
My Seven Beautiful Tenants

Synopsis: Upon Ning Chuan's return to his homeland, he is taken aback to discover that his elder sister, who was concerned about his future, has rented out all seven vacant rooms in their courtyard to seven young, unmarried beauties. To his astonishment, his sister has even bestowed upon each of these female tenants a chance for a blind date! As Ning Chuan grapples with this unexpected living arrangement, he finds himself in a whirlwind of emotions and unpredictable situations. With seven lively and alluring women around him, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as each encounter brings new experiences, challenges, and romance. In the midst of this unconventional setting, Ning Chuan navigates the complexities of relationships, exploring the depths of love, friendship, and personal growth. Through the unique opportunity of playing matchmaker, he becomes an unwitting catalyst for unexpected connections and discoveries. Join Ning Chuan in this captivating tale filled with humor, love, and self-reflection as he unravels the mysteries of the seven beautiful women who have become his roommates, and explores the intriguing paths that lie ahead for each of them. [Disclaimer book cover not mine and the story is not mine I'm just a tl]

BlackShadow66 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 39: All Four of Us Can Be Your Girlfriend

Ningchuan's words instantly caused a commotion among the crowd.

"A punch to death? Isn't Ningchuan exaggerating too much?"

"While I also despise those Pickled Cabbage Kingdom students and wish he could punch them to death, it's clearly impossible!"

"Ah, this Ningchuan is probably from the countryside. He has some brute strength but lacks worldly experience."

The crowd shook their heads, looking at Ningchuan with complex expressions.

Jiang Churan felt both disappointed and hopeful about Ningchuan, and a hint of resentment as well.

"Ningchuan, if you really have the ability, go up there and fight! If you kill them, I'll take responsibility!" Jiang Churan impulsively said.

"Can you, a little girl, bear that responsibility? I don't believe it," Ningchuan shook his head.


Jiang Churan stomped her foot in anger. She hated being called a little girl, but Ningchuan repeatedly called her that.

And Ningchuan couldn't bear that responsibility. In her eyes, it was a form of evasion and avoidance.

"I won't let you have any excuses to escape!"

Jiang Churan secretly thought, then said, "Ningchuan, as long as you go up now and defeat those international students, I... I will treat you to lunch!"


The students in the square immediately exclaimed.

The class flower, Jiang Churan, actively inviting Ningchuan to have a meal?

Everyone envied her. If Jiang Churan treated them the same way, even if they were beaten up, they would still charge forward to fight those Pickled Cabbage Kingdom students.

"No need, I don't like having a meal with little girls," Ningchuan rejected without hesitation.

Everyone was stunned.

"What a joke! Ningchuan rejected a lunch invitation from the class flower, Jiang Churan?"

"It seems like Jiang Churan's charm isn't enough. This stubborn Ningchuan isn't moved at all?"

The discussions among the crowd infuriated Jiang Churan to the point of almost spitting blood.

Her stubbornness rose, and no matter what, she had to make Ningchuan go up and fight the international students.

With this in mind, Jiang Churan impulsively shouted, "Ningchuan, as long as you go up and defeat those international students, I'll be your girlfriend!"

The scene exploded.

This was a date!

The class flower, Jiang Churan, proposing a date!

Even if they knew they couldn't win, they would still charge forward for a chance like this!

However, to everyone's surprise, Ningchuan shook his head again and calmly said, "Sorry, I'm not interested in little girls."

The crowd couldn't believe their ears.

Refusing Jiang Churan's dinner invitation could be understood, but rejecting her date invitation was simply foolish!

"You! You..."

Jiang Churan's mouth twitched, and her pretty face turned red with anger, resembling a pig's liver.

She was already in such a state, yet Ningchuan still didn't accept the challenge!

At this moment, a girl walked over and exclaimed loudly, "Ningchuan, if you can truly defeat this exchange student, Piao Budao, I'm willing to be your girlfriend."

Everyone turned their heads to look and saw that it was Mo Wanqiu, the beauty of Class 2.

At the same time, another girl walked over and spoke, "Ningchuan, if you can really teach these arrogant Korean exchange students a lesson, I, Xie Yanran, am also willing to be your girlfriend!"

She was Xie Yanran, the beauty of Class 3!

"Count me in too, Ningchuan. As long as you can win against these Korean exchange students, you can count me, He Lingling, as your girlfriend!"

He Lingling, the beauty of Class 4, also walked over and said.

Then, the four beauties exchanged glances and simultaneously addressed Ningchuan, "As long as you defeat these exchange students, the four of us can be your girlfriends!"


The surrounding students felt thunderstruck and couldn't believe their eyes and ears.

If they had known that studying martial arts had such benefits, they would have gone crazy learning martial arts since birth!

However, amidst the envious and jealous gazes of the crowd, Ningchuan calmly replied, "Sorry, I'll pass. I'm not interested in little girls, even if it's the four of you combined."

In Ningchuan's eyes, female university students, even if they were already eighteen, were not considered adult women. He truly had no interest.

"What's wrong with us?"

"Ningchuan, you... you're simply not a man!"

"You're a coward!"

"A scaredy-cat!"

The four beauties were furious and vented their anger.


At this moment, the group of Korean exchange students in the military training formation burst into laughter.

"Weak-minded Xia country people! Since no one dares to come and fight us, then admit our status as the number one in the Korean universe!"

Piao Budao even fiercely swung his fists at the air.


Ningchuan sighed, then took a step forward and walked out of the formation.

"Why are there always some fearless dogs here barking like mad?"

Ningchuan approached Piao Budao and looked at him with a mocking gaze.

"Hehe, kid, I thought you were a smart person, not swayed by those girls! Who would have thought you're just so foolish! But then again, how many smart people are there among you Xia country folks?"

Piao Budao sneered, then turned his head to look at Jiang Churan, Mo Wanqiu, Xie Yanran, and He Lingling, and licked his lips.

"Hey, you four, just become my girlfriends! If you serve me well, maybe when I return to Korea, I'll give you a chance to experience the greatness of Korea!"





Jiang Churan, Mo Wanqiu, Xie Yanran, and He Lingling all immediately expressed their anger.

"Hehe, don't rush to insult me. I'll show you what a real man is! Only the men from our Korea are true men! The men from your Xia country are nothing more than a bunch of weaklings!"

Piao Budao laughed menacingly, stomped his foot, and in an instant, he accelerated and charged towards Ningchuan.


In the blink of an eye, Piao Budao appeared in front of Ningchuan.

Taking advantage of the impact of his high-speed movement, Piao Budao exerted all his strength, leaped high into the air, and delivered a flying kick directly towards Ningchuan's head!

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