
My Seven Beautiful Tenants

Synopsis: Upon Ning Chuan's return to his homeland, he is taken aback to discover that his elder sister, who was concerned about his future, has rented out all seven vacant rooms in their courtyard to seven young, unmarried beauties. To his astonishment, his sister has even bestowed upon each of these female tenants a chance for a blind date! As Ning Chuan grapples with this unexpected living arrangement, he finds himself in a whirlwind of emotions and unpredictable situations. With seven lively and alluring women around him, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as each encounter brings new experiences, challenges, and romance. In the midst of this unconventional setting, Ning Chuan navigates the complexities of relationships, exploring the depths of love, friendship, and personal growth. Through the unique opportunity of playing matchmaker, he becomes an unwitting catalyst for unexpected connections and discoveries. Join Ning Chuan in this captivating tale filled with humor, love, and self-reflection as he unravels the mysteries of the seven beautiful women who have become his roommates, and explores the intriguing paths that lie ahead for each of them. [Disclaimer book cover not mine and the story is not mine I'm just a tl]

BlackShadow66 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 17: Extinction Master Tai

"What did you say just now? If I can withstand five moves from this Biao, does that mean I pass the interview? Well, now I knocked down this Biao with a punch. Does that count as passing?"

Ningchuan turned his head and glanced at Tang Yuanchan, calmly speaking.

"You... I..."

Tang Yuanchan's face was filled with disbelief, her mouth twitched twice, but no words came out.

Biao was the bodyguard she carefully selected, and she knew better than anyone how skilled he was.

Ordinary bodyguards wouldn't even come close to Biao's level.

But now, Ningchuan knocked him down with a punch?

What kind of monster is this Ningchuan?

"Ningchuan, is he okay? Should we... call an ambulance?"

Qin Shiyun looked worriedly at Biao on the ground. After struggling a couple of times and failing to get up, he remained motionless on the ground.

"He won't die. I held back."

Ningchuan waved his hand, appearing indifferent. Then he looked at Tang Yuanchan and said, "However, I still suggest you take him to the hospital. Although I held back, who knows if he can withstand my punch?"

"You! Don't get cocky!"

Tang Yuanchan was furious. She called in two people and had them carry Biao out.

After Tang Yuanchan left, Ningchuan coldly looked at Qin Shiyun. "I've already told you before. I have a mission to protect you for a month, and you don't have the right to refuse this mission."

"So, I hope you can cooperate with me. Of course, if you don't cooperate, I don't mind using other means to accomplish the mission."

"For example, restricting your freedom of movement."

"You... You can't restrict my movements!" Ningchuan's words made Qin Shiyun take a step back in fear.

"If you cooperate, I won't, but if you insist on causing trouble for me, then things might change."

"Also, instead of suspecting me, I think you should spend more time thinking about who else has the opportunity to touch your underwear and install eavesdropping devices on them. Like your best friend." Ningchuan said.

"What? Are you suspecting Yuanchan?" Qin Shiyun frowned.

"While she does have some suspicions, I haven't put her on the suspect list yet." Ningchuan calmly said.

"Apart from Tang Yuanchan, you should think about whether there are other people who have the opportunity to touch your underwear. For example, a man who took advantage of you when you were confused and infatuated."

"You bastard! What nonsense are you talking about! Besides you, no other man has touched my underwear!"

Qin Shiyun blurted out angrily.

As soon as the words were spoken, Qin Shiyun immediately felt that they sounded ambiguous.

Her cheeks turned red, and she quickly explained, "I mean, no other man has entered my house..."

As the words came out, Qin Shiyun still felt the ambiguity.

She was about to explain again, but Ningchuan already looked at her pitifully and said, "So, your personal life is so boring? No wonder people call you Extinction Master Tai."

Qin Shiyun was instantly infuriated and exclaimed, "Who says my life is boring? Who says I'm Extinction Master Tai?"

