

Femi_Odubella · Fantasy
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41 Chs


🧍‍♀️ *MY SEXY MAID* 👩‍❤️‍👨

💞 When love blossom 🪷

Story by Author Dammy

Please do not copy or repost 🙏


Mia seeing this became angry and she made to attack them but they throw the arrow at her and she dodge it and move towards them and then she ran towards the creature then she made to hit him when the creature hit her and she fell down in pain.

The others seeing that Alexander was unconscious they went to him and then the supernaturals carry him and took him away.

The creature who was fighting Mia saw that and it left Mia and ran after the others.

Mia also stood up weakly and saw that Alexander was gone and this make her really sad.

She went home weakly and she disappeared inside her room for her Dad and brother not to see her wound.

She took the first aid box and started treating herself.


Meanwhile the supernaturals took Alexander to a very faraway land and they tied him to a chair and they waited for him to wake up before they could say anything to him.

He woke up later and they move towards him.

"Now we have gotten you, there is nowhere you could run to now, we are taking you with us to where you belong"

"Try it and let me see you" he said with confidence.

"Wow, I love your confidence" they said and one of them made to attack him when he use his leg to hit one of them and then he cut the rope use to tie him and he stood up with full force and then he brought out a sharp object then he started to teleport and use it to hit them one by one and they all fell down weak.

Unknowingly to him one of the creatures is not there ad the creature came from nowhere then it inject him with a chemical and this made Alexander shake and he fell unconscious again.


Mia was in her room crying about Alexander being captured.

"How could they just take him away like that without me doing anything, I felt helpless and could not do anything"

"Oh God please save him for me" she said sadly and she went out after a while and as her father and brother saw him they became happy.

"Sis, where have you been since?" Karen asked.

"I have been in my room all these while" she said.

"But we did not see you there"

"Dad, I have been in my room"

"Okay, how did you get wounded?" He asked with a worried look.

"I fell down" she said then went back to her room with sadness.


It was the day for them to go and get their results and Karen went with the others to the school to get their results and when they got to school their results were given to them.

They all sat down somewhere to check the results.

Karen came first, Damien came fourth, Eliza came third and Bella came sixth.

But still they all passed and they are ready for college.

"I will like to go to the same college with you" Karen said to Eliza.

"Same here darling, I don't want any girl's eyes on you" she said.

"Do I smell jealousy?" Karen asked.

"Yes, let me be jealous, I don't want to loose you" she said and kiss him lightly.

Bella and Damien also were doing their thing and also both agreed to go to the same college.

Later they all agreed to go to the same college together and after a while they stood up and went to the assembly with all other students then the principal came to the podium and he adress them showing other students the graduating students, he gave them advice and the best students received some rewards then they all departed.

"Goodbye to high school" they all shouted and left the school premises and then they went to their various homes.

Karen got home and told his father and sister the goodnews and then Mia simply congratulate him and he can see the sadness in her eyes including her father.

He made her sit and face her.

"Mia, what has been bothering you, you were happy few days ago and you suddenly became sad again, what is wrong with you, tell me" her father said.

"Dad, it is nothing" she said sadly.

"I won't take that from you, tell me what is bothering you now" he said.

"Okay Dad, I will tell you" she said then told him everything including Alexander being a werewolf and how he was captured.

"Wow so you have been dating a monster all these while" her father said surprised.

"Dad please do not call him a monster, yes he is a half human, he never made himself that way"

"Well thank God you are not with him anymore, I don't want to see you both together again"

"But I have his blood running in me and I have little of his powers in me also so it is hard for us to get separated"

"How did you have his blood in you?" He asked.

"Well it is the day I was stabbed while fighting with him and he took me to the hospital and I loose a lot of blood and he gave me his blood" she narrated.

"How could you allow such"

"I was unconscious but I am glad he did that, with this I know I will get him back" she said and her father and brother went in angrily.

"Alexander, where are you, please come back to me" she said sadly and went into her room.


The other creatures later woke up and Alexander was taken to the supernatural world.

The king saw him and he became happy that finally he will be able to carry out his wish.

He instruct his guards to take him into a cage and he was taken and locked there.

After some hours Alexander woke up and see himself lock in a cage and he tried to break free but it was not possible.

"Welcome to your world" he heard a voice say and he look up to see a disgusting creature with crown on its head.

"I do not belong here" he shouted.

"Well, this is your home,this is where you belong, this is your new home from now on" the king said to him and left him there.

Alexander shouted to break free but it was not possible.

He spend days in the cage without eating or drinking.

The king did not do anything to him because he was told he is the chosen one and this made him angry.

The king went to him.

"I heard you are the chosen one"

"I can never be and I don't want to, I want to back to my normal life"

"Okay if that is your wish you will be taken back but on one condition"

"And what is that?" He asked.

"I challenge you to a duel, if you win you go back to earth and if I win you will remain here forever" the king said.

"I accept" Alexander said with confidence.

Then the king told the guards to release him and they did.

Then he was taken to their fighting arena and the king came also and the fight began.

TBC ❤️

Oh Alexander has finally being captured.

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