
Julian's Kid

I fell asleep and when I woke up I forgot what happened but then all the memories came to me and I started to cry again, until I hear Adam's voice inside my head, making me jump.

"How are you baby?" he asked and I got scared. He never called me baby like that, something was off "I am going to travel for a while, after what happened I just can't know what to do!"

!What do you mean?" I asked confused, what was he talking about? I was really scared and I started to cry again, I was so hurt by that type of voice. It looked like he was going away from me and I didn't like it.

"Are you ok?" Julian asked entering the room "I heard you talk to someone, who was it?"

"You didn't hear him?" I asked confused "Adam?"

"No!" he answered, confused. "If he was talking I could hear him, right?"

I didn't say anything, Adam didn't look the type of person that would do that, I am sure of it. I miss him so much, more than Julian that is right here. I don't understand! Why would he travel without us?

"Maybe he felt guilty because of what happened!"

"Oh! By the way... The marriage was canceled?" I asked, hopefully.

"No!" he said without looking at my eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked, scared and surprised "For real?"

He didn't say a word and got out of the room. I was curious to know the answer so I tried to get up from the bed so that I could ask the reason. But, I was too tired and I sit on the bed against the wall looking through the window, I didn't know where I was, but it was a beautiful place.

"Hi!" someone said while walking in, it was Richard.

The moment I saw him, it felt that weight left my shoulders and I cried with happiness.

"I never thought you would cry to see me!" he said "Do you hate me that much?"

"Of course not, you're the best. Thanks for everything."

He got embarrassed and then he gave room to the man with a familiar smell of Vanilla. But now that he was smiling at me the smell was stronger. If it isn't a mate's scent, then...

"Aren't you going to say hi to your father?"

"What?!" I questioned, amazed. Then I looked into the man's eyes, he was an alpha for sure, but I don't see me in him. How can he be my father? "But my parents died! Am I really a prince?"

"Yes, you are. And who said that I died?"

"My sister, Helen!" I said.

"Oh!" was the only thing he said before he walked to me and give me a hug "I'm sorry. I don't have a kid for so long. I guess... Welcome home?!"

The room got silent until an angry Dave entered there. I was about to say something but before I could say anything, he came right to me.

"How dare you!" he said, pointing at me.

Why was he that angry? Was he angry because I destroyed his plan? "Why did you send Adam to kill Julian's kid? Aren't you happy already in your family?"

"Julian's kid?!" I asked confused and then I saw him, he was crying "What do you mean by his kid?"

"I know that what I did was wrong but you had to kill the baby?" Julian asked and I got more confused.

I was trying to understand the situation and even if I wanted to answer that I couldn't.

"So that's why he went to travel!" I said, sadly?"

"What?" Julian asked, surprised "He went to travel? When?"

"If I knew..." Then I remembered that Julian had a new mate and got angry.


I was in a lot of pain because of him and he was trying to blame something that I didn't do? I couldn't care less that my father and cousin were there, I had to get it all out.

"Baby...!" he started but I didn't let him finished, I was furious.


"SHE WAS ALREADY PREGNANT!" he answered me in the same tone "My father made me impregnate her because he really though she was your sister."

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused and sad, he wasn't contradicting what I was saying and that made me quiet.

Richard hugged me and when Julian was about to approach.

"Get out!" I told him "Or I will hit you!"

"Baby?!" he asked, scared "I am telling you the truth, I love you!"

"If you love me get out!" I said calmer "I want to think, please!"

I hugged Richard with strength and before he could say anything I told him.

"He is my cousin, not that you have to care. I only have one mate and his name is A.D.A.M"

Right after I said it, I started to hyperventilate while I remembered what the goddess told me and that made my heart hurt.

"What... have... you... done, Adam?"

I just wanted to be alone, it has been too much for me. Did Adam kill Helen's kid so that I could live? So the other wolf was my sister's son?"

"Are you ok?" Julian asked and I saw tears in his eyes, he was really worried.

"Sorry! It is all my fault!" I said, crying, then I hugged him "If I didn't die, nothing would have happened."

"You are here?" Julian said, confused.

"There is a way to exchange one's life with another one." My father said and Julian's expression became blank, which scared me.

"So... he killed my kid because of you?" he asked expressionlessly. "I like that you are alive but... I don't accept what he did."

"So, you're not happy!" I said, sad "I had to choose between my kids and my mates."

"And? Did you choose?" he asked and I laid down, with the help of Richard "Did you choose or not?"

"I wasn't going to choose neither." I explained.

That made everyone confused and I smiled because no one knew another one.

"So..." he started but I didn't let him finish.

"Do you want me to make that choice?" I asked, looking through the window again. "If you are so Unhappy I will give my life for your son. I don't care if you an alpha, but I know the feeling of losing everything. So... What do you choose Julian? Me or the kid?"