
My Seven Beautiful Tenants

Synopsis: Upon Ning Chuan's return to his homeland, he is taken aback to discover that his elder sister, who was concerned about his future, has rented out all seven vacant rooms in their courtyard to seven young, unmarried beauties. To his astonishment, his sister has even bestowed upon each of these female tenants a chance for a blind date! As Ning Chuan grapples with this unexpected living arrangement, he finds himself in a whirlwind of emotions and unpredictable situations. With seven lively and alluring women around him, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as each encounter brings new experiences, challenges, and romance. In the midst of this unconventional setting, Ning Chuan navigates the complexities of relationships, exploring the depths of love, friendship, and personal growth. Through the unique opportunity of playing matchmaker, he becomes an unwitting catalyst for unexpected connections and discoveries. Join Ning Chuan in this captivating tale filled with humor, love, and self-reflection as he unravels the mysteries of the seven beautiful women who have become his roommates, and explores the intriguing paths that lie ahead for each of them. [Disclaimer book cover not mine and the story is not mine I'm just a tl]

BlackShadow66 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 70 Su Wan's Tuition

Ningchuan entered Su Wan's bedroom, looking around.

Next to a small desk was a white iron bed, with an overall pink tone and a few dolls placed on it. It seemed that Su Wan still had a girlish heart.

"You... no peeking, come over and study," Su Wan said, her face flushed. This was the first time a boy had entered her bedroom.

To ease the awkwardness, Su Wan quickly opened her book.

"We're running out of time. Let me help you highlight the key points so you can quickly memorize them," she said.

"I really don't need tutoring. I just don't want Ning Ruyan to worry," Ningchuan replied casually.

"Ningchuan! You..." Su Wan couldn't find the right words to express her frustration and managed to control her temper.

"Can't you take it seriously? Ning Ruyan worked so hard to get you into university, and you should seize the opportunity to study hard. You can't rely on Ning Ruyan every time," Su Wan admonished.

"Am I not making progress? I think I'm doing well," Ningchuan said earnestly.

Su Wan pointed at Ningchuan with her finger, struggling to speak.

"You infuriate me. Don't think you're great just because you're good at basketball and have a few tricks. Remember that in the future, you'll still need good grades and skills to succeed in society."

Su Wan thought about how kind Ning Ruyan had been to her and advised earnestly, "Ningchuan, it doesn't matter if you start from a low point. I will definitely help you as long as you're willing to work hard. Let's focus on passing this hurdle first." Ningchuan shook his head again.

Seeing that he couldn't convince Su Wan, he said directly, "It's just an exam on Ming Dynasty, right? I already know all the content."

Su Wan felt her heart skip a beat from Ningchuan's words.

"You know all of it? Ningchuan, what kind of joke is this? If you're really that good, you wouldn't need Ning Ruyan's help to get into university. Exams aren't passed just by boasting."

Ningchuan furrowed his brow, shook his head, and let out a sigh.

This Su Wan had a strong temper and was difficult to convince.

After a pause, Ningchuan said, "Alright, bring a set of papers. I'll do them to show you. You have to believe me."

Su Wan thought for a moment and agreed. She would let him face reality. When he couldn't do it, he would realize the need for improvement.

In her thoughts, Su Wan took out a set of papers.

This test paper was not easy. It was a selection paper given by the grade leader, with a high level of difficulty.

It was meant to select a few top students among the juniors to participate in the national competition.

Su Wan had specifically studied this paper.

Based on her estimation, the total score for this paper was 150. Among the junior students, there would be at most two or three who could score above 100.

Su Wan thought that since she wanted to strike a blow to Ningchuan, she would do it thoroughly.

If Ningchuan loved boasting and claimed it was easy, she would let reality strike him hard and wake him up.

Ningchuan took the papers and immediately started working without another word.

Su Wan didn't bother to look and turned to leave.

In the kitchen, she poured a glass of yogurt and prepared some snacks and coffee.

"It seems we'll have a late-night study session. I'll make some coffee to keep him awake, so he doesn't find an excuse to give up."

Carrying the tray, Su Wan entered the room and saw Ningchuan propping up his feet, leisurely playing with a pen.

"You!" Ningchuan put down the pen and casually said, "I'm done."

Su Wan had a look of "I knew it."

She hadn't been gone for more than half an hour.

How could he finish so quickly? Even if she did it herself, it would take at least forty to fifty minutes.

It seemed that the questions were too difficult, and he didn't know many of them, which is why he finished so quickly.

"Is it too difficult? It's alright, let me take a look and help you..." Su Wan placed the tray on the desk and leaned over to examine Ningchuan's test paper.

On Ningchuan's paper, the answers were neatly written.

Su Wan felt a mixture of anger and amusement.

"You think just because you wrote all the answers, it means you can solve them? I really can't believe you," Su Wan said.

Ningchuan calmly replied, "No, I really can solve them."

Su Wan explained, "These are the selection questions for the third year. You don't have to worry about it. Even if you get them wrong, it's not embarrassing... Huh?" Su Wan froze suddenly.

She saw that the first question was correct, as well as the second, the third... The entire first page was all correct.

Su Wan could hardly believe her eyes.

She quickly checked the answers all the way until the last two big questions.

Ah, Ningchuan got them all right.

This test paper was so difficult, and not only did he finish it in half an hour, but he also got everything right.

It was unbelievable. How did he do it?

Excited, Su Wan grabbed the test paper, and there was a loud bang.

Su Wan accidentally knocked over the yogurt and coffee on the table, spilling it all over Ningchuan's pants.

Ningchuan sucked in a breath of cold air.

He had been too relaxed and didn't react in time. Thankfully, it wasn't hot enough to burn him.

But the scene now was just too embarrassing.

Su Wan immediately realized what she was wiping.

Her face turned red, a mix of embarrassment and anger.

This guy must have deliberately wanted to see a joke. He didn't remind her earlier, and now this.

Su Wan hurriedly took two steps back, but accidentally bumped into the corner of the bed, causing pain and tears to well up in her eyes.


Ningchuan quickly walked over and supported Su Wan, worriedly asking, "Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

His warm hand held Su Wan's arm, and her heart felt a jolt. Her voice softened involuntarily.

"Mmm, it hurts."

With a flushed face and pouting lips, tears glistening in her eyes, Su Wan's pitiful appearance resembled that of a girl coquettishly seeking comfort from her lover.

Outside the door, as Mu Wanqing passed by and heard Ningchuan's voice from Su Wan's room, she couldn't help but stop.

But the more she listened, the stranger it became. What were those "hmm" and "ouch" sounds?

And then she heard Su Wan's coquettish voice.

Mu Wanqing clenched her fists in anger.

Hmph! That bad guy Ningchuan seemed to be getting close to Su Wan.

It's so late, and not only are they in Su Wan's room, but they're also making such strange noises.

How could he do this?

No, Mu Wanqing, Ningchuan is not someone you should care about.

Yes, I just can't stand him fooling around with different girls.

Mu Wanqing shook her head, stomped her foot, and hurried back to her room.

Inside the room, as soon as Su Wan heard the stomping sound outside, she seemed to snap back to her senses and quickly pushed Ningchuan away.

"I'm fine."

Su Wan awkwardly tried to cover it up.