
My Sister-In-Law Is My Mate!?!

All her life Hazel thought that she was at mistake when her mother treated her badly, when her father ignored her or when her sister was given all love and care. But the truth was told when she was dying. She was never related to blood with them, they hated her all their life. But it was too late now, right? “If I ever get another chance, I will take revenge from everyone who is behind my demise!” That was what she thought and when she opened her eyes she returned to the past when everything started, but this time she was not the weak innocent girl anymore. She promised to take revenge by any means possible. And for that she agreed to marry the prince of mysterious land, Aleinore, would she be able to survive in the land about which no one knows! But why is it that the prince Richard was ready to kill the whole empire only to get a smile on her face. Why was he so determined to help her in destroying the empire which could wage a war! She would still have understood it, but even her brother-in -law , the man whom she hardly knew, was treating her so preciously. Would she be able to find the secrets both men are hiding from her and seek her long awaited revenge.

I_am_Creator · History
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334 Chs

Too cunning to serve me

"Since when had that meek and dumb girl developed voice!" she mumbled through gritted teeth. The girl continued to cut her words and blabber so much that she had to give up on her servants.

Feeling utterly humiliated by all that Amelia went to her father, hoping he would take the side of her immediately. But her father also shook his head.

"This is an ostentatious matter. All the staff have eyes over it. It would be better for you that you stay away from the matter. Or you would be a part of it too since they both were your loyal servants." her eyes filled with anger and humiliation yet she nodded and stood up ready to leave.

"Wait!" her steps halted but she did not turn back when her father added.

'Try to spend more time with her and be on her good side until she recovers. She had to trust you blindly and this case should be buried. If she complained to the family of the duke or tried to publicize it then your image will be ruined." her hands clenched into a fist and it took all her patience to bow her head.

"Yes, father. I will perform well and will not give you a chance of any complaint." though she replied in her sweet voice, her insides were burning. This was the first time that her father had warned her and asked her to pamper Hazel, the unwanted daughter of the family. She did not understand why they were even caring about her words or views.

How good would it have been if Hazel would have died in that incident. Then she would have been an only child. She would have cried for a few days and announced death punishment to the knights. But after that, her life would have been easy. Soon! Soon she would find a way to do that too. She promised herself as she walked out of the room.

She should care about Hazel! Her foot! He was only trying to save his image, not hers, by not punishing his so-called daughter!

All the way in the carriage, her father's cold tone kept repeating in her mind. Walking back to her room, she threw all the things on the floor.

Maids who knew her true nature and habitual of behaviour stayed at the corner, like lifeless statues. They were trying their best to stay invisible, in case they become the subject of her torture.

Taking out all the anger, and destroying almost everything, she sat on the sofa taking a drink to drown herself in its bitter taste.

"My lady, could it be that she knew about our real intentions." the only maid that was daring enough to not care about the mess she had made, her personal maid walked closer to her and asked her doubts.

Amelia shook her head as she took another sip. "If that would have been the case, then she would have blamed me too. After all, I am the one who wanted to kill her in the first place.

Do you think I went to meet her because I was worried about her? Ha! I only went to her room to observe her reactions. She was crying holding me like before. She did not even look at the father who solved the case or called mother even once. As if I was the only one who could help her in the whole world." she snorted as her face filled with disgust as she remembered the tear stained face of Hazel.

In Spite of being pale and losing so much blood. In Spite of face being tear stained, and without any make up and jewels. Hazel was looking ethereal alluring and stunning. While she had to take care of her skin and always use make up to attract attention. She threw the glass of wine on the floor as the thought crossed her mind.

"Then, could it be that the knights actually tried to kill her?" asked the maid again as if she did not see her breaking the glass and the table just a few seconds ago.

Amelia finally looked into her eyes. "That was what I wanted to know. Though Camelia was hot headed, Carmen always handles her well. So, it was surprising that they both attacked her at the same time. But my father denied me to meet them.`` She took another glass from the side and filled it with wine only to drink it all in a single gulp.

"Since when do you need to worry about these small matters when i am with you?" asked the maid with a smirk on her face and Amelia's eyes shone with an evil glint. She looked at the maid who nodded her head in acceptance.

"Do not worry my lady, I will personally go and look into the matter. I will inform you before night.`` She stood up and bowed her head.

Amelia nodded with appreciation as she raised her palm in the air. A maid came closer to hand her a pouch filled with gold coins.

"I know that I can rely on you. This is for your hard work and loyalty." the eyes of the maid shone with greed as she looked at the gold coins. She kneeled and took the coins unceremoniously, making Amelia chuckle.

"Sometimes I wonder, who are you loyal to? Me or gold coins?" asked Amelia in amusement. The maid knew that it was a hidden test as Amelia tried to test her loyalty.

"I am only loyal to you, young miss. Because I know that you always reward me well. You know my weakness and I know yours. I am the best maid you can ever get." her reply made Amelia chuckled again and she shook her head.

"You are so cunning that I do not want you to serve me anymore. Pack your luggage from my chamber and prepare to leave after you share all the information about the knights tonight."