
My Seven Beautiful Tenants

Synopsis: Upon Ning Chuan's return to his homeland, he is taken aback to discover that his elder sister, who was concerned about his future, has rented out all seven vacant rooms in their courtyard to seven young, unmarried beauties. To his astonishment, his sister has even bestowed upon each of these female tenants a chance for a blind date! As Ning Chuan grapples with this unexpected living arrangement, he finds himself in a whirlwind of emotions and unpredictable situations. With seven lively and alluring women around him, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as each encounter brings new experiences, challenges, and romance. In the midst of this unconventional setting, Ning Chuan navigates the complexities of relationships, exploring the depths of love, friendship, and personal growth. Through the unique opportunity of playing matchmaker, he becomes an unwitting catalyst for unexpected connections and discoveries. Join Ning Chuan in this captivating tale filled with humor, love, and self-reflection as he unravels the mysteries of the seven beautiful women who have become his roommates, and explores the intriguing paths that lie ahead for each of them. [Disclaimer book cover not mine and the story is not mine I'm just a tl]

BlackShadow66 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 9: Poor Woman

Qin Shiyun had been alive for over twenty years, and for the first time, someone had tried to attract her attention like this!

This bastard!

Qin Shiyun's anger surged.

If it weren't for the fact that this bastard had just saved her, she would have definitely taught him a harsh lesson!

"Do what you're supposed to do and stop fooling around!"

Finally suppressing her anger, Qin Shiyun squeezed out these words through her gritted teeth. With a grim expression, she returned to her office.

Behind her, Li Qiushui and Zhang Yong exchanged glances.

This guy named Ning Chuan not only he beat up Wu Shaoyu earlier but also spoke so frivolously to Qin Shiyun.

However, instead of losing her temper, Qin Shiyun simply told him not to mess around.

What is going on?

Who exactly is this Ning Chuan?

Next, Zhang Yong took Ning Chuan to the security department to familiarize him with the environment.

Of course, Ning Chuan also saw the security team leader and the dozen security guards whom he had beaten up earlier, leaving them toothless.

They were originally discussing how to take revenge, but now they realized that Ning Chuan had suddenly transformed into their security department manager.

They instantly knew that seeking revenge was hopeless.

Ning Chuan never planned to become the security department manager.

He didn't expect anything from these ordinary security guards in terms of protecting Qin Shiyun.

So after a brief tour, he moved a comfortable boss chair and arrived at the company's front desk.

"What... What are you doing?"

The front desk sister was a little scared.

She had already been informed that the guy she had kicked out in the morning had now transformed into the security department manager.

"I'm not doing anything. You do your thing, I'll just sit here. The air here is good."

Ning Chuan smiled, adjusted the backrest of the boss chair, lifted his legs, and placed them on the front desk.

Then he took out his phone from his pocket, he opened a game with the Arthur icon in the top left corner, and started playing!

"Come, come, come, come and watch my Li Bai's pentakill show..."

While playing the game, Ning Chuan muttered to himself.

The front desk sister lightly patted her chest, relieved.

She thought Ning Chuan had come to cause trouble for her, but it turned out he was just being lazy and playing games here!

However, this new security department manager, Ning Chuan, was his brain not working properly? He was sitting so conspicuously at the front desk.

What if someone noticed and reported it to General Manager Qin?

Actually, the front desk sister had no idea that Ning Chuan chose this position at the front desk because he had already seen through the entire structure of the company building.

So by guarding the front desk, the only entrance and exit of the company, he could ensure Qin Shiyun's safety.

Afterward, Ning Chuan continued playing the game at the front desk for the whole day, making the front desk sister start to have some random thoughts.

Could it be that Ning Chuan was interested in her? Otherwise, why would he shamelessly sit beside her and play games, disregarding everyone's gaze?

Was the game really that interesting?

It wasn't until the end of the workday when Qin Shiyun walked out in high heels that Ning Chuan put away his phone and followed her.

"Why are you following me? You're off work! I never keep my employees from leaving work." Qin Shiyun frowned.

"You forgot, my mission is to protect you. So unless I confirm that you're in a safe state, I have to be with you," Ning Chuan said.

"Then, if I'm driving home now, do you also want to come with me?" Qin Shiyun sneered.

"Of course," Ning Chuan replied.


"Just think about the listening device in your bra, the camera in your office, the steel needle on the sofa, and that guy who wanted to take pictures of you earlier... Are you sure you don't need me to follow you?" Ning Chuan said indifferently.


In the end, Qin Shiyun compromised, "Then you can also work part-time as my driver and take me home."

After ten minutes, Ning Chuan drove Qin Shiyun's Maserati out of the company garage.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at Qin Shiyun's place, a high-end apartment in the city center.

"Alright, I'm home now. You should be able to ensure my safety. You can leave," Qin Shiyun impatiently gave him the dismissal.

"Don't worry, I haven't checked yet."

Ning Chuan entered without any care and started wandering around the house, from the living room to the kitchen, from the balcony to the bathroom, with the bedroom being the main focus.

During the inspection, Ning Chuan reached into his pocket, gripped the electric baton, turned it on, and gave himself a shock, using his last chance to activate his X-ray vision.

Originally, he could inspect the house for potential dangers in various ways without using X-ray vision. However, that would take more time and involve opening cabinets and drawers.

Besides, Ning Chuan was naturally lazy. Since he had X-ray vision, why waste it?

Moreover, this ability might be like other abilities related to certain parts of his body, usable and usable up to a certain extent.

While Ning Chuan was inspecting, Qin Shiyun nervously followed along, especially when they reached the bathroom.

Qin Shiyun lived alone, and there were newly purchased hair removal devices and such on the bathroom counter!

Seeing Ning Chuan's gaze pause on the hair removal device for a few seconds, Qin Shiyun's face immediately turned red, and she was about to go forward and put it away.

Ning Chuan shifted his gaze away, casually remarking, "Next time, clean it properly. It's still stuck with hair."


Qin Shiyun's face instantly turned as red as her neck!

Her toes could practically dig three rooms and a hall in the floor!

She wanted to erupt, but she couldn't!

"Fortunately, this bastard thought it was just a strand of hair stuck."

As soon as Ning Chuan stepped out of the bathroom, Qin Shiyun hurriedly went to tidy up the hair removal device, silently vowing in her heart.

"Your bedroom smells nice."

As he spoke, Ning Chuan had already entered the bedroom.

Qin Shiyun quickly followed, feeling a bit strange when she saw Ning Chuan intensely staring at the wardrobe door.

What's so interesting about that wardrobe door?

Just as she was about to speak, Ning Chuan suddenly opened one of the wardrobe doors.


Qin Shiyun exclaimed in a low voice. Behind the wardrobe door that Ning Chuan opened were all her underwear!


She was about to speak, but unexpectedly, Ning Chuan's big hand had already unhesitatingly reached into the pile of clothes!

And he pulled out several pieces!

"Ning Chuan! You pervert..."

Qin Shiyun immediately became angry, deciding in her heart to throw away all the pieces of clothing that Ning Chuan's hand had touched.

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