and Mrs. Anna is a good baker too so a delicious cake could be easily served if she told her.

So what does she wants?

Another series of knocks that almost made me shout in surprise echoed inside the bathroom, I looked at the door with a frown in my face.


"Just checking if you are sleeping there."

Its early in the morning yet she's already this irritating, and why does she acts like a little kid that will experience her first field trip?

I opened the faucet and clumsily washed away the sleepiness off my face using the cold water flowing out of it. Then I opened the door and showed Lea my wide open eyes that are bereft with any languidness.

"Now get out of my room, I'll wash up and change, wait for me with the breakfast downstairs. Please."

"There's no need for breakfast we'll have it outside."

I got tired conflicting her words this early, so I just nodded and watch her locked my door.

Should I take my time—no she'll barged in my room again if I did that, and when she found me doing it on purpose I don't know what she'll do in her current state.

Sigh. I am slaving myself to her with no payment at all.


"Where do you want to go next?"

I couldn't help but ask seeing her walking forward with light steps. We just finished our breakfast in a fancy restaurant she reserved, the only thankful thing is that the food their was great, I rate it overall 8/10.

Now she's dragging me here and there to shop for clothes, not only for her but also for me, she took styling me too seriously that my debt continues to grow.

"Let's go in this store first then we'll head to the cinema."

Finally I could see the light at the end, a little bit. But then when I looked where she's pointing I saw that the window case is filled with mannequins wearing women's underwear.

"Do you want everyone inside to look at me like I am pervert?"

"What are you talking about?"

It looks like I made a mistake as Lea walked towards the shop next to it. Temptation get the best of my eyes.

I hurriedly caught up with her and saw the things that they sell in this store are, mugs, picture frames, key chains, and other things that one might find bundled up in a gift wrapper.

"Are you already planning on buying my birthday gift?"

Lea put down the mug she's checking and seriously looked at me from head to toe.

"I know that I said something stupid so stop doing that already, it's uncomfortable. If it's not me then are you buying yourself a gift?"

"Its for Alfred."

R~ight! Who can it be but him?

"But that guy's birthday is at least month away right? An advance gift?"

"What are you being foolish about? I came here to survey their products, I won't buy something without knowing if he will like it."

Won't it ruin the surprise though? Well not like I care about him anyway. If her gift lacks the shock factor then should I give him a dead rat?

I brew the sinister ideas in my mind while my body mechanicaly followed Lea as the holder of her shopping bags.

Time passed and I already formed 66 plans that could gave that carrots a brief view of hell but my sister had yet to complete the 'survey' she's talking about. My hands starting to sore from the growing souvenirs that for some reason she took a liking to.

I spent a lot of energy already that the cuisines I ate before were long wasted and my stomach started to call for another serving. Her telling me that it would be the last shop before we watch a movie still echoes in my head.

A half an hour or hours? I don't care anymore, the irritation that have been growing inside my heart breaks out.

"I'm tired. Hurry up and buy something for that grass, it's not like he would like it."

Everything stopped and a chill creeped out from my back, the silence surrounds us but it is not the calming one instead it was the silence that could be heard in the horror films just before the shits happened.

Slowly the ghost turned her head back to me and stared straight to my soul with her calm green eyes. I felt that the aircon was turned into maximum and the cold wind is harshly breathing towards me, yet beads of sweat started to form in my forehead.

Would she believe me if I told her that it was my mouth's fault? Probably not. Can I run away from her? With how both of my hands are shackled by her shopping bags holding me in my place, most likely not. Then, what can I do to escape this predicament?

She came closer to me, the sound of her shoes made as it stepped on the tiles resound in my heart which equally makes noise like a rampaging steam train.

It felt like there are loaded guns surrounding my head, a glistening knife ready to slit throat, and red lasers flashing all over my body. A wrong move will spell my end.

This is do or die! What the mouth did; let the mouth solve!

"...O-Of course he would like it, do you think that a store bought gift is much better than a gift that you made with your own hands? Imagine Alfred using what you made everyday doesn't that more romantic and sentimental?"

She stopped! Thank god my brain! I thought it rusted after eating those leaves yesterday but it did not fail me in the end.

"...What kind of gift then?"

"Scarf, no—it still months before winter the same for gloves he would not be able to use it right away. Hmm...something he could always use no matter what season...right! Why not make him a handkerchief?"

I looked at her eyes and saw that it turned turbid. The threat to my life vanished one by one and the surrounding unfreezed all of a sudden.

"Do you think that he will like a handkerchief made by me?"

Seeing her expression turning soft, I realized that I was finally safe from her deadly claws.

"Yes, I am sure he will! And from then on everytime he uses it he will think of you."

I let my words sink in to her first while I took—how many sigh was this again? I forgot, well it doesn't matter I escaped from her hands once more. I should be more careful on what comes out of my mouth, it's not everyday that I can think of a good way to save myself after courting death.

"Let's go watch a movie now then let's find a shop that sells a good cloth later, how about it sis?"

I'm in great need of something to lean on, so I snapped her awake from the daydream that I didn't dare to imagine.


It looks that she's too engrossed with her fantasy that she have no plan to move after giving her affirmation.

I waited for a minute but I only saw that she's still in dazed, I could not stay here standing anymore so I courageously took hold of the lioness's paws and pulled her like how she did when we were kids towards the theater.

Lea did not have any reaction from what I did, rather she pay it no heed as she had more important things that currently holds her attention.

What a hopeless sister of mine, you turned this brother of yours into a used rag.

I hope the sun sets this instant so that my bed will welcome me to a sleep, what an exhausting day this is.