
My Sister! My Super-Star: Forbidden Entanglement.

At one point in my career, I was employed by an organization and gave my all to meet their needs and win their respect. Until the very end of my life, I firmly believed that everything I did was motivated solely by a desire to serve them all, without any regret or malice. However, the gods had other plans for me, and they revealed to me why I died on the previous mission. At that point, my entire mental state collapsed, and I came to understand that the person I was working for had no concern for my welfare. If that was all of it! I would never have held that man responsible because, as assassins, we were designed to be emotionless; however, that man also chose to end my life because he believed my abilities would surpass his own weakness. "Can you still dedicate yourself to doing work for us then, even if..." That is all I remember while talking with them, as I was sent back to a new world with all my memories and had a simple task: to live with my all.

Shubham_Gosai_1583 · Games
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2 Chs


"This idiot is really working hard," Mirai thought to herself as she observed Allen's laborious efforts as he lay on the ground, his muscles exhausted and perspiration streaming from his forehead.

Her brother was straining to complete each set of the exercise to the utmost.

Even though he eventually collapsed entirely on the ground, it was still a miracle that he was able to complete this much exercise on his first attempt for someone who could not even attempt to leave the house.

He is very serious, Mirai!" The fitness instructor at Mirai Gym was a stunning woman with purple hair and a trim build.

Her attractiveness was the gym's iconic trademark, and there were only a few spots available for each.

"Hmm! I can also see that; you don't have to say it out loud." Mirai grumped a little, surprised by the fatty hard work, and walked out to buy something before returning and leaving it on the table while asking Belris.

'Eh! You do care about him.'

Gazing at the bottle resting on her table, Belris grinned while glancing at Allen, who had resumed his exercise regimen and was performing an extremely awkward-looking push-up.

'You are in luck, boy!' Not knowing the relationship between Mirai and Allen, the gym teacher gave him a look before going back to her seat and watching other students.

"7... 8... 9..." Allen found it increasingly difficult to go deep and maintain a straight body because his fatty body had a limit, which he was already approaching.

It was not like a cultivation where pushing past that limit would grant him superhuman strength, but he still enjoyed the sensation of his muscles screaming with soreness as he sensed his approaching future.

[In their teenage years, guys who appear overweight often fantasize about having a trim body and a stylish appearance. Allen's experience was not his first life, but even with those experiences from his other two lives, he still had a teenage body and age, as well as the emotions and appearance of a fifteen-year-old.]

"10.....!!! Hah! Hah!" Sensing the hollowness in his sour hand, Allen knew that his physical exhaustion had reached its limit and that he would never be able to feel his hand at this point.

So, in order to catch his breath, he lay motionless for a while.

"Well done, but don't push it like that, or else your body will be injured, and it takes time to work on those muscles too."

As Allen lay there recuperating from his exhaustion, he heard Belris's voice and looked up at the woman with the purple hair as she placed a refreshing drink next to him.

"Thanks Mirai for it, Allen! Once you have finished this drink, just head back home, because I am leaving and Mirai has already left too." Taking in his surroundings, Allen realized that he had been alone doing this for quite some time and that everyone else had left.

"I only did five exercises, but it took me more than one and a half hours to complete them." Allen was well aware of how poor his speed and endurance were—he was taking longer than five minutes to recover from each workout, which was not ideal.

"Baby steps for a giant stride!" Muttering a saying from his previous world, Allen tried to stand back up and drink the energy drink while sitting on the side bench.

After that, he walked out of the gym and looked around to find that Belris was also not around, so he could not say his goodbye to her and left the area with a little down mood.

After all, greeting and meeting a beautiful lady is something any man would enjoy! Not that he was not attracted to Belris, but from the looks of things, Allen was not sure if he had a chance.

After leaving the gym, Allen took a stroll through the marketplace to gather his thoughts before making his way home. It was then that he spotted Hana, his second sister, walking alongside a boy who had a small face and thin legs.

"Hmm! He looked really cool, man." With his attractive appearance and trim physique, which he could only achieve after several months of hard work, Allen could not help but feel a little jealous of the guy.

Allen had the physical characteristics to make a good impression on anyone—he was not fat, but he also could not be described as thin, and his body sweated a lot every summer.

Not to mention, he was bullied in school for a month and avoided contact with his family during that time.

His family members hardly thought well of him. Because of this, his family members' opinion of him had already reached an all-time low when he began to gaze at them with such looks, severely undermining their affection for him.

Although there were some exceptions, like Allen's stepmother and his sister Hana!

'Ah! She had a boy.' Looking at a smiling Hana, Allen stared at the two of them. He could tell that Hana was much more impressed with the boy than he was; if they had not been related, she might not have ever looked at him.

Even as he was experiencing mental turmoil and tears welling up in his eyes, he was able to contain his emotions silently because he was convinced that this was a change for the better, saw no need to continue observing them, and turned to walk away.

"Brother Allen." Hana caught sight of him as she turned and wanted to give him a call, but Allen moved too quickly for Hana to catch up with him.

She said goodbye to the other man and hurried home, all the while trying to catch a strolling Allen.

'Hmm! He's fast.' Gazing at Allen, who had already entered the house and opened the door, Hana made her way to the alley and yelled at him.

Allen turned to face her, startled by her sudden approach.

'Eh! She is not with her boyfriend; oh, maybe she is going to ask me to keep it a secret or something.'

That was what Allen was thinking as he watched Hana, who was catching up to him and appeared to be quite tired, but he was also feeling a little worn out from walking by.

"Moh! You walk way too fast, big brother! It took everything out of me to catch up with you." After a while, she got the better of him and spoke, but Allen suppressed his laughter and told her about his first gym class, which made her mad.

"Ahh! That is why." After learning that he was attempting to lose weight, he attempted to jog, but his physical condition prevented him from doing more than strolling; otherwise, he might have become exhausted while jogging all the way home.

"Take it easy, big brother; you cannot lose all your weight in just a few days, and keep up your hard work; after all, you are not that fat either." She turned on big sister mode, although she is only a month bigger than him.


"Welcome kid!" When Rena emerged from her room, she saw that Allen was perspiring and gave him a pat on the head while grinning sweetly at his ability to work so hard.

"It will smell; I am sweating a ton, so let me go and have a wash, aunt." Rena was going to work, so Allen avoided her pet and spoke in a low tone, making Rena a little sigh, before she pinched his cheeks and patted his head while saying.

"It will not smell, and I don't mind, so don't care about stuff like this and put your clothes in the washing machine, and your sister will take care of them."

Looking at tired Allen, she was able to tell that the boy was extremely fatigued at the moment when she noticed a hint of sadness within his gaze.