
My Seven Beautiful Tenants

Synopsis: Upon Ning Chuan's return to his homeland, he is taken aback to discover that his elder sister, who was concerned about his future, has rented out all seven vacant rooms in their courtyard to seven young, unmarried beauties. To his astonishment, his sister has even bestowed upon each of these female tenants a chance for a blind date! As Ning Chuan grapples with this unexpected living arrangement, he finds himself in a whirlwind of emotions and unpredictable situations. With seven lively and alluring women around him, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as each encounter brings new experiences, challenges, and romance. In the midst of this unconventional setting, Ning Chuan navigates the complexities of relationships, exploring the depths of love, friendship, and personal growth. Through the unique opportunity of playing matchmaker, he becomes an unwitting catalyst for unexpected connections and discoveries. Join Ning Chuan in this captivating tale filled with humor, love, and self-reflection as he unravels the mysteries of the seven beautiful women who have become his roommates, and explores the intriguing paths that lie ahead for each of them. [Disclaimer book cover not mine and the story is not mine I'm just a tl]

BlackShadow66 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 28: The Threshold of the White-faced Man! Tap! Tap! Tap!

Ning Chuan stepped onto the elevated stage step by step.

"Drive him off!"

At the edge of the stage, Zhang Yong shouted loudly, commanding his subordinates to rush towards Ning Chuan.

"You want to fight me?"

Ning Chuan smirked and waved his hand.


The foremost security guard only managed to throw a punch before his vision blurred, feeling a tremendous force coming at him.

He was sent flying from one side of the stage, falling off the elevated platform.


The crowd below the stage collectively gasped in astonishment.

This white-faced man... had such great strength?

The other security guards under Zhang Yong turned pale with fear, but still forced themselves to charge forward.

As Ning Chuan continued to walk towards the stage, he casually threw a couple of punches and slaps at the approaching security guards.

Bang! Bang! Bang...

Just like the first one, the security guards were sent flying off the stage like sacks, crashing heavily to the ground, unable to get back up with bruised and swollen faces.

"Ning Chuan, this white-faced man, has nothing to do with you here. If you're smart, get lost!" Zhang Yong shouted harshly, but kept retreating.

As for Li Chuang, who had previously been dealt with by Ning Chuan, his expression changed. Leaning on his crutch, he continuously stepped back, feeling the pain from the bandaged wounds.

The people below the stage were dumbfounded by what they witnessed.

Wasn't this man named Ning Chuan a maintained white-faced man?

How could he be so skilled in fighting?

Isn't being handsome enough to be a white-faced man?

Did the threshold for being a white-faced man become so high now?

While the astonished crowd watched, Li Qiushui raised her head proudly and coldly looked at Ning Chuan.

"Ning, you reckless man, just because you have some physical skills and brute strength, you think you can do whatever you want here! Let me tell you, so many pairs of eyes are watching today, including media reporters and friends. If you dare to harm anyone again, we will definitely call the police and have you arrested! Everyone here is a witness! There are surveillance cameras everywhere, providing evidence!"

Li Qiushui finished speaking, her chest puffed up, her beautiful face was composed and arrogant.

In Li Qiushui's eyes, Ning Chuan was just a brute with physical strength.

She believed that with a little effort, she could easily deal with him.

"You're threatening me and talking about calling the police? Heh, sorry, I've already called them."

Hearing Li Qiushui's words, Ning Chuan couldn't help but chuckle.

"You called the police? Heh, that's even better! Since you've called the police, I want to see if you dare to publicly assault someone again." Li Qiushui sneered.

"I don't assault people. It was just self-defense earlier. But now, I'm afraid you might resort to violence." Ning Chuan said calmly.

"Me, resort to violence? Haha, what a joke. I am a civilized person, unlike you, a brute who relies only on physical strength!" Li Qiushui sneered, her gaze drifting towards the crowd.

Outside the crowd, a young man quickly approached with a large group of mall security guards.

