

Femi_Odubella · Fantasy
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🧍‍♀️ *MY SEXY MAID* 👩‍❤️‍👨

💞 When love blossom 🪷

Story by Author Dammy

Please do not copy or repost 🙏


The secretary was still standing demonstrating how she will strangle Mia when her eyes met Alexander's own and she quickly ran away.

Then Mia kissed him and bade him goodbye then she left.

Alexander watch as she was going and he also went into his office.

He got into his office and began working.

Mia also board a cab and went back to Alexander's place.

She got there and she went in after paying the cabman.

She got in and sat down and just then Alexander's called came in.

"Have you gotten home?" He asked.

"Yes, i have" she answered.

"Okay darling, I will be with you shortly"

"Take your time" she said.

"Okay, I will be there soon, don't miss me too much"

"Okay, bye" she said and cut the call then she watch a movie while waiting for him.

After a while he also came back and she stood up and hugged him.

"Welcome back darling" she said.

"Thanks dear" she said and then he looked at the dress she was wearing.

"Did you dress this way for me"

"Pervert" she said.

"You look sexy, I feel like taking you here right now" he said.

"I am all yours but first go and take a shower and change then you come back for that"

"Let's just do it now" he said.

"No, go up and change first"

"Okay dear" he said then kiss her lightly then he went upstairs to change.

Mia sat down waiting for him to come down.

He came down later and he look at her seductively.

"I am here for you now"

"She move towards him and drag him to the couch then she push him to sit and then she climbed on him moving seductively and bending making sure her boobs came to view.

"I am yours now" she said seductively.

Alexander grab her and they both began kissing deeply and roughly.

Alexander move his hands towards her boobs and began squeezing it and she was moaning in pleasure.

She was kissing him also and playing with his hair.

In few minutes they were both naked and Alexander began sucking on her boob while pressing the other.

She was enjoying this and wish he could do more to her.

She was so wet under.

After a while they stop kissing and Mia got down from him and she grab his rod and bend down.

Alexander wondered what she was about doing but could not fathom.

She put his rod in her mouth and began sucking seductively.

Alexander's body was on fire, he was moaning and enjoying every bit of it.

He was enjoying this that his werewolf started surfacing but he control it.

After some minutes she was done and she kissed him making him lick his cum in her mouth.

He then made her sit and stood up then he spread her leg looking at her clean shaved pussy.

Mia became impatient wanting him to do what he wanted to do.

Alexander put in a finger in a pussy and began fingering her moving her body to the rhythm and moaning.

He did this for a while and then try to put in the second finger but was not possible because she is a virgin.

After fingering her for a while he began sucking her and she was really enjoying it, cumming in his mouth and he lick it all.

After some minutes, they both stop and they smile at each other.

"Wow you are really great" she said putting on her cloth.

"You are amazing darling" he said and kissed her.

She took her bag after dressing up then she left.

Alexander also went to make dinner for himself and he went to sleep.


Mia got home and met Karen and her father at home.

"Dad, you are back early today" she said surprised.

"Well I finished work early that was why"


"How was work today?". He asked.

"Work was fine" she said smiling.

"I see it is great with the way you are smiling"

"Sister, has it happened" Karen asked.

"What happened?" She asked back.

"You know what I mean" he sad winking at her.

"Nothing happened" she said and went into her room to change.

She came back few minutes later and prepare dinner.

She was done in some minutes and they all went to the dinning to eat.

They were eating when Alexander called her.

"Have you gotten home dear?"

"Yes, I have gotten home" she replied.

"Good, I hope you have eaten?"

"Just want to eat"

"Okay I will call you later, love you"

"Same here" she said and cut the call smiling you herself.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Her father asked.

"No father"

"I see the way you were smiling while talking to him, I am sure he is the one.

"Well, yes Dad he is" she said.

"Then bring him home"

"Soon dad" she said.

"I hope he is handsome" Karen asked.

"And what if he is not?"

"I won't accept him"

"Well young man, I don't need your approval to accept him" she said.

They finish eating after a while and they all went to sleep.

The next day they all woke up and they all went to their usual places.


Karen got to school and he suddenly saw people gathered talking about something.

He went there to check what they were talking about and he saw them watching a video.

He watch why they were looking and saw it was the video of how Eliza confronted the guy.

Damien and Eliza also came and Karen told them about the video and she was surprised who recorded the video.

"I heard she approach one of the biggest guys in the school" a girl said.

"Wow this has really gone viral, what are we going to do?"

"Just let them be, they will only talk" Eliza said.

After a while the principal came in and called Eliza to his office.

When she got there she met the guy also there.

"Vincent and Eliza, what really happened between the both of you that led to this?" He asked the guy and Eliza.

They both explained what really happened and the principal was surprised.

"So Vincent, you have not stop this your bad attitude, for what you have done, you are suspended for a week" the principal said to the guy angrily.

"Eliza you can go to your class now, I will make sure she doesn't disturb you anymore" the principal said ad she thank him and left.

Vincent also leave his office later.

Eliza got back to class and they asked her what happened and she explained to them.

Damien and Karen were both happy for the judgment.

"I hope he learn his lesson now" Karen said and they sat down then the teacher came in and the lecture started.


Mia got to Alexander's and could not find him so she went to his room to check on him.

As she was about to knock she heard someone groaning in pain and she began wondering what really happened.

She open the door to his room and she saw him on the floor groaning in pain.

She ran to.him and held him looking at him struggling.

After struggling for a while he collapsed.

TBC ❤️

I hope nothing bad happen to Alexander.

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