Qin Shiyun was the CEO of a successful company, holding a high position and power.

With a busy schedule and no boyfriend, she often appeared cold towards people and things.

So, from the perspective of the employees at the lower level of the company, she did resemble Extinction Master Tai.

"I can't tell you who said that. I'm not accustomed to betraying others."

Ningchuan waved his hand. He heard that from a security guard, so naturally, he couldn't reveal the source.


Qin Shiyun's anger surged, and it took a while for her to calm down and say, "Fine, Ningchuan, I apologize to you. I shouldn't have let Tang Yuanchan's bodyguard attack you before, and I shouldn't have doubted you. From now on, I will cooperate with you to complete the one-month mission of protecting me. I need to work now, so please leave."


Ningchuan turned around without saying a word, walked straight to the door, and closing it.

"This guy actually just left like that? Doesn't he have anything to say?"

Qin Shiyun furrowed her eyebrows slightly, seemingly dissatisfied.

But as she realized that she was about to hold a new product launch event, she forcefully shook her head and pushed these thoughts out of her mind, focusing on the preparations.

The success of the upcoming product launch event was crucial for the company's listing and her family's bet. Its importance was self-evident.

As for who Ningchuan really was, she had a rough idea.

There were only two possibilities for the person sent to protect her: either her family or the person she despised.

But she still needed to observe further to determine which side he belonged to.


Back at the security department, Ningchuan was immediately surrounded by the security guards.

Yesterday, Ningchuan had knocked down more than ten security guards, and some of them still held a grudge.

After all, in their eyes, using an electric baton didn't truly showcase his strength.

However, when Ningchuan punched Biao, Tang Yuanchan's bodyguard, and sent him flying, all the security guards were convinced of Ningchuan's abilities.

Tang Yuanchan was Qin Shiyun's best friend, and it wasn't her first time coming to the Mei Corporation. Similarly, it wasn't Biao's first time either, as he served as Tang Yuanchan's bodyguard.

Every time Biao came before, he looked down on the Mei Corporation's security guards and had even fought them. He effortlessly defeated all the security guards on his own.

The security guards of the Mei Corporation not only failed to deal with Biao but also held grudges against him.

But just now, after Ningchuan punched Biao, it was the security guards of the Mei Corporation who carried Biao out!

So now, the security guards of the Mei Corporation admired Ningchuan wholeheartedly and no longer held any grievances against him.

As security guards, they were straightforward individuals. As long as someone could truly fight, they would earn their respect.

"Ning Ge, are you really a freeloader sponsored by our General Manager Qin? Tell us the truth!"

Once the security guards accepted Ningchuan from their hearts, they treated him as one of their own and spoke directly.

"Do I look like a freeloader to you?" Ningchuan replied.

"Hahaha! That's right, what freeloader could knock down Biao with a single punch?"

"Ning Ge, did you really learn martial arts seriously? Teach us a few moves!"

"Yeah, Ning Ge, teach us. Next time when Biao comes, I want to experience the feeling of punching him too!"

The security guards surrounded Ningchuan, laughing and joking.

Zhang Yong, the deputy manager of the security department, watched this with a gloomy expression.

"Ningchuan, go to the HR department and fill out the new employee information."

At this moment, a phone call came in and called Ningchuan to the HR department.

The new employee information was supposed to be filled out yesterday, but due to the many incidents that happened, the HR manager, Mi Lu, had only just found the time.

"You're Ningchuan? Fill out all your personal information on this form."

In the HR manager's office, Mi Lu handed Ningchuan a form with a cold expression.

Ningchuan glanced at Mi Lu.

White shirt, tight skirt, a standard size L uniform.

Compared to her figure, both the shirt and skirt seemed a bit tight, making her look bloated. Additionally, she wore a pair of black-framed glasses on her beautiful face, exuding a unique intellectual beauty.

"Miss, do you have a problem?"

In the next moment, Ningchuan took the form and spoke indifferently.

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