
My Sister's Husband Loves Me

When Charlie's ghost couldn't let her younger sister Marlie live in peace, Marlie takes her sister Charlie's face to take revenge on Chad, Charlie's high school love and husband, together with his family members for the death of her sister. Knowing so well the dark clouds surrounding the... family, she would stop at nothing to let her sister's soul rest in peace. However, through that process, Marlie came to realize she was falling for her sister's husband and tried to suppress her feelings for him. Not only that but Marlie also realized that the person whom Chad had loved from the beginning and wanted to marry was her and not Charlie, her late sister. "Why do you have my sister and I picture in your wallet?" Marlie, having the face of her sister Charlie asked... "I didn't keep it because of you. I kept it because of Marlie. She's the one I loved and wanted to marry since high school." Chad replied to Charlie [ Marlie ]. What will Marlie do after hearing this big Revelation that would turn all her plans outside down? Will she face her feelings or deny them? Let's find out...

DaoistruhAil · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Having lost awareness of my surroundings, I could only hear a voice calling out to me but I couldn't fathom whose voice it was since I dazed out the next moment.

"Miss, miss, are you alright?" the voice called out again and again.

At that moment, I had no clue about what was happening. I was uncertain about the condition of my sister. I didn't even know the condition I myself was in not to talk of my sister.

When I eventually regained consciousness, I found myself looking at a white ceiling. I blinked several times to gain my eyesight properly.

I tried to take in my white surroundings. "Am I dead? Am I in heaven?" I questioned myself inwardly until I heard that sound of beeping.

I looked around again with my eyes and it was then that I realized I was lying in a hospital bed.

Hospital? What happened? And then it all came crashing into my head. I remembered Charlie coming to my place and then the car accident.

'Charlie!' I screened inwardly for my sister. Hoping she was safe.

My throat felt dried when I tried to speak. However, when I managed to say something, the first words that escaped my lips were, "Charlie, Charlie... Where is my sister?" She was my highest priority.

I attempted to inquire about Charlie's whereabouts from the nurses nearby, but they remained silent and refused to say anything.

Tears were drilling down my cheeks yet they couldn't care less. I wondered if they were stupid or had no compassion.

I had to get up and go to my big sister. That was the only thing I needed at that time, my sister....my big sister Charlie. 'Please be safe!' I prayed inwardly.

Despite my efforts to stand up and search for her, those damn nurses refused to allow me, saying it was for my own safety.

They left me with no choice. I had to shout then. I started screaming as if I was in some kind of trouble or as the nurses were wondering, like a mad person.

"Please, take me to my sister. I need to see her," I pleaded, tears streaming down my face.

But the nurses ignored me, focusing instead on restraining me. God damn it! FOOLS!!!

I continued to shout and shout until they finally decided to call a doctor for assistance.

"I need to see my sister. Where is she?" I cried out, consumed by worry and fear. Since the accident, I distinctly remember the car flipping repeatedly.

It was only when I saw Charlie would I believed I could find solace. "Take me to my sister. I must see her," I insisted.

However, my pleas fell on deaf ears as the nurses didn't want to stop restraining me to the bed, loudly requesting the doctor's presence.

Who was the one crazy then, I or those nurses.?

Suddenly, a voice echoed in my ears, proclaiming, "I will take you there." At first, I believed it to be a figment of my imagination or a mere trick played by my mind.

"You want to see your sister, correct?" the voice reiterated. It became apparent that the voice was not a mere hallucination.

Standing by the doorway was someone clad in a doctor's uniform. A fine young man of about 27 years or so and entirely handsome.

He was the same person the nurses referred to as "Doctor Mark". He had a genuine smile on his face as he looked at me.

While his warm smile may have provided reassurance to the nurses, it did not have the same effect on me.

Despite his calming demeanor, I couldn't help but feel annoyed by his smile, knowing it wouldn't help me see my sister any faster.

"I want to see my sister now!" I declared, freeing myself from the grasp of the nurses. Damn them.

"Alright, but first you must calm down. I promise to take you to her," he replied.

Was he joking? I was desperate to see Charlie, and yet he stood there uttering nonsensical words. Calm down? Calm down for what? Calm down my ass.

"Either you take me, or I will go by myself," I threatened. However, it seemed as though he paid no heed to my words.

Yes, sure... I don't even know the place Charlie was held. Even if they allowed me, where was I going to look for her? Which ward? Stupid me for threatening them!

"Your sister..." he paused for a while and then continued.." is not in a condition to speak to you at the moment, Miss. Let us wait a little longer, and then I will take you to her, I promise," he explained.

Frustrated, I huffed, reminding him that I merely wanted to see my sister and make sure she was unharmed. My instincts were telling me that she was in danger, that all was not well.

"Alright, calm down Miss!" He pleaded again.

What was he saying? How could he fucking tell me to calm down? Was he not listening to me?

"If you tell me to calm down again, I swear to you I will break all the things in this room!" I threatened him.

I had to do that. I was so sick of him repeatedly telling me to calm down. And seriously what I said worked like magic. if I had known, I would have said those words at the beginning.

"Alright, I will take you there!" The Doctor assured me.

"Great!" I scoffed.

Finally, a sense of relief washed over me knowing that I would soon be reunited with my sister.

Walking through the doorway, a feeling of contentment overcame me. The doctor directed a smile in my direction and kindly inquired about my name. At that particular moment, I found the inquiry to be of no significance but decided to respond nonetheless.

"Magdalene Anderson... I prefer to be called Marlie," I replied.

I couldn't quite understand the reason behind his smile, but truthfully, it held no importance to me.

"And your sister?" the doctor further inquired.

Wasn't he satisfied with his previous line of questioning? I must admit, I was growing rather bored with it. Nevertheless, I felt compelled to provide an answer.

"Charlotte Anderson. But, we commonly refer to her as Charlie."

"Ah, so that explains why you were calling, 'Charlie... Charlie," the doctor remarked.

[scoff] Was he lacking in intelligence or something? I distinctly remember stating that I needed to see Charlie. How could someone who struggles with basic calculations become a doctor?

"Do you realize that you have been here for an entire week?" the doctor informed me.

What? A whole week? Did he mean to say that I had been unconscious for an entire week? The sheer shock overwhelmed me.

It was then that I began to take notice of my surroundings. We had passed by the emergency wards. I couldn't help but wonder where Charlie was, considering I myself was in the emergency ward.

Fear gripped me instantly when I remembered Charlie was the one behind the wheel, and the truck collided with her side of the car.

"Stay calm, Marlie. Your sister is fine," I reassured myself internally. Afterward, I vocalized my thoughts aloud, "You've been asleep for a week, so it's possible that Charlie regained consciousness before you."

Finally, we arrived at a room. Due to the intense focus on my own musings, I could instinctively recognize the room. But, there was something peculiar about it.

It felt... So creepy? What's that?