
First Song

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Bring the melon seeds over. Don't be rude." Qin Baobao's first reaction was to slap his hand away.

Qin Ze's killer move of caressing her head had no effect in front of his sister and even backfired. Qin Baobao felt that her dignity and identity as a sister was challenged by her brother.

As expected, Yin Jia waited for a moment before voicing out. "Then, let's welcome our last singer up on stage. What's worth mentioning is that she's going to be singing an original song, something that no one has ever heard before. What surprise do you think she's going to give us? Let's invite Qin Baobao up on stage."

Even though she did not really respect Qin Baobao in her heart—out of her emcee's professionalism and culture, she still had to pretend to be excited and filled with expectations.

When Yin Jia yelled out the words 'Qin Baobao', the audience could not hold it back and burst out in laughter, which was coincidentally captured by the camera.

The live comments were also laughing at the same thing. "Qin Baobao…"

"I really laugh every time I hear it."

"Baobao, I love you… hey, I'm shouting to my girlfriend, not Qin Baobao."

"Her name is pretty comical… hahahaha."

"I'll shout Baobao; Qin Baobao, will you be my girlfriend?"

Qin Baobao finally got on stage, and the light shone on her body, causing her high-quality figure to be at the center of attention. Even though when they opened the door earlier, the audience had already seen her; but the camera did not stop on her for long and only focused on her face. It was only until now that she stood on stage, the audience and the viewers on television could really appreciate her figure to their hearts' content.

She was 1.72 meters tall, and she was wearing tight jeans that wrapped her long and proportional legs; her slightly wavy hair covered her shoulders. Of course, the most eye-catching thing was Qin Baobao's appearance. After putting on makeup, she definitely had the ability to look down on all the females. Even though she rarely put on makeup, Qin Ze had known this fact from quite a while ago.

Qin Baobao was the type of woman that when men took a look at that time, they would immediately have fantasies about her. Her vixen-like face belonged to the melon type, but she was prettier and more enchanting than the melon face. Besides, she had a pair of phoenix-like eyes that sparkled and were very seductive.

On a man, phoenix-like eyes were noble; on a woman, they were enchanting. The first impression that a foxy face and phoenix-like eyes would give other people was a vixen.

Qin Baobao's makeup today had shown off her phoenix-like eyes in detail.

The audience present applauded relatively loudly as they were all stunned by Qin Baobao's appearance.

Qin Baobao bowed towards the audience. After preparing for a while, she signaled to the band to say that she was ready.

A handsome boy in the band gave Qin Baobao a thumbs-up with a face full of smiles.

For music-related variety shows, they, of course, had rehearsed beforehand; if not, how would the band coordinate the music? However, Qin Baobao did not gather much attention so not many people watched her rehearsal. Basically, only the backstage crew watched; the emcee—Yin Jia—was not there.

He was one of the band members present so he knew how good Qin Baobao's song was.

Before the opening music started, Qin Baobao closed her eyes.

In her heart, many emotions were overwhelming her.

Since the start of the show, she had felt the program committee's contempt, the emcee's disrespect, and the guests' perfunctory. No one recognized and acknowledged her. Thoughts like 'this woman came to fill in the numbers' were common amongst every guest. Even the gaze that the backstage crew used to look at her was filled with the displeasure of 'she used connections'.

She was such a beautiful girl; a girl that was not even considered as an artist must have slept with the leader.

Yes, everyone would have such thoughts.

Indeed, she came as a substitute. The original female singer from Star Talent Entertainment Company was too busy so she came instead.

The program committee and entertainment agency could not care less about her. As Qin Baobao had the most potential amongst the newcomers, the company took this chance to let her shine. After seeing the market's response, they would then decide if they wanted to make her popular and how would they do so. However, they never expected her to impress everyone in the first instance.

Feelings like anger, indignance, and unjust had flooded her heart.

Qin Baobao opened her eyes and held the microphone tightly.

"Every time, I become stronger when I survive in loneliness.

"Each time, I stopped myself from crying no matter how hurt I am.

"I always knew I had a pair of invisible wings…

"That takes me away from despair.

"Towards the beautiful sun without a thought for my pain.

"I witnessed the daily changes in the sunset.

"I always knew I had a pair of invisible wings…

"That takes me towards hope…"

Amidst the soulful and beautiful music, Qin Baobao's voice resounded.

The moment she opened her mouth, the audience was taken aback.

The guests were taken aback.

Invisible wings?

Flying over despair?

Giving me hope?