"Wu Shaoyu?"

From the high stage, Qin Shiyun saw the young man and furrowed her brows.

The person was indeed Wu Shaoyu, leading a large group of mall security guards, swiftly moving through the crowd. He walked up to Qin Shiyun and proudly said,

"Qin Shiyun, I'll give you a chance. Have dinner with me tonight. How about it?"

"Wu Shaoyu, I, Qin Shiyun, never accompany anyone for a meal." Qin Shiyun replied coldly.

"Heh, pretending to be innocent? Since you won't give me face, don't blame me then!"

Wu Shaoyu sneered and walked onto the stage, facing the audience and numerous media reporters below, saying, "Everyone, I am the young master of Yihao Shopping Mall. I am aware of the incidents where the American Company sold inferior products, causing disfigurement to customers."

"In order to protect the rights of consumers and uphold the reputation of Yihao Shopping Mall, I hereby announce that from today onwards, we will expel the American Company from our mall!"

"The store of the American Company in our Yihao Shopping Mall will be demolished on the spot!"

"This heartless and despicable company, the American Company, is unworthy of selling its products in our Yihao Shopping Mall!"

"After the departure of the American Company, this store will be handed over to a more excellent beauty enterprise, the Meilu Company, and it will serve as the flagship store for Meilu Company's beauty products experience!"

After Wu Shaoyu finished speaking, there was another exclamation from the audience below.

Following that, a woman with revealing clothing and heavy makeup swayed her hips and walked onto the stage.

She was Zhang Meilu, the CEO of Meilu Company.

Meilu Company was also a company in the beauty industry and the biggest competitor of the American Company in Jiangcheng!

"Hello, from now on, this store will be the flagship experience store of our Meilu Company. We hope everyone will visit us more often in the future!"

"Please rest assured, our Meilu Company will never sell harmful inferior cosmetics like the American Company!"

"The American Company is heartless, but our Meilu Company has a conscience!"

Zhang Meilu smiled and addressed the audience below.

"Li Qiushui! Wu Shaoyu! Zhang Meilu!"

Qin Shiyun's face turned as cold as water in the audience.

Until now, she finally understood.

The current situation was a collusion between Li Qiushui, Wu Shaoyu, and Zhang Meilu, united against herself and the American Company!

Li Chuang and Zhang Yong were also bought off by them.

It was possible that even the disfigured woman was in cahoots with them!

However, she had no evidence of all this!

Qin Shiyun's face turned icy.

The American Company was her blood and sweat, and it held even greater significance to her!

Independently founding the American Company and successfully going public was a bet she made with her family. If the American Company failed to go public this time, she would lose.

Originally, after the successful New Product Launch Event today, the path to the American Company's public listing would have been smooth, and she would have won the bet with her family.

But who would have thought that now she was being undermined by Li Qiushui, Wu Shaoyu, and Zhang Meilu, who colluded both internally and externally, ruining this New Product Launch Event.

If the New Product Launch Event failed, the chances of the public listing failing would also be high...

At that time, she would have to return to her family and accept their arrangements... becoming a tool for a political marriage!

Qin Shiyun's beautiful face became extremely cold.

She bit her lip, drawing blood.

Could it be that her years of struggle would ultimately end in failure?

Could it be that women from prominent families were destined to such a fate?

"Heh heh."

At this moment, a light laughter echoed from the stage.

Ning Chuan's gaze swept over Li Qiushui, Wu Shaoyu, Zhang Meilu, as well as Li Chuang and Zhang Yong.

"A barbarian with brute strength!" Li Qiushui sneered.

"Child, I will deal with you slowly next," Wu Shaoyu grinned.

"Hmph!" Zhang Meilu snorted, not taking Ning Chuan seriously at all.

In the next second, Ning Chuan smiled and said, "Originally, I intended to find each of you one by one, but since you all came together, I'll resolve it all at once."

After Ning Chuan finished speaking, he took out his phone.

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