

Femi_Odubella · Fantasy
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🧍‍♀️ *MY SEXY MAID*👩‍❤️‍👨

💞 When love blossom 🪷

Story by Author Dammy

Please do not copy or repost 🙏


Alexander leave her to do her thing.

She got back to her senses and broke the hug.

"I am sorry sir"

"It is nothing, just go to the hospital quickly and pay your father's hospital bill then come back to work" he said to her.

"Okay sir, thank you" she said and rush to the hospital.

"Such a naive girl" he said to himself and went up to his room.

He got dressed up and went to his car and his driver open the door for him and he went in and they drove out.


Mia got to the hospital later and went to meet the doctor.

"If you are here to beg again I won't accept that this time around" the doctor said as soon as he saw her.

"I am not here to beg doctor, I came to pay for the surgery, I have gotten the money" she said.

"Really, so fast, how did you do it?"

"That does not matter, my father's life matters the most" she said and the doctor told her where to pay the money to then she went there and came back a while later with the receipt.

Immediately her father was transferred into the ICU and they began the surgery.

She prayed to God to let her father survive it and then she left to Alexander's mansion later.

She got there and went in then she began arranging the house making sure everywhere is clean.

She went into every room in the mansion and arrange everything.

She wash the dirty clothes and the dirty dishes which need to be washed, she sweep the floor and did some other things before she rest.

She sat on the couch and took the remote and began watching a program.

Not long after, Alexander came back and saw her on the couch.

As she saw him, she quickly stood up and greet him.

"Welcome sir" she said in fear and Alexander chuckled.

"How have you been?"

"I am fine sir" she said

"Okay, you can go home now" he said to her and she took her bag and quickly went out.

Alexander stare at her till she leave.

He went up to his room later and change his cloth then he wore another cloth and he look around the house and saw everywhere was sparkling clean.

"Wow, she really did a great job" he said.

He then went to the kitchen and saw that dinner has also been prepared then took some and went to eat.


Mia got back home and met Karen at home.

"Welcome back sis, how was work today?"

"Work was hectic and fine as well?"

"How did he treat you, is he nice to you?"

"He was super nice to me, I really love him"

"Wow, I think my big sis is falling in love already" he said teasing her.

"No, he is my boss and I just love the way he treated me"

"Well, my role model is a nice person and cares a lot for people"

"Yeah, that reminds me, Dad getting treated now, he will get better soon"

"What do you mean sis?"

"Alexander has paid for his hospital bills"

"Wow that is great" he said.

"Yes, he is such a great person"

"I am glad Dad will be okay now" Karen said and they went to the hospital to see their father.

They got to the hospital and they saw the doctor then they asked about their father.

"The surgery was successful and I think he should be alright in few days time"

"Thanks so much doctor, can we see him now?"

"No, you can come tomorrow to see him, he need to rest now"

"Okay doctor thanks" they said and went back home.

They got home and ate dinner happily then by both went to sleep.

The next day, they both woke up and did their usual routine and went to work and school.


Karen got to school and told Damien about what Alexander did and Damien was really happy for him.

"Wow I am really happy for you, Alexander was just a God sent"

"Thanks bro" he said.

Just then the teacher enter with a girl coming behind her.

"Good morning everyone, this is your new classmate"the teacher said pointing to the girl.

"Introduce yourself to the class"

"Hello everyone my name is Eliza Campbell, I hope we get along well" she said and went to an empty seat beside Karen and Damien and the teacher began teaching.

All through the teaching, Karen could not take his eyes off Eliza.

She is indeed a beauty and Karen keep on admiring her.


Mia got to the mansion and met no one in the living room.

She went to the kitchen and began preparing breakfast for her boss.

After a while Alexander got down and met her in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

He stood at the entrance admiring how beautiful and sexy she is.

He wish he could just get underneath her pants.

Mia herself dress to kill, she dress in a very tight gown revealing all her curves and her boobs and backside.

Alexander was lost staring at her and she also was so focused in what she was doing that she did not know that someone is there.

She turned to take something when their eyes met and Alexander quickly look away.

"Good morning sir" she greeted.

"Good morning, you look really beautiful" he said.

"Thanks sir"

"Okay, I am in the living room" said and left the kitchen.

Few minutes later, she was done with the breakfast and she dish it out in the dinning then she went to call Alexander and he came to the dinning.

They both sat down and eat stealing glances at each other as usual.

"How is your father doing now?" He asked.

"He is doing fine sir"

"Thank God, don't hesitate to tell me if you need anything"

"Okay sir"

They finish eating and she pack the dishes and Alexander went to the company.

He got to the company and his workers greeted him and he answered them cheerfully.

He got to his office and he began working.

He work for a while and he began thinking of Mia.

He could not get the image of her backside out of his head.

"What is wrong with me?" He said to himself.

Just then his secret enter.

"Sir this is the file you ask me to bring" she said to him smiling lustfully.

"Okay, drop it and leave" he said coldly.

Later, he called Mia.

Mia was in the living room cleaning the floor when her phone ring and she pick up the call seeing that it is her boss.

"Hello sir"

"Hi Mia, how are you doing?"

"I am fine sir"

"I hope the work is not too stressful for you?"

"Not at all sir" she said.

"Good, I just want to hear your voice, what would you like for me to buy for you when coming home?"

"Nothing sir, I am okay"

"I don't want that don't be shy around me"

"Okay anything you feel like buying"

"Okay, wait for me till I get home"

"Okay sir,bye"

"Bye beauty" he said and Mia could not help but blush.

After working for hours he felt the need to urinate and he was really tired to stand up so he use his power and he teleported to the toilet and teleported back to his seat later.

He work for one hour more before he switched off his laptop and stood up to go home.

He enter his car and the driver drove out.

Few minutes later he got home and he enter into the house and met Mia sitting on the couch.

As Mia saw him she quickly stood up and greet him.

"How was your day"

"Fine sir"

"I hope you don't feel bored alone in this mansion"

"No sir, I am okay"

"This is what I bought you" he said giving her a package.

A carton was in a nylon and she brought out the carton and open to see it content.

She then saw a brand new Samsung Galaxy there.

She was amazed.

"You bought me this sir?"

"Yes, I noticed the phone with you is really old so I decided to get you a new one"

"No I can't accept this sir, I am just your maid"

"You are like a friend to me, I never see you as my maid so accept it"

"Thank you so much sir"

"You are welcome" he said and they both began staring at each other.

They began bringing their faces closer to each other.

Then they both....

TBC ❤️

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