This song…

In terms of vocals, Qin Baobao's was soft with a bit of hoarseness; it was the type of magnetic and melodious voice that could be compared to professional singers. As for her singing skills—after training hard for close to two months, she was much better than she was before. Compared to professional singers, she was only lacking in popularity and songs.

However, now, she produced her own original song.

The camera had recorded the audience's expression.

"Towards the beautiful sun without a thought for my pain.

"I witnessed the daily changes in the sunset.

"I always knew I had a pair of invisible wings…

"That takes me towards hope…"

Qin Baobao's voice suddenly went high. "I finally saw all the dreams blossoming…

"And realize how loud the voice could be from a dream-chasing youth.

"My heart began to soar, no longer afraid.

"I would fly as far as the wind blew…

"Towards the beautiful sun without a thought for my pain.

"I witnessed the daily changes in the sunset.

"I always knew I had a pair of invisible wings…

"That takes me towards hope…"

I finally saw all the dreams blossoming. Yes, I finally saw the dreams becoming true; standing on the stage, this is my dream.

Suddenly, Huang Yuteng stood up and his mouth was agape.

Li Rongxing opened his mouth and was overwhelmed by emotions, which eventually turned into two words: "My god…"

Hong Jingyao's tongue was twisted. "This is an original song. It connects to the heart directly."

Chen Xiaotong and Li Zongde's faces changed and, for once felt, that the resurrection round might not be that easy. When this lady lost to Huang Yuteng, she would have to battle with them. Who would dare say that they would win for sure? What if Qin Baobao advanced luckily? They would have to directly face Huang Yuteng. In front of his popularity and singing skills, it was even more impossible for them to win.

Guitar, piano, drum set… all kinds of instruments harmonized into soft and soulful music.

Qin Baobao closed her eyes, and her eyelashes fluttered as tears filled her eyes.

"I finally saw all the dreams blossom…

"And realize how loud the voice could be from a dream-chasing youth.

"My heart began to soar, no longer afraid.

"I would fly as far as the wind blew.

"The invisible wings would allow dreams to grow even longer than a day.

"Leave one wish for me to imagine."

There were no high notes, only hoarse sorrows in her throat, together with the desire of the girl chasing her dreams and her hopes for the future. It all formulated into a sharp knife and stabbed people's hearts.

The audience present was stunned, and in their hearts, a girl chasing her dreams… was walking on an unstable path to darkness. She paced back and forth in loneliness and kept getting hurt, but she was still filled with hope.

"I won't think about them having the beautiful sun. The sunset I see every day is also ever-changing."

Beautiful sun? Who did it refer to?

Huang Yuteng?

Li Rongxing?

The girl did not give up on her dreams from the start to the end and believed strongly that she had a pair of invisible wings that could allow her to fly over despair, darkness, and to the shore of dreams.

This was a song about dreams. However, why did the audience only feel sourness in their hearts?

Qin Baobao wiped away her tear stains and smiled prettily. "Thank you, everyone."

In the venue, there was a moment of silence.

Then, thunderous applause sounded.

Many people stood up and were shouting their lungs out for this girl.

The live comments went crazy: "I listened until I cried."

"Powerful, powerful, powerful…"

"I won't hold the wall when I pee; I won't hold the old granny when I cross the road. I will only hold Qin Baobao close to my heart."

"It's an original, an amazing original. Heck, why does it sound so nice?"

"What a nice 'Invisible Wings' song. She really sang out what I was thinking."

"Life is not easy. You have to use your determination, perseverance, undefeated mentality, and hard work to exchange happiness so we all have a pair of invisible wings."

"She's awesome. This song is so good."

"I should apologize. I shouldn't have said that my lovely concubine had slept her way up. Concubine, what do you think… about coming to sleep in my room and serve me?"

"Who said that she used connections? Stand up, I'll promise I beat you up."

"I'll stand up. Please don't beat me to death; I take back whatever I said."

"She slapped this face too hard. This singing skills, this song… it would be illogical if she doesn't go viral."

"I converted from an anti to a fan. From now on, I will only love Baobao."

Yin Jia went back on stage and wiped her tears. She laughed. "Sorry, I embarrassed myself. Just now when I was listening to the song, I couldn't help but cry. I also wished that I was a girl with invisible wings. Everyone would hope for a pair of invisible wings. This song really sang straight to my heart.

"Next, we'll enter our voting segment," Yin Jia said humorously, "Should I give everyone a few minutes to calm down?"

"Let's look at the screen!"

Voting began.

Qin Baobao and Huang Yuteng's votes kept rising and were neck and neck.