

Editor: Atlas Studios

The incandescent light was very bright. Outside the window, the noises of cars were flying by; and one could vaguely hear the cheering of the aunties doing their square dance. Inside the room, it was pin-drop silence. Qin Ze sat by the bed and played on his phone while Qin Baobao drifted away to dreamland.

Time quietly ticked past.

In the short two days, many things had happened; and Qin Ze had a feeling as if he was isolated from the entire world. A few days ago, he was still a quiet nobody; and the next moment, he had the ability to change the world. He wrote songs, humiliated the school prince, and suddenly became the most mysterious talk of the town on the school forum. Conveniently, he had also picked up medical skills and treated his sister's period pain of many years. It really felt like a dream.

In the past, when he saw Zhang Mingyu, it was like a random passer-by watching the main star: shining and dazzling in the light and destined to be extraordinary. Now, the tables had turned; when he saw Zhang Mingyu again, he was exactly like the stepping stone kicked around by the main character of a novel. Qin Ze was the main character and could mock whoever he liked.

Since young, Qin Ze was just an ordinary child. Other than being a little too playful in primary school, the teacher had sighed and told his parents 'the child is pretty smart, but he is just too playful…' All the teachers said the same thing to the parents.

When he grew up, no one ever praised that he was smart. He himself knew that he was just an average person, not too smart or too dumb; and he would not have a bad future. However, it definitely would not be amazing. After graduation, he would find a stable and secure job.

When he reached the appropriate age, he would find a partner, get married, and give birth to a kid or two. After this, the rest of his days would be spent toiling for the child. The only thing better than being a migrant worker was that he did not need to be burdened with a house mortgage.

Perhaps it was too quiet. Unwittingly, Qin Ze took out a cigarette stick; and when he was about to light it up, he suddenly thought of Qin Baobao lying beside him. Sheepishly, he kept his lighter and turned to face his sleeping sister.

Since young, Qin Baobao had been very beautiful. In the house, there were many photos when she was in kindergarten; she had big eyes and a soft, cute, and round face. Back then, there was a boy who wanted to kiss her; and she pushed him down the slide, causing him to hurt his head. His parents had caused a commotion in school, and the director had even called her their parents over, who had compensated quite a large sum of money.

Primary school, middle school, high school, university… time flew by. In the blink of an eye, she was already twenty-five years old. Qin Ze stared at his sister's sleeping face; wavy, curly, and long hair; shimmery forehead; distinctly-manicured eyebrows; long and tight eyelashes; high nose bridge; round nostrils; and thin and white lips. He had seen this face for over twenty years, but it seemed like he was never sick of it.

"Ding… you have a new mission. Master, please take a look at it." The system's flat and emotionless voice sounded in his head.

Qin Ze opened the mission page. When he took a closer look, he received a bolt from the blue.

Mission content: Kiss Qin Baobao! If you succeed in the mission, you gain 100 points; if you fail, deduct 100 points.

The mission description was short but abrupt.

Pfft! Qin Ze was stunned for more than ten seconds. He yelled in his heart. "System, come out! I will beat the living hell out of you."

"Master, please speak."

"What kind of sh*t mission is this? Can you be more brutal than this? Can I cancel this mission?" Qin Ze jumped on his feet. "She's my biological sister."

"Master, this is the new mission generated from your inner desires."

"What bullsh*t…?" Suddenly, Qin Ze was frightened. It seemed like he might have the urge to kiss Qin Baobao previously, but Qin Ze swore on his morals that the idea just flashed across his mind. It definitely was nothing related to his 'inner desires'.

"Master, you can choose to give up."

"Give… give the sack balls." The word 'up' was stuck in Qin Ze's throat. "There's something wrong with this mission. Why are the points deducted from failing the same as the points earned from succeeding it?"

"This is your third mission. Master is no longer a newcomer, so, in the future, all the points deducted and gained for failing or succeeding the missions respectively would be the same."

Qin Ze calculated in his heart. The first mission, he earned 300 points. Last night, he listened to a song and deducted 30 points. This morning, he used 100 points to exchange for Russiaan proficiency. He earned 200 points and used another 150 points to exchange for excellence in Chinese medicine. This meant that he was only left with 220 points.

If he gave up on this mission, 100 points would be deducted; and he would be left with 120. If the next mission was lewd and obscene… thinking about the points increasing with the difficulty of the obscenity of the mission, the points deducted would also increase. These 120 points might not be enough. He had to bite the bullet and finish the mission. If not, when all his points were deducted, it would be game over.

Obscenity deeds would most likely cause him to be prosecuted. Being jailed could still be minor; if he was caught alive and beaten to death. Kissing Qin Baobao would only get him a beating. With Qin Baobao's current condition, he could beat ten of her; and he would not be tired at all. It was a choice between the lesser of two evils. Without a lot of principals left, Qin Ze picked the latter. He lowered his head and quickly pecked Qin Baobao's forehead.

Qin Baobao did not wake up, and the mission did not ring.

Did it not work?

Qin Ze's face changed. Did he have to kiss her on the lips?

Okay, foreigners do this all the time; it was nothing much.

Quickly, he pecked his sister on her lips. There was no sound at all…

This was too cruel. They really had to kiss. Qin Ze's face darkened.

He took a deep breath and slowly lowered his head. In the process, he stared at Qin Baobao; if she suddenly opened her eyes, Qin Ze would immediately turn his head away and pretend to look at the surroundings.

He inched closer, bit by bit; and the two lips were getting closer and closer. Qin Baobao was still fast asleep and had no knowledge that her first kiss was about to be stolen by her cruel brother.

The two lips met and pressed against each other. It was very soft and nice. Like demons and gods at work, Qin Ze extended his tongue and licked his sister's lips.

"Wu…" Qin Baobao seemed to feel something and slightly turned her head.

As fast as lightning, Qin Ze straightened his back and panted heavily while monitoring his sister's movements. Most importantly, he stared at her eyelashes; a person could pretend to be asleep, but their eyelashes would not lie.

"Ding… mission accomplished. You're rewarded with 100 points. Master, please continue to work hard."

For the first time since young, Qin Ze felt that it was not a bad thing for his sister to be too pretty.

Slowly, Qin Ze walked out of his sister's room and closed the door gently. With a stern expression: "System, do you have anything related to the Sutra in your database? I want to learn."

"Kissing between relatives is a way to show your love for each other. Master, you don't have to be too conflicted."

Qin Ze covered his face. "It's kissing this time. If I see her sexy lingerie next time, what if I want to piak-piak? Wuwuwu…"

The system was silent for a very, very long time. "I suggest Master to mate with the opposite sex sooner. After all, when you are full of vigor and vitality, it is very easy to have similar inner desires."

The next morning at five-thirty, Qin Ze woke up early for a morning run to practice his inner strength.

When he returned to the house at seven-thirty, he heard Qin Baobao's clear voice once he entered the room. She was practicing her vocals.

Qin Ze knocked on her room door and said, "Time to eat." Then, he turned to enter the toilet and wash up. When he came back, Qin Baobao was already sitting at the table, eating her breakfast. She was wearing a set of bear pajamas with a pair of pink slippers. Her ten, cute toes were moving happily.

Qin Ze lowered his head and glanced at them. "Is your leg cramping?"

"Hmph, I'm circulating my vital energy and training my toes' flexibility."


"Then, I'll learn how to dance. As someone who aspires to be a superstar, I must know how to sing and dance."

"You haven't even mastered singing, and yet you want to learn how to dance?"

"I need to develop my hand-and-leg coordination. No hurry, no hurry."

"I have a hunch. When you expose your face on the screen, which is when everything is exposed; do you think Old Master will beat us to death?"

Qin Baobao blinked her eyes repeatedly. "It's okay. At most, I'll leave the house. Sister will provide for you. We don't need to care about Old Master."

Qin Ze pouted, "You're the Queen of Talking Back. Were you practicing your articulation just now?"

Qin Baobao pinched the fried dough with her fingers in a traditional dance manner and said unclearly, "Mm, articulation technique, singing technique, and voice control. All these are skills that a singer must have. I can't speed up the process of mastering it; I can only do it through practice."

"Then, until when do you need to practice?"

Qin Baobao looked extremely delighted. With her phoenix eyes and in a coquettish tone, "With my talent, I can do it in three months quickest. If I'm slow then, I can only debut in half a year."

There was a flutter in Qin Ze's heart. He had the precious item, but he did not have any ways to finance and fortune. Everything good was hidden in his hands. He met the Old Grandpa in the park, but this kind of incident of meeting one's savior and rising to fame instantly was never reliable.

For example, he had a vast amount of songs, movie scripts, variety show suggestions, and other similar items; but he could not meet anyone within the entertainment circle. At this time, people within the circle were the most important to help guide the way for Qin Baobao and show her the ropes.

Qin Ze thought deviously in his heart. When she gets discovered, she can only suffer the beatings herself. If she manages to become famous, I can relax.

"Sister, work hard." Qin Ze encouraged her.

Qin Baobao did not understand his intentions and nodded, "Mm."

In the morning, he took the lift down with Qin Baobao. As it was on the way, Qin Baobao drove and sent him to school.

In the morning, there were two compulsory, professional lessons. In the afternoon, there was an elective. Qin Ze had lunch with Old Master and heard from Old Master the location of Professor Li's office. At one in the afternoon, he reported there punctually.

On the highest floor of the teaching building and in an empty classroom, there was no golden plaque by the door, which meant that this was an idle room.

Qin Ze knocked on the door. After a few seconds, someone opened it. A pretty girl wearing spectacles sized Qin Ze up in curiosity.

"I'm Qin Ze; I'm looking for Professor Li."

The girl looked back and said, "Professor Li, he's looking for